In 4 years you won't have to vote again....

Yeah, I hate Trump as much as anyone here, but I think he said "I'm Christian." The rest of his words are enough to disqualify him for the Presidency.
It wouldn't even make sense the other way, and that's saying something. But then again, people are running with this whole couch thing.
This has also been explained to you multiple times. This term will not be like the first. They learned. He isn’t going to have any decent people around him trying to slow down his crazy. It’s amazing how you just dismiss all the people who quit his first administration telling us how batshit he is. You dismiss everything…because cult.
Funny because I've heard Harris can't keep the people around her either.
While I agree with you on his actions, am I the only one who doesn't hear Trump say that? There is no "a" after the supposed "not". He just mumbled "I'm Christian".

I agree there is no "a",
what I hear is,
I'm not Christian

He may have been trying to express something else that would have made more sense, as he must know how important the evangelical/Christian vote is to his reelection hopes.
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I agree there is no "a",
what I hear is,
I'm not Christian

He may have been trying to express something else which would make more sense as he must know how important the evangilical/christian vote is to his reflection hopes.
You don’t say you are something while shaking your head.

He clearly said “not.”
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Kinda like Kalifornia Kamala Krazies screaming she’s a (half) black woman and you’re a racist if you don’t support her?
Just don’t question her extreme left wing ideology and you’ll be allowed to get out alive.
You can’t effing stop yourself. I knew you’d be here with an attack on the left. Both sides are not the same no matter how you try to spin it. This thread is about, again, one side telling us democracy is over if they win. You continue to show us you lean that direction because you can’t even come out and say how godawful Trump/MAGA is without taking a shot at Biden, and now Kamala. You’ve been wrong for 9 years. Why stop now, I guess?
Bro was determined to vote for Nikki in The primaries over trump. Leftists and their love of pure democracy and all that. His social media was entirely pro biden. 100% of his donations were for democrats. He shot the republican nominee. He was a violent leftist. Be better, troll.
$16 donation.

Registered Republican.

Facts, not opinion.
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You responded to my post about me voting Republican up until the 2016 presidential election.

I think we have gotten our signals crossed.
Maybe that explains it. But your overall tone and approach has shifted since Joe shuffled off to the beach.
Are you just hopelessly attracted to upper caste Indian women? Even those who want to tax the ever loving 💩 out of you?
We were discussing Kamala IIRC. At least I was.
Yeah you and the bigot KF were. He because he’s a PoS human being and you because you want to gaslight that the left and Kamala are as bad as the fascist you voted for twice. MAGA needs to die so we can actually go back to debating policies. The far right is much more dangerous than the far left. The far left just wants to exist. The far right wants us all to exist THEIR WAY.
Maybe that explains it. But your overall tone and approach has shifted since Joe shuffled off to the beach.
Are you just hopelessly attracted to upper caste Indian women? Even those who want to tax the ever loving 💩 out of you?
Yeah, I couldn’t in good conscience vote Biden because of his obvious mental faculties being a genuine concern, especially over an additional four years. God knows what could happen.

Lol. Nah, not really attracted to those types of women. I’m more into sassy older white chicks who rile up middle-aged liberal men. 😉
He donated money exclusively to the left. His published political stances now revealed are all left. Facts, not opinion.
He was a messed up kid who searched some creepy stuff on the interwebz.
Only thing he ended up doing on his highway to hell was kill an innocent man, seriously injure two others, and nip the ear of one Donald J. Trump.
Oh, and show other sickos that the Secret Service is inept.
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Yeah, I couldn’t in good conscience vote Biden because of his obvious mental faculties being a genuine concern, especially over an additional four years. God knows what could happen.

Lol. Nah, not really attracted to those types of women. I’m more into sassy older white chicks who rile up middle-aged liberal men. 😉
I completely understand. I get that a lot. 🧙‍♀️

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