I wonder what percentage of the Latino vote Trump would get? That's a lot of swing states.
He got 45% of the GOP latino vote in Nevada last night. It's a small sample, but should provide some insight.
I wonder what percentage of the Latino vote Trump would get? That's a lot of swing states.
No I think my analogy is much better considering that Trump has zero experience in politics.
Since it looks like Bernie is out
I'm a huge Bernie supporter, but the writing on the wall is clear. He's done. Hillary is destroying him in Superdelegates, those Supers have no reason to switch sides anytime soon, and Bernie is about to get crushed in South Carolina. All the polls show Hillary with a distinct advantage for Super Tuesday and from there, she will have momentum on her side. I hate to say it, but feeling the Bern just fizzled out.Superdelegates aside the delegates are tied 51-51 with Sanders up on the popular vote with all of the remaing democratic primaries splitting proportionally. The superdelegates will swing if Sanders can mount enough momentum. The MSM is certainly counting him for dead though.
Superdelegates aside the delegates are tied 51-51 with Sanders up on the popular vote with all of the remaing democratic primaries splitting proportionally. The superdelegates will swing if Sanders can mount enough momentum. The MSM is certainly counting him for dead though.
When the Chicago paper printed that Ford was “an Ignorant Pacifist” Ford brought a Law Suit against the paper.
During the proceedings, the paper was so confidant in their statement that they brought Ford to the witness stand. They started to ask Ford many questions on history and philosophy. After the questions became a bit too much, Ford finally replies to an offensive question by saying, “If I should really WANT to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any of the other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push-buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer ANY question I desire concerning the business to which I am devoting most of my efforts. Now, will you kindly tell me, WHY I should clutter up my mind with general knowledge, for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?”
Well needless to say that shut up the lawyer pretty quickly and everyone knew that this was not the answer of an ignorant man but a man of education. There is no reason to need to know the answer to everything, all you need to know is where to get the answer.
Remember there are two ways to learn. 1)Trial and Error or 2) Borrow Experiences. The answer is out there for every issue, you just need to find it. You can find it by the first way of learning which could take a lifetime to come to an answer or you can take the second route and borrow the knowledge of someone else to come to an answer.
Cons in 2008: Obama doesn't have enough experience!
Cons in 2016: I love Trump because he's an outsider with zero political experience!
Yes, but that certified mechanic is corrupt and will definitely steal your money.
I'm a huge Bernie supporter, but the writing on the wall is clear. He's done. Hillary is destroying him in Superdelegates, those Supers have no reason to switch sides anytime soon, and Bernie is about to get crushed in South Carolina. All the polls show Hillary with a distinct advantage for Super Tuesday and from there, she will have momentum on her side. I hate to say it, but feeling the Bern just fizzled out.
Is this story about Model T Ford or President Ford? Or other?When the Chicago paper printed that Ford was “an Ignorant Pacifist” Ford brought a Law Suit against the paper.
During the proceedings, the paper was so confidant in their statement that they brought Ford to the witness stand. They started to ask Ford many questions on history and philosophy. After the questions became a bit too much, Ford finally replies to an offensive question by saying, “If I should really WANT to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any of the other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push-buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer ANY question I desire concerning the business to which I am devoting most of my efforts. Now, will you kindly tell me, WHY I should clutter up my mind with general knowledge, for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?”
Well needless to say that shut up the lawyer pretty quickly and everyone knew that this was not the answer of an ignorant man but a man of education. There is no reason to need to know the answer to everything, all you need to know is where to get the answer.
Remember there are two ways to learn. 1)Trial and Error or 2) Borrow Experiences. The answer is out there for every issue, you just need to find it. You can find it by the first way of learning which could take a lifetime to come to an answer or you can take the second route and borrow the knowledge of someone else to come to an answer.
"Politics" is not restricted to government. All organizations have "politics" (e.g., "office politics").
I'm looking forward to being able to complain about everything.I'm looking forward to the saying "elections have consequences" being thrown around by the Trump supporters. This place is going to be very entertaining.
He got 45% of the GOP latino vote in Nevada last night. It's a small sample, but should provide some insight.
The baby just birthed to keep her parents in the US.Of the 10 latino GOP voters that showed up at the Nevada caucuses I wonder which one split his/her vote?
So you come on here and throw insults to his supporters, very classy. I support Trump and I am far from an uninformed moron. You strike me as an establishment type though, so I am not surprised at your frustration.
Since it looks like Bernie is out I am certainly now in support of Trump (unless the Bern can regain his footing, which sadly looks unlikely as the entire DNC has all but plotted against his campaign).
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. A Rubio or Hillary presidency will look exactly like the past 20 years. Wealth inequality will continue to rise, real wages will continue to decline, HC costs will continue to skyrocket, we will continue to have a disastrous foreign policy in regards to the M.E. and on and on.
A Trump win in November is a clear and decisive punch directly to the face (or nuts) of the establishment. It will be a clear sign that the American people have had it with the political class that has for decades sold them down the river. Its a big ole middle finger to DC claiming "if you refuse to represent us all then we are willing to elect a lunatic who will". A Trump win will shake the bedrock of the R and D establishment, the billionaire class, and out of that we may, over time, get our elected officials to start representing us again. Hillary can't do that, Rubio can't do that, hell Ted can't do that but Bernie and Trump can. I am willing for them to eff things up for 4 years as to have that message sent.
Apparently expecting our President to have at least a vague idea of what he wants to do with the country is too much to expect these days.Can you tell me what Trump's platform is on... anything? What is his immigration plan, besides brown people are bad and we'll build a big wall? What are his plans to deal with ISIS other than we don't let any Syrian refugees in? What are his plans to bolster the economy other than "I'm good at stuff, I can fix it?" WHAT ARE HIS PLANS?!? He has no plans, and his platform is based on hating Mexicans and Muslims.
Can you tell me what Trump's platform is on... anything? What is his immigration plan, besides brown people are bad and we'll build a big wall? What are his plans to deal with ISIS other than we don't let any Syrian refugees in? What are his plans to bolster the economy other than "I'm good at stuff, I can fix it?" WHAT ARE HIS PLANS?!? He has no plans, and his platform is based on hating Mexicans and Muslims.
Can you tell me what Trump's platform is on... anything? What is his immigration plan, besides brown people are bad and we'll build a big wall? What are his plans to deal with ISIS other than we don't let any Syrian refugees in? What are his plans to bolster the economy other than "I'm good at stuff, I can fix it?" WHAT ARE HIS PLANS?!? He has no plans, and his platform is based on hating Mexicans and Muslims.
I wouldn't call 2-3 pages of details for each major issue, "fleshed out." There's HROT posters who have more depth to what they want.
I wouldn't call 2-3 pages of details for each major issue, "fleshed out." There's HROT posters who have more depth to what they want.
He has detailed plans for what he wants on immigration, tax reform which will bolster the economy, trade reform, gun control, and veterans reform on his website. He does have detailed plans to all of these issues outlined. So do a bit of research before you come on here ranting and raving.
I'm afraid it might be.
Since it looks like Bernie is out I am certainly now in support of Trump
The Establishment will find a way to deny it to him...
Joy joy joy, so much entertainment value. INCLUDING watching blind partisan GOPers like LC squirm and morph, can see it on Fox already. Convention time the evil incarnate that is Hillary and the Dems will have ole LC spewing rage, at the GOP convention Clint will talk to a chair or something and engage ole LCs partisan passion, and by Nov he'll have several thousand posts explaining just how voting Trump is the only rational and moral choice. Probably the only predictable aspect of the race.
Interesting. Never considered, or aware of any punditry considering, a line from Bernie to Trump. Must say the follow-up posts present a coherent argument in justification.
Reminds, and may explain in part, some data/polling suggesting Trump has support in the so-called Reagan democrat demographic.
Is this story about Model T Ford or President Ford? Or other?
Unfortunately, this most excellent post will go over the heads of the ignorant and highly partisan folks.When the Chicago paper printed that Ford was “an Ignorant Pacifist” Ford brought a Law Suit against the paper.
During the proceedings, the paper was so confidant in their statement that they brought Ford to the witness stand. They started to ask Ford many questions on history and philosophy. After the questions became a bit too much, Ford finally replies to an offensive question by saying, “If I should really WANT to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any of the other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push-buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer ANY question I desire concerning the business to which I am devoting most of my efforts. Now, will you kindly tell me, WHY I should clutter up my mind with general knowledge, for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?”
Well needless to say that shut up the lawyer pretty quickly and everyone knew that this was not the answer of an ignorant man but a man of education. There is no reason to need to know the answer to everything, all you need to know is where to get the answer.
Remember there are two ways to learn. 1)Trial and Error or 2) Borrow Experiences. The answer is out there for every issue, you just need to find it. You can find it by the first way of learning which could take a lifetime to come to an answer or you can take the second route and borrow the knowledge of someone else to come to an answer.
see post 30Conversely an informed person would know exactly what she would do in office. It would be weighing the quintessential establishment candidate against the mystery box.
Yeah, well . . . I have no idea what NOU means.
Yeah, well . . . I have no idea what NOU means.
He got 45% of the GOP latino vote in Nevada last night. It's a small sample, but should provide some insight.
GOP Latino vote - so, like 37 people?
I agree, and I actually can't imagine supporters of anyone else going to Trump before the general election. I think Cruz or Rubio voters will go to Trump when one of them drops out, and he'll get beaten badly from that point forward.I think there's still a chance the GOP escapes Trump, depending on where Cruz's voters go. Everyone assumes they'll all go to Trump, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of evangelicals pick Rubio or Kasich over Mr. Two Corinthians. A lot of them despise Trump. Same with Carson voters. The party has to make it Rubio or Kasich vs. Trump here pretty soon though.