Iowa needs a culture change - James Daniels

Except where he said nearly 2 years ago that it had NOTHING to do with Iowa.

On the WUW podcast Daniels mentioned that he and his HS teammates at Warren G. Harding made a pact that if they ever made it to the NFL they'd shout out their former HS. You can hear it from his own mouth.

If you think James is "throwing shade" with either of those tweets, y'all soft as hell.
Exactly! And yet some will never acknowledge that. This crisis is exposing a lot of warts.
Except where he said nearly 2 years ago that it had NOTHING to do with Iowa.

On the WUW podcast Daniels mentioned that he and his HS teammates at Warren G. Harding made a pact that if they ever made it to the NFL they'd shout out their former HS. You can hear it from his own mouth.

If you think James is "throwing shade" with either of those tweets, y'all soft as hell.

I'm going to have to go with this one. If Daniels were upset with the University or Ferentz, he would not have come back to do what still stands as the best "Fight for Iowa" promo video. That doesn't mean he doesn't think that there are areas the University, football program, and the state can do better, but to say he is "upset" is probably way too strong of a phrasing.
  • Income Gap (Higher is worse)
  • Education Gap (Higher is worse)
  • Home Ownership Disparity (High is worse)
  • Black Americans Incarceration Rate Per 100,000 (Higher is worse)
Oh no,,, Blacks do way more crime and are involved in more violent crime per 100,000 people.

My kids went to central H.S. in Davenport. Do not hit me with education gap. They all had the same opportunity. Income gap reflects Blacks not excelling in H.S. and high drop out rates. Again, this is single parent household poverty issue as much as a race issue. There is a 17% gap in drop out rate between whites and blacks in Iowa. 90.2% of whites graduate. But this does not reflect the other end of it, and that is how many kids by are putting effort into their classes and taking AP courses. I listen to the teachers that I know in the community. Single parent household parents are not as engaged with their kids education.

Home ownership is a process. You have to prove responsibility before you can qualify for loans.
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Oh no,,, Blacks do way more crime and are involved in more violent crime per 100,000 people.

My kids went to central H.S. in Davenport. Do not hit me with education gap. They all had the same opportunity. Income gap reflects Blacks not excelling in H.S. and high drop out rates. Again, this is single parent household poverty issue as much as a race issue.

Home ownership is a process. You have to prove responsibility before you can qualify for loans.

Now I understand what James Daniels was talking about.
M guess is players will tolerate discipline a lot less than they use to.

Not sure why you say this. By all indications, Ferentz treats all his players the same way regardless of the color of their skin. He might be a hardass on discipline, but he is a hardass to all the players....kinda like Coach Boone from Remember the Titans. I could be wrong, but I really don't think so.
And what are those systematic issues of which you speak? And no, don't try to use the media as a source. They are radically dishonest.

Do you not see how much racial disparity there is?

Or hell, Ben and Jerry's has some great info here as well. Please read. We can all do better. This country is so mind boggling racist that other countries did protests in the spirit of BLM
Oh no,,, Blacks do way more crime and are involved in more violent crime per 100,000 people.

My kids went to central H.S. in Davenport. Do not hit me with education gap. They all had the same opportunity. Income gap reflects Blacks not excelling in H.S. and high drop out rates. Again, this is single parent household poverty issue as much as a race issue.

Home ownership is a process. You have to prove responsibility before you can qualify for loans.
This is the definition of racism.
OK, and if the anthem is never played again, is that a cultural change? If we all just sit through it, is that a cultural change? Sorry, any protest, in an of itself, no matter how many participate, is not a change in culture.
No it isn't. But that's how to start to make a change. When you voice your opinion in this thread, your trying to get p
Yup. There's a lot of "both sides-ing" and "slippery slope" arguments in this thread which are all bad faith arguments meant to detract from the main point that people like James Daniels was trying to get across.

Without radical changes in the 60s, we'd probably still have segregated water fountains, bathrooms, whatever. Hopefully the protests this past week and upcoming are the next steps towards racial awareness and everything with that.
Dumb, but you voiced your opinion? Not so dumb after all? I'm not dissing you. James D. voiced his opinion and a lot thought his post was dumb. It seems to me He's getting his point across in a peaceful way. you don't have to use violence.
This is the definition of racism.
No it is not, you can put all the stats up you want about blacks being kept down because they are black. It comes down to the fact that single parents, especially poor single parents suck at raising kids. Blacks are 2X as likely to be raised by a single parent, and those single parents are more likely to be poor. Being black is not the cause.

I also am tired of blacks bringing up the "talk". Every single one of my white friends had that "talk" with our parents about being respectful to cops, not talking back, using yes sir and no sir. I get it, black kids are hassled more by cops, there is a reason, they are the ones statistically committing the crimes.

Also, our talks almost to a man ended with, "and you better not do anything to bring down the family name or make people think we are bad parents, cause you will be looking for a new place to live." They meant it.
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No it is not, you can put all the stats up you want about blacks being kept down because they are black. It comes down to the fact that single parents, especially poor single parents suck at raising kids. Blacks are 2X as likely to be raised by a single parent, and those single parents are more likely to be poor. Being black is not the cause.
Yes it is and it appears to be caused by ignorance and that is no excuse.
No it is not, you can put all the stats up you want about blacks being kept down because they are black. It comes down to the fact that single parents, especially poor single parents suck at raising kids. Blacks are 2X as likely to be raised by a single parent, and those single parents are more likely to be poor. Being black is not the cause.
Agreed that there are other issues like teen pregnancy and single parent households, etc. that lead to bad outcomes and that can’t easily be fixed overnight. But that doesn’t mean there can’t also be other problems that we can hopefully address, some of them we can at least try to address through awareness and empathy. From what I can tell, it seems like virtually 100% of the black members of the program, from the coaches to the players, are saying that they have experienced some racism at various parts of their life. Bringing some awareness to that problem seems like a good idea to me. We already wave to the kids to bring awareness to their struggles and we also periodically have military flyovers to bring awareness to the military. If we want to have something similar in length that brings awareness to this problem it’s hard to see why we should fight against that.
This is the definition of racism.
Only if the rules, processes etc are different than others. If they are provided the same opportunities as others within the same process it is not racism. Making new rules that are different for others, relaxing the rules or make you accept them just for diversity is reverse discrimination.

Yes, there are racists everywhere, but calling Iowa racist based on those stats isn’t true unless they are not providing the same opportunities within the rules and processes. A lot needs to change, mostly individuals who then teach it to others.
Don’t engage with racists, David. You are literally beating your head against a brick wall.

Not defending or attacking what he said, but its his opinion and he's entitled to it. And, further, it's based on his experiences, which are different from yours, David's, or mine.
I'm getting absolutely fried by the discussions going on--you could honestly say they aren't discussions--they are simultaneous echo chambers.
This completely misses with me someone wanna inform? Everyone talks about Iowa football in a positive way. Rarely do you hear a bad word. Nationally it is why we are respected, recruits want to come here because of it, etc. Not sure what I’m missing
Ferentz has been overt before about trying to keep politics and football separate at Iowa. If a member of the team wanted to make a political statement - Ferentz would allow it only if it were an individual statement SEPARATE from football.

However, James Daniels is erroneous in suggesting that trying to keep politics and football separate constitutes a culture change. Ferentz and Co have always encouraged players to have their own views and to respect each other for whatever differences they might have.

For some players, I can certainly imagine that some of them may have wished to make political statements while still within the realm of football (thereby exploiting their celebrity in the context of football) and that would have clashed with Ferentz's stand on having the team show a unified front in the context of football. However, on the flip side - nothing ever prevented them from being political outside the realm of football.
Ferentz discussed how he insisted that the entire team stand during the anthem back when Kap kneeled. It’s possible that rubbed Daniels the wrong way and he sees this as progress.

I could be wrong, but I don't believe he insisted that the entire team stand. I believe his words were whatever we do, we will do it as a team. I could be completely wrong on that however.
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Agreed that there are other issues like teen pregnancy and single parent households, etc. that lead to bad outcomes and that can’t easily be fixed overnight. But that doesn’t mean there can’t also be other problems that we can hopefully address, some of them we can at least try to address through awareness and empathy. From what I can tell, it seems like virtually 100% of the black members of the program, from the coaches to the players, are saying that they have experienced some racism at various parts of their life. Bringing some awareness to that problem seems like a good idea to me. We already wave to the kids to bring awareness to their struggles and we also periodically have military flyovers to bring awareness to the military. If we want to have something similar in length that brings awareness to this problem it’s hard to see why we should fight against that.
Because it allows us to divide our nation by Race and highlights that division. JFK was adamantly against using race as a way to define groups in the USA. He felt it was too divisive and that we were divided enough already. We should have then, and need to now use economics as the main difference.
Because it allows us to divide our nation by Race and highlights that division. JFK was adamantly against using race as a way to define groups in the USA. He felt it was too divisive and that we were divided enough already. We should have then, and need to now use economics as the main difference.
I get what you are saying but pretty much all of the black members of the program are saying they have had, and still are having, problems with racism and prejudice directed at them. It’s been all over social media recently and Ferentz covered it in some of his comments, relaying on what the players and coaches have been telling him. So to me it seems clear that the problem is not 100% due to economics and maybe we have other issues in addition to that. If we are already taking 30 seconds here and there on gameday to show support for various important issues, it seems reasonable to me that this is also important enough that we can take 30 seconds to acknowledge this problem and show support to our players and coaches who have been speaking out telling people they have a problem.
Any organization thrives on unity, but many people misconstrue what "unity" really is. It is NOT uniformity. It is respectful dissent. So when Kap kneeled, I think Hawkeye team unity would have been enhanced by KF telling the players that each one, individually, should decide to kneel or not, and the team would be unified in supporting each other's choice.

And I think that's what James Daniels may be talking about.

Everyone doing the same thing does not necessarily indicate real unity. Everyone knowing they are free to express themselves on important issues does. That's real unity.

Personally, until there is a change in the White House and the Senate, I will not stand for the national anthem nor will I wear a flag T-shirt or fly a flag. I have been in mourning for this country since Jan. 20, 2017, and, unfortunately, not one single day has gone by since when I felt like this was my country. I'm just living in it and trying to get by until, God willing, the voters and the Electoral College put a decent human being in the White House.

I never served in the military, but my dad fought in WW II. I assure you he did not fight for the government we have today.

And, finally, for those who have a problem with protesting, check the Constitution and check your history. When the British kneeled on the American colonists' necks, they launched many violent protests and eventually went to war to win their independence. Those revolutionists did not fight so Americans today could be tyrannized by a would-be king.

The Declaration of Independence says this [emphasis mine]: "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness . . . all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer . . . than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security . . ."

And then a long list of specific grievances against the king is listed. That list would be even longer today under the current dictator in DC. The most patriotic thing anyone can do is to stand up for what's right and do what is necessary to hold those in power accountable. And sometimes standing up means kneeling down, including in Kinnick Stadium. But no one should be forced to stand or kneel. It should be the individual's choice because that's what a free country is really all about. As the motto of the United States says, "E pluribus unum--From many, one." We are one country, but we are free individuals who have the constitutional right to express our opinions, as I just have. And you have the right to agree, disagree, or ignore that opinion.
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Any organization thrives on unity, but many people misconstrue what "unity" really is. It is NOT uniformity. It is respectful dissent. So when Kap kneeled, I think Hawkeye team unity would have been enhanced by KF telling the players that each one, individually, should decide to kneel or not, and the team would be unified in supporting each other's choice.

And I think that's what James Daniels may be talking about.

Everyone doing the same thing does not necessarily indicate real unity. Everyone knowing they are free to express themselves on important issues does. That's real unity.

Personally, until there is a change in the White House and the Senate, I will not stand for the national anthem nor will I wear a flag T-shirt or fly a flag. I have been in mourning for this country since Jan. 20, 2017, and, unfortunately, not one single day has gone by since when I felt like this was my country. I'm just living in it and trying to get by until, God willing, the voters and the Electoral College put a decent human being in the White House.
Respectfully, I think that’s the kind of thing Ferentz explicitly didn’t want - some of the players protesting that they didn’t like the president or whatever while others on the team disagree. I agree with Ferentz that we shouldn’t make this political. To me, having your teammates back when they face racism isn’t a political issue. I think what Ferentz has in mind is something more akin to Remember the Titans where the team bands together and regardless of your politics hopefully we can all agree that’s a good thing.

Racism is bad. Police brutality is bad. I realize they can be related, but they are different issues. Am I the only white guy that doesn't trust the cops? I've had the displeasure of meeting bad cops that would treat you like shit regardless of race. The sad thing is, I've met about as many bad ones as good ones. They both exist. The police need to instill a culture of policing their own......but to be honest, I would never trust them to do it successfully. It's time for them to all wear bodycams and have their interactions with the public audited by an outside entity who has the power to punish and fire them. We need someone other than their brother in blue to hold them accountable. Internal affairs clearly isn't getting it done.
Does anyone else think it's weird how we have to play the national anthem before everything? It's cult like. I'd be ok with dropping it altogether.
Uh. Or, it's respectful to appreciate that we have the freedom and opportunity because it's a gift to celebrate that we have the time, resources, and structure that unlike many places in the world gives us the gift of congregating for entertainment.

Is it possible that Americans are so candy ass spoiled that we really don't remember these fundamental reasons for promoting and supporting national traditions that are good and unifying? W. T. F.
Uh. Or, it's respectful to appreciate that we have the freedom and opportunity because it's a gift to celebrate that we have the time, resources, and structure that unlike many places in the world gives us the gift of congregating for entertainment.

Is it possible that Americans are so candy ass spoiled that we really don't remember these fundamental reasons for promoting and supporting national traditions that are good and unifying? W. T. F.
I don't think going straight to name calling is a great way to have a conversation but this is an anonymous message board so to each their own. Many other countries are afforded this freedom to enjoy entertainment and yet they don't have a national anthem ceremony before darn near everything. Outside of the world cup I actually can't think of any foreign sporting events where this happens. (I'm sure I'm missing something). I'm not trying to disparage the selfless acts of any/all service members. Please don't interpret it that way. I just plainly think it's odd how we play the anthem before everything.
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My dad and both of his brothers fought in Korea. One didn't come home. He gets very teary every time the anthem is played. He has 3 black grandchildren and loves them dearly. There is not a racist bone in his body. Nothing in his lifetime bothered him more than watching NFL players kneel. He's 100% supportive and is OK with players or citizens protesting/marching just not during that 3 1/2 minutes. He's a big Hawkeye fan as well, but it would hurt him more than anyone could imagine seeing his Iowa team kneeling during the anthem. It's all about parenting. My parents taught us all to treat everyone regardless of their race, sex, beliefs, social economic background the same. I hope all players are not forced to kneel. I will still support our black and gold, but I'd prefer that our country would talk and make change instead of continuing protests and no change. Some accountability has to be placed on our governors, mayors and their appointees (Police chief, district attorneys, etc) who can truly end police brutality, improve education, and give black men and women opportunities to thrive economically. We can keep blaming the presidents, but the changes have to take place locally. There are bad cops and there are many great ones. I believe the body cams and security cams have made the bad ones toe the line, but a cop shouldn't get 17 chances!! I think it's sad the Drew Brees and Daniels have been attacked for their opinions. It's a sad time for our country.
I don't think going straight to name calling is a great way to have a conversation but this is an anonymous message board so to each their own. Many other countries are afforded this freedom to enjoy entertainment and yet they don't have a national anthem ceremony before darn near everything. Outside of the world cup I actually can't think of any foreign sporting events where this happens. (I'm sure I'm missing something). I'm not trying to disparage the selfless acts of any/all service members. Please don't interpret it that way. I just plainly think it's odd how we play the anthem before everything.

This question is a matter of national pride. If nationalism is strong within a country, the more they will recite, pledge, or sing that draws the citizens all together. National pride used to be strong in America, but not so much anymore. You can definitely see this happening more in Europe. My guess is that in some countries national pride is definitely encouraged (forced) from a young age when they start their athletic and educational training.
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I saw this on twitter and came over to give you a nod of respect. Takes balls to take a stand and Iowa should be proud to have someone like James come out of their program. Unfortunately seeing a lot of responses to the tweet like “..but Iowa has one of the best cultures in the country!”

A former player who is black is saying kneeling would improve culture in the locker room and the state. Should end the debate on whether it would help or not and start a discussion on what else can be done.

Part of a good culture means players are empowered to speak up. Props Iowa.
Good cultures can get better. That's how I see it. Idk why some want to immediately assume he's trashing it.
I don't think going straight to name calling is a great way to have a conversation but this is an anonymous message board so to each their own. Many other countries are afforded this freedom to enjoy entertainment and yet they don't have a national anthem ceremony before darn near everything. Outside of the world cup I actually can't think of any foreign sporting events where this happens. (I'm sure I'm missing something). I'm not trying to disparage the selfless acts of any/all service members. Please don't interpret it that way. I just plainly think it's odd how we play the anthem before everything.
I don't think going straight to name calling is a great way to have a conversation but this is an anonymous message board so to each their own. Many other countries are afforded this freedom to enjoy entertainment and yet they don't have a national anthem ceremony before darn near everything. Outside of the world cup I actually can't think of any foreign sporting events where this happens. (I'm sure I'm missing something). I'm not trying to disparage the selfless acts of any/all service members. Please don't interpret it that way. I just plainly think it's odd how we play the anthem before everything.
No names were called, first of all. Hypothetical behavior was described as a question using adjectives. Second, I am sorry the on average 1 minute and 56 seconds it takes to salute our nation in unison breaks into your day with inconvenience. My mistake. Let's not take opportunity to celebrate our oneness. Let's let selfish views and a spirit of a separatism prevail. Yes, you can take pride in your team but do not take a moment to take pride in the areas of life above and beyond momentary competitive division to celebrate what brings us all together.

Your ignorant post (I write too many myself, so I can recognize them) most certainly divides you from me. But, we are Americans, and I would give my life to let you disagree. Maybe you will change your mind, and when we finally get to see a live ****ing sporting event, you'll appreciate the gift that is sport in America. Maybe you won't. But, I forgive you. Unfortunately, there are not as many Americans today who think this way. Be it politics, etc., it's all about me and what I want and damn the other side. There's so little sacrifice or shared responsibility. But, Go Hawks.