The only people that can stop this are the consumers. Just say no. Business owners are moving the cost of their employees to the customers while keeping their prices high.
Personal experience this weekend that kinda rubbed me as wrong...
Ate at a sports bar in Grimes and as I was ready to pay the tab. I asked our waitress if there was a fee to use a credit card. Her response..."We already put it on your bill and you get a discount if you pay with cash".
So I was ready to tip based on the original tab.
Am I an asshole on this?
Personal experience this weekend that kinda rubbed me as wrong...
Ate at a sports bar in Grimes and as I was ready to pay the tab. I asked our waitress if there was a fee to use a credit card. Her response..."We already put it on your bill and you get a discount if you pay with cash".
So I was ready to tip based on the original tab.
Am I an asshole on this?
Jesus. The grift make sense. Zero cost to add it or keep it, but if even like 1% tip, they're still pulling in additional revenue.
We're you at the next table and hear me mumbling????Hell no you aren’t the asshole on this. In fact, what they are doing seems pretty dishonest to me. A couple ways this can go down. 1) bill is $83. You throw $100 down and walk out. No discount for you. 2) bill is $73 you give a $100 and ask for 10 back. You really think they are going to go back and remove the fee to benefit you? Doubtful.
Tipping in restaurants has traditionally been based on the cost of the meal. Now there are additional charges added in a lot of places, and people who don't notice are paying more in tips than they think.Personal experience this weekend that kinda rubbed me as wrong...
Ate at a sports bar in Grimes and as I was ready to pay the tab. I asked our waitress if there was a fee to use a credit card. Her response..."We already put it on your bill and you get a discount if you pay with cash".
So I was ready to tip based on the original tab.
Am I an asshole on this?
We're you at the next table and hear me mumbling????
Bill was $81 and was ready to leave 5 20s and leave.
BTW...I think the credit card fee was 4%.
Not only have businesses raised prices they want us to pay for the behind the scenes workers' salaries through tipping when we've not had "prompt service" from anyone.
Yeah, F*** that. I tip for service and nothing else. I also only tip on the meal portion, not taxes.
I see that fee a lot anymore. I think it's getting to be pretty standard. I'll see like $2 bucks for credit card payment.Personal experience this weekend that kinda rubbed me as wrong...
Ate at a sports bar in Grimes and as I was ready to pay the tab. I asked our waitress if there was a fee to use a credit card. Her response..."We already put it on your bill and you get a discount if you pay with cash".
So I was ready to tip based on the original tab.
Am I an asshole on this?
This is the one thing you're not an asshole on 😉. I'm curious what place this was? My office is in Grimes and I eat there 2-3 times a week. I've probably paid this fee and never noticed.Personal experience this weekend that kinda rubbed me as wrong...
Ate at a sports bar in Grimes and as I was ready to pay the tab. I asked our waitress if there was a fee to use a credit card. Her response..."We already put it on your bill and you get a discount if you pay with cash".
So I was ready to tip based on the original tab.
Am I an asshole on this?
It's becoming more prevalent for sure. I stopped for gas at a ma and pa small town gas station that was doing it on all purchases including fuel. Makes using my CC worthless.I see that fee a lot anymore. I think it's getting to be pretty standard. I'll see like $2 bucks for credit card payment.
We have cut down eating out by about 80%. We used to go once a week during the work week. Now we might get take out once a month so we don’t have to pay for drinks and tips.The cost of eating out is so much more than home. I can eat for the rest of the week on what the lady friend and I have at one dinner and we dont drink.
I see that fee a lot anymore. I think it's getting to be pretty standard. I'll see like $2 bucks for credit card payment.
I don't care what a restaurant adds to the total of their food as long as that price is the price listed on the menu. I can chose to pay that or not. I hate the extra 4% being snuck in for using a card. If you charge a percent or dollar amount, fine. Have your staff make that known before you order.At least they're honest about it,.. Most businesses use cost of goods and services, plus fixed overhead, plus profit, plus an automatic up-charge for possible credit card use and that's the price, period...
I don't care what a restaurant adds to the total of their food as long as that price is the price listed on the menu. I can chose to pay that or not. I hate the extra 4% being snuck in for using a card. If you charge a percent or dollar amount, fine. Have your staff make that known before you order.
We're you at the next table and hear me mumbling????
Bill was $81 and was ready to leave 5 20s and leave.
BTW...I think the credit card fee was 4%.
I guess I am just to trusting. I normally just throw out the credit card or check what I owe and pay cash. I need to start looking over the tabs.
Post #170This is the one thing you're not an asshole on 😉. I'm curious what place this was? My office is in Grimes and I eat there 2-3 times a week. I've probably paid this fee and never noticed.
I’ve never noticed that at Food Depot. Won’t keep me away because I love their food but disappointing for sure.As it may have already been mentioned because I have not read the entire thread, many times you might be tipping on the added stuff like sales tax and card fees already on your tab.
I blame it all on Covid and the fallout of restaurants seeing an opportunity to increase profits.
Another thing to bitch about...stopped for a quick sandwich at Culver's in south IC on Sunday and inside dining closed for "lack of staff".
And since I just outed Culver's, the place in Grimes was called Food Depot.
If I have to hit custom to leave less than 30%, I'm hitting skip. No matter where I am.
Lol, was just about to post this.
This is exactly what I mean. It's nuts.Lol, was just about to post this.
Typically not, most places don't want to phuck with the variable math,.. Just charge everybody and move on.If you tell the server you’re going to pay with cash will restaurants keep the card fee off the bill?
Lol, was just about to post this.
It's normally like 3-4 percent.4%?? Isn't the average fee like 2% from the credit card companies??
4%?? Isn't the average fee like 2% from the credit card companies?? So they are making money off the credit card fees now as well huh?
I guess I am just to trusting. I normally just throw out the credit card or check what I owe and pay cash. I need to start looking over the tabs.
Credit Card costs used to be around 2% but those fees have gone up considerably over the years and it is getting crazy how much retailers have to pay in cc fees. The payments industry is the only industry I am aware of where they issue price increases twice per year every single year (April 1st and October 1st) and it doesn't matter if you are as big as Walmart or Amazon you are stuck paying them and then ultimately passing it on to your customers. The bad part about them is that customers that pay via cash ultimately end up getting overcharged to supplement the fees for everyone that pays via credit card especially those customers that have high reward cards that are the most expensive for retailers. We need legislation like Europe has done in this area. Those that have high rewards cards won't like that but it is needed to level the playing field for everyone else.
It's normally like 3-4 percent.