Is it time to talk seriously about a Trump nomination???

I'd prefer we nominate people with no business or political experience. Wait, we have seen the results of that for the last 7 years.

The fact that democrats can criticize Trump for having advantages in life before he launched a Presidential campaign is rich considering their candidate is a former first lady (who admittedly was broke a few years ago, right?)
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Well, that's a dumb analogy. A better one would be, "I thought about bringing my car to the "Giant MegaCorp Auto Repair" place, but instead went with an independent mechanic.
Sure, an independent mechanic that seems to screw people over, doesn't apologize and isn't insured.
According to Politifact, simple investments would have made him a billionaire. He's a good businessman. Can't dispute that. But should we really be all that impressed by an above average businessman who has nothing else to offer? Especially when it comes to running the entire country?

No one in their right mind would or could have made those "simple investments" (buying an S&P fund and having it grow tax-free and living off of no income). It's a simplistic straw-man argument that ignores reality, and the cost of actually living. It also avoids the question - is Trump good at business?

I don't support him in any way - in fact, I've posted previously that I don't see any way I could vote for him - but I do think it's not fair to claim he's not done very well in the business world. He's pretty talented, experienced, and smart. He's also an asshat and meanspirited, imo. Still, anyone trying to argue against his obvious success pretty much exposes themself as an ideologue.
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No one in their right mind would or could have made those "simple investments" (buying an S&P fund and having it grow tax-free and living off of no income). It's a simplistic straw-man argument that ignores reality, and the cost of actually living. It also avoids the question - is Trump good at business?

I don't support him in any way - in fact, I've posted previously that I don't see any way I could vote for him - but I do think it's not fair to claim he's not done very well in the business world. He's pretty talented, experienced, and smart. He's also an asshat and meanspirited, imo. Still, anyone trying to argue against his obvious success pretty much exposes themself as an ideologue.

Yet they must claim it, whatever it takes...FOR THE PARTY!
What's up with this idea that you don't need a party? We live in a two party system, which means that you either choose one and get a seat at the table, or get left out in the cold.

I believe the two party system is part of the reason special interest groups have been able to game both factions of our political system. We would be better off w more choice or are you saying you are for monopolies and are anti-choice.

Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.
If this country can survive 8 years of George W. freaking Bush as president, then it can sure as hell make it through at least 4 with Trump in charge.
I used to change my own oil and pop my head under the hood every once in a while so I guess I should apply for that mechanic position I saw online.

The notion that only career politicians and lifetime political operatives could possibly do an effective job as president or in any other aspect of government service is possibly the dumbest idea prevailing in America today.

This country was literally founded by farmers and tradespeople that had little or no experience in politics or public affairs before they decided to completely redefine how government is supposed to function in Western civilization.

We have had many, many people hold the presidency throughout our history that had basically no prior experience in elected office, and a few of them actually turned out to be pretty damned effective as POTUS (Washington, Eisenhower, Andrew Jackson). Lincoln had served a whopping 3 years in the US House over a decade before he became president. Teddy Roosevelt had like 2 years as governor and a few months as VP before becoming the youngest POTUS in history. Woodrow Wilson had a whopping 2 years as governor under his belt before he moved into the White House.

Not saying that Trump will match the accomplishments of any of these people, but the idea that you need decades of service in some type of government capacity in order to be an effective president is not only borderline retarded, but completely ignorant of the history of this great Republic.