Just the other day a guy involved with the HWC stated that the UI makes no effort to channel money to the HWC. I am paraphrasing but I believe he said that if a donor has donated to the general fund that they do not want to lose money to the HWC. There is not any marketing cooperation between the HWC and UI. People have to go out of their way to make sure their money goes to the HWC.
It has been stated that ISU has spent more money on coaches than Iowa; this is ISU demonstrating their level of commitment. If Iowa would make it a priority to make sure the HWC is doing "well" then you might see a guy like Terry or someone take over the HWC while making room for a guy like Metcalf. It is a trickle down effect. The more you win the more money you bring in, the easier the recruits are to bring in. I do know that I would love Iowa to bring in a guy like Metcalf, Taylor, Dake, Boroughs etc. I like our coaches just fine, but lets face it, we are not keeping up with Cael and PSU the way it is. We need to do something to give Iowa that extra edge to push them over PSU.
To be fair I have no basis for comparing facilities either, but I have heard that the Iowa facilities could use some work.