Im second guessing 1 day only voting

  • Thread starter anon_ddojbbh8q7xrt
  • Start date


There was a discussion about should we vote on just one day. This mail in option has been an absolute shitshow.
Im starting to think maybe there should be a mandate that we vote on one day in person.

with some exceptions:
People who have disabilities
People in the armed forces who are oversees

In 20 years this will not be an issue because inevitably Apple or Google will come up with a secure method of voting online
There was a discussion about should we vote on just one day. This mail in option has been an absolute shitshow.
Im starting to think maybe there should be a mandate that we vote on one day in person.

with some exceptions:
People who have disabilities
People in the armed forces who are oversees

In 20 years this will not be an issue because inevitably Apple or Google will come up with a secure method of voting online
Why is it a shit show? You add votes up one by one. Did you skip addition in kindergarten? If you don't like waiting for the performance of said addition, add up the ballots before election day and do not disclose the results until election day. That way you can have your results the day of the election while allowing the most number of people to vote.
Wait what? There has been absentee voting for decades I believe. This was absolutely needed this year with a once in 100 year pandemic. It helped reduce people being in long lines for hours which is a good thing.

If Trump would have tried to pick up more undecideds vs pander to his bombastic base he may have got the votes ... we'll see, he may have the anyway, but I doubt it.
Pennsylvania trying to write the history books. Why it takes them 7 days to do what takes anyone else 7 hours is ridiculous. It stinks of dirty politics. They're evidently known for it and their Attorney General is a notorious POS.

The law says they couldn't start counting millions of absentee ballots until election DAY (not count as they got them like some states - FL, MN, etc.) ... what the heck did you expect?
Pennsylvania trying to write the history books. Why it takes them 7 days to do what takes anyone else 7 hours is ridiculous. It stinks of dirty politics. They're evidently known for it and their Attorney General is a notorious POS.
Query: if it takes you 1 second or 7 days to solve the following equation, is the answer the same?

1+1 = ___
The law says they couldn't start counting millions of absentee ballots until election DAY (not count as they got them like some states - FL, MN, etc.) ... what the heck did you expect?

I would expect a law that makes some sort of sense. It's ridiculous.
Why is it a shit show? You add votes up one by one. Did you skip addition in kindergarten? If you don't like waiting for the performance of said addition, add up the ballots before election day and do not disclose the results until election day. That way you can have your results the day of the election while allowing the most number of people to vote.

huh? Are you blind or just plain ignorant? Serious question

there have been numerous reported issues with the mail in ballots across the country
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In 20 years this will not be an issue because inevitably Apple or Google will come up with a secure method of voting online

Zero chance that a public election is put in the hands of any private company. Let alone Google or Apple.
Everyone freaking out over PA when it's looking like that state won't be in play. Biden wins with Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona. I'm assuming PA will go his way after a week but he'll be at 271 without the Keystone state.
The way this could be done quickly/safely is if public can get an education on blockchain and ballot data has unique voter encryption keys with the other keys held by state election offices. You'd count up absentee ballots as they come in and the data would be unlocked by state election officials after polls close. I'm sure people are trying to do this somewhere, if I was less lazy I'd investigate
There was a discussion about should we vote on just one day. This mail in option has been an absolute shitshow.

The GOP will make 1-day voting an even BIGGER shitshow.

There needs to be a federal mandate for drop-off boxes - in PUBLIC areas that are monitored/guarded/controlled AND rules for mail-in ballots and delays.

You either comply with the federal minimum requirements, or you lose 100% of federal funds, for everything: Medicare, roads, etc.
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Pennsylvania trying to write the history books. Why it takes them 7 days to do what takes anyone else 7 hours is ridiculous. It stinks of dirty politics. They're evidently known for it and their Attorney General is a notorious POS.

Or it's this.

REMINDER—Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin election officials were not allowed to begin processing absentee ballots until on or just before Election Day, after Republican-led state legislatures opposed changing laws to allow earlier preparations like other states.
The way this could be done quickly/safely is if public can get an education on blockchain and ballot data has unique voter encryption keys with the other keys held by state election offices. You'd count up absentee ballots as they come in and the data would be unlocked by state election officials after polls close. I'm sure people are trying to do this somewhere, if I was less lazy I'd investigate

Mail-in already works with individual codes on the envelopes.

Oregon is 100% mail in.
Colorado does the same thing for mail in/dropoff.

NO MATTER what methods you put in place, you're going to have a corrupt GOP exploiting loopholes to discount votes and make voting more difficult. It's literally how they roll nowadays.
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I said this in another thread yesterday but the facts are the government will allow me to complete submit my taxes electronically but for voting I need to put pencil to paper and snail mail or physically in person.

there have been numerous reported issues with the mail in ballots across the country

That was by design.

Why do you think DeJoy was put in charge, and shut down hundreds of sorting machines?
Why do you think he defied a federal judge's order to audit every facility yesterday and find and deliver ALL ballots in the mail?

He was being a good lackey and doing right by his WH Master. He's banking on delivering it to Trump, and then getting pardoned for anything that was illegal.
I said this in another thread yesterday but the facts are the government will allow me to complete submit my taxes electronically but for voting I need to put pencil to paper and snail mail or physically in person.




Electronic voting is FAR too easy to be hacked. AND won't allow for recounts.
Paper is the SAFEST and BEST way to avoid fraud. Period.


Electronic voting is FAR too easy to be hacked. AND won't allow for recounts.
Paper is the SAFEST and BEST way to avoid fraud. Period.

I think this is antiquated thinking ... Blockchain technology is here today and could allow for online voting in the near future. I personally also have some reservation like you, but I do think it can be done sooner rather than later.
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What about this idea:

we need state IDs or drivers licenses to vote meaning there is access to our photos. Using facial recognition and the face ID tech by Apple you can verify our identity.

Paper ballots seems ridiculous and antiquated considering the advancement of technology. I noticed yesterday that the electronic voting that I did only printed a ballot. WTH
Or it's this.

REMINDER—Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin election officials were not allowed to begin processing absentee ballots until on or just before Election Day, after Republican-led state legislatures opposed changing laws to allow earlier preparations like other states.

Jason, I've been watching this and totally understand that the GOP has some of the blame. That said, they are saying it could be until Monday or Tuesday of next week!!!! WTF. That leaves a lot of time for sketchy things to happen or at least for everyone to think something could have happened. That's all I am saying.
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I travel for work, though that's slowed down this year. Absentee voting has been my only way to vote most of the time.
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Jason, I've been watching this and totally understand that the GOP has some of the blame. That said, they are saying it could be until Monday or Tuesday of next week!!!! WTF. That leaves a lot of time for sketchy things to happen or at least for everyone to think something could have happened. That's all I am saying.

I hadn't seen this and I hear you. Holy cow, what a mess.
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Election Week. Start counting immediately (including mail/absentee), but don't post any results until polls close the last day. Should have 90% already counted/reported by the times polls close, the rest might take an hour to finish.
There was a discussion about should we vote on just one day. This mail in option has been an absolute shitshow.
Im starting to think maybe there should be a mandate that we vote on one day in person.

with some exceptions:
People who have disabilities
People in the armed forces who are oversees

In 20 years this will not be an issue because inevitably Apple or Google will come up with a secure method of voting online

There are two main reasons the mail ins are a problem. The USPS, and states not allowing election officials to start counting until election day, and in some cases, until polls close. They should be allowed to be processed and counted prior to election day, just don't release the totals until polls close.
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Pennsylvania trying to write the history books. Why it takes them 7 days to do what takes anyone else 7 hours is ridiculous. It stinks of dirty politics. They're evidently known for it and their Attorney General is a notorious POS.

Well, yes, it was dirty politics. On the part of the GOP in the state who required a counting system that absolutely guaranteed it would take days to complete the vote. All so they could then hoodwink people like you into thinking the delay - which they created - was a sign of fraud.

We've been talking about how this was exactly what the GOP planned, and exactly what was going to happen, for several weeks on HROT.
Well, yes, it was dirty politics. On the part of the GOP in the state who required a counting system that absolutely guaranteed it would take days to complete the vote. All so they could then hoodwink people like you into thinking the delay - which they created - was a sign of fraud.

We've been talking about how this was exactly what the GOP planned, and exactly what was going to happen, for several weeks on HROT.
I could not have stated that better myself. Thank you.
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Jason, I've been watching this and totally understand that the GOP has some of the blame. That said, they are saying it could be until Monday or Tuesday of next week!!!! WTF. That leaves a lot of time for sketchy things to happen or at least for everyone to think something could have happened. That's all I am saying.

They have something like four million ballots -- which they could not touch until yesterday. With each ballot they had to open the exterior envelope, then a second "security" envelope that was required by the state (again, a security measure required by the GOP.) They then have to make sure the voter filled things out on the envelope correctly - signed, signature matches name on the envelope, etc. If things were not correct they have a set of procedures to follow in order to discard the ballot. If things are in order they then have to unfold the ballot and smooth it out so it will scan properly. Then they have to scan it.

Four million times. It is a time-consuming, labor-intensive task; because the GOP wanted it to take a long time so they could tell people like you that the delay was because the Democrats were cheating.
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I think this is antiquated thinking ... Blockchain technology is here today and could allow for online voting in the near future. I personally also have some reservation like you, but I do think it can be done sooner rather than later.

Bitcoin blockchain has been hacked before.
And when it happens, the bitcoin is just "gone", with no way to recover or track.

Again, paper ballots are the safest AND most difficult to "hack".

Either is subject to voter disenfranchisement.
There was a discussion about should we vote on just one day. This mail in option has been an absolute shitshow.
Im starting to think maybe there should be a mandate that we vote on one day in person.

with some exceptions:
People who have disabilities
People in the armed forces who are oversees

In 20 years this will not be an issue because inevitably Apple or Google will come up with a secure method of voting online

Why one day? I've always thought of all the dumb things we have done in this country, scheduling a November day - which can be cold and blustery in half the country - on a single work day is one of the dumbest.

We should replace Columbus Day with a federal holiday called "Election Day", and people should be allowed to vote Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of that weekend.
Well, yes, it was dirty politics. On the part of the GOP in the state who required a counting system that absolutely guaranteed it would take days to complete the vote. All so they could then hoodwink people like you into thinking the delay - which they created - was a sign of fraud.

We've been talking about how this was exactly what the GOP planned, and exactly what was going to happen, for several weeks on HROT.

Example A of why you get news from actual reporters and not from POTUS or talking heads (on either side). Reporters have been talking about this for months (in a couple of cases, years) just to try to get it in peoples heads.
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Bitcoin blockchain has been hacked before.
And when it happens, the bitcoin is just "gone", with no way to recover or track.

Again, paper ballots are the safest AND most difficult to "hack".

Either is subject to voter disenfranchisement.
Bitcoin uses blockchain but they are not the same thing ...