Indiana/Miami gals

This is setting up nicely. I was only able to see a few minutes of CO but they looked big, packed the lane defensively, and pushed the ball offensively.

Does that square with what others saw or did I see a limited subset of minutes not indicative of their game?
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This is setting up nicely. I was only able to see a few minutes of CO but they looked big, packed the lane defensively, and pushed the ball offensively.

Does that square with what others saw or did I see a limited subset of minutes not indicative of their game?
I'll say!

Potentially, the next-best seed Iowa will have to play to reach the Final 4 will be a 5 - in the Elite 8.

Having fun watching firmer Hawk Jennie Lillis’ Oklahoma team come back on UCLA and make it a game. Not sure if there is any way we’d meet them. (Oops, checked, even if they win, they get South Carolina next…)
22 for Indiana with a couple of MASSIVE screw ups at the end
Subtle! I'm surprised you didn't find a way to blame Dawn Staley for the mistakes! Good thing there's a couple more weeks for you to work on that.
I am not sure anyone can beat South Carolina. Iowa would probably have to shoot over 40% from 3 to have a chance. Not sure Iowa can keep them off the offensive glass.
South Carolina is rebounding 49% of its missed shots, not for 1 game but the season a commentator said
Pretty sure Drew Timme let one go post game as well

Anyway, anybody notice Miami dropped Indiana men and women in the same round of their tourneys?
They also got two F bombs with the camera in the UCLA (women) post-game huddle. The first one they might not have seen coming, but that they stayed in the huddle suggested that they didn't mind too much.

I heard it was the tenth time in history one school had eliminated both teams of another (guessing UConn prolly has done it a few times), but wonder how often on consecutive days.
Wasn't Staley the won who whined when their team used a men's ball for 1st half of a game this season and bitched it wouldn't have happened in a men's game?
I think Seam is trying to tie my comments in another thread about Staley and some racist comments/things she has done, to my comments above about Indiana's #22 (don't recall her name other than I think it's hyphenated) missing a layup very late in the game last night, and then essentially dribbling out the clock without getting a shot up at the end. #22 happens to be black, so I guess I'm supposed to be racist since I commented on Staley and also about a player who is black. Only thing I can come up with that would tie Dawn Staley to the Indiana/Miami game.
What the hell are you talking about?
I'm just connecting the dots, Larry. A couple days ago you were ranting about "Racist Staley" based on a position promoted by conspiracy theory. Last night you started a thread about Indiana/Miami, praising the late 3 pointer by a white player, only to follow it up 2 minutes later criticizing the "MASSIVE" errors by #22 (a Black player) at the end of the game. (You reiterate those mistakes a couple of posts later, again excusing Berger). Then you excused Grace Berger (white player) for missing a "tough" shot. Then you bring up the F bombs by a Black player, and join in on the "humor" of what kind of degree a Black player might get. If I didn't know better, I would think you started this thread for the sole purpose of bashing Black players, on both teams! Your "behavior" is not overt, it is textbook dog whistle coded language.
Of course, this is all conjecture on my part. Dog whistle language is used because it is coded and easy to deny. But, I'm sure your Black wife has explained all of this to you.
So, Larry, that is what I am talking about. These are just the musings of an old, retired, white guy. No worries.
I'm just connecting the dots, Larry. A couple days ago you were ranting about "Racist Staley" based on a position promoted by conspiracy theory. Last night you started a thread about Indiana/Miami, praising the late 3 pointer by a white player, only to follow it up 2 minutes later criticizing the "MASSIVE" errors by #22 (a Black player) at the end of the game. (You reiterate those mistakes a couple of posts later, again excusing Berger). Then you excused Grace Berger (white player) for missing a "tough" shot. Then you bring up the F bombs by a Black player, and join in on the "humor" of what kind of degree a Black player might get. If I didn't know better, I would think you started this thread for the sole purpose of bashing Black players, on both teams! Your "behavior" is not overt, it is textbook dog whistle coded language.
Of course, this is all conjecture on my part. Dog whistle language is used because it is coded and easy to deny. But, I'm sure your Black wife has explained all of this to you.
So, Larry, that is what I am talking about. These are just the musings of an old, retired, white guy. No worries.
Iowa > your team
I'm just connecting the dots, Larry. A couple days ago you were ranting about "Racist Staley" based on a position promoted by conspiracy theory. Last night you started a thread about Indiana/Miami, praising the late 3 pointer by a white player, only to follow it up 2 minutes later criticizing the "MASSIVE" errors by #22 (a Black player) at the end of the game. (You reiterate those mistakes a couple of posts later, again excusing Berger). Then you excused Grace Berger (white player) for missing a "tough" shot. Then you bring up the F bombs by a Black player, and join in on the "humor" of what kind of degree a Black player might get. If I didn't know better, I would think you started this thread for the sole purpose of bashing Black players, on both teams! Your "behavior" is not overt, it is textbook dog whistle coded language.
Of course, this is all conjecture on my part. Dog whistle language is used because it is coded and easy to deny. But, I'm sure your Black wife has explained all of this to you.
So, Larry, that is what I am talking about. These are just the musings of an old, retired, white guy. No worries.

Laughable. I'm sure I'm wasting my time here, but I'll do it anyway.
*I started a thread pointing out that there was an entertaining game going on between a team that holds A LOT of interest for our fan base. I also mentioned that a FRESHMAN player made two extremely impressive 3-point shots in a short time frame that were extremely crucial to her team's success. Black, white, green, didn't matter one bit, and you'll notice I didn't mention it. Maybe my not mentioning it was a 'dog whistle'.
*#22 for Indiana missed a wide-open lay-up at a crucial part late in the game. She also dribbled up the floor with very little time left, and failed to even get a shot up when teammates were more open. I did comment on Berger's shot she missed in the lane as being tough as she pivoted into a step-through to the side, and the ball rimmed out. Sorry for considering that a tougher shot than a wide-open lay-up. Again, my NOT mentioning race must be a dog whistle. Grace wears a headband and I didn't make it a headband issue either.
*The gal who hit the winning shot dropped an F-bomb in a solo interview. It wasn't overheard in a team huddle or on the floor like CC's cuss word that got her the T a few weeks ago. She knew she was on live TV. Yes, there is the "caught up in the moment" aspect, but IMHO it shows a lack of class. I don't care if it was Berger, the Tik-Tok Twins, or whoever from whatever background, it was classless, again IMHO.

You're obviously free to think whatever you wish about me as you don't know me from Adam, as I don't know you. Hopefully you have a good day and enjoy your retirement.
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I'm just connecting the dots, Larry. A couple days ago you were ranting about "Racist Staley" based on a position promoted by conspiracy theory. Last night you started a thread about Indiana/Miami, praising the late 3 pointer by a white player, only to follow it up 2 minutes later criticizing the "MASSIVE" errors by #22 (a Black player) at the end of the game. (You reiterate those mistakes a couple of posts later, again excusing Berger). Then you excused Grace Berger (white player) for missing a "tough" shot. Then you bring up the F bombs by a Black player, and join in on the "humor" of what kind of degree a Black player might get. If I didn't know better, I would think you started this thread for the sole purpose of bashing Black players, on both teams! Your "behavior" is not overt, it is textbook dog whistle coded language.
Of course, this is all conjecture on my part. Dog whistle language is used because it is coded and easy to deny. But, I'm sure your Black wife has explained all of this to you.
So, Larry, that is what I am talking about. These are just the musings of an old, retired, white guy. No worries.
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