Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
Lord Hoiber has this "program" in place with State, County and local law enforcement to make sure when one of his d-bags players steps out of line that he is called first. On the 9th call to law enforcement this "program" will allow a ticket to be written and the d-bag will sit out a game.

Of course this must be ignored because FG says so. WaIt for it, wait for it.........

Hey JayDub, didn't Hayden Fry have this 'program?"

Oh how fun to be back on this board.
Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:

Is Kelly Hindman an Iowa donor? I believe so. He made a death threat to Dakich. No biggie. Remember the Hawkeye fans who made death threats against Jim Bain? Were you one of them?

I did just mention the racist remarks you made to another poster on this very site. Remember that, JayDub? You also called out a Cyclone poster as a sexual pervert, claiming he picked up young girls. Ah the memories.

I hope that gives the other posters on here a clear picture of what kind of d-bag you really are.
FG has been known to "sing" a lot of things and then not be able to back it up or "bring it". A link to these so called racist posts would really help with the picture you so desperately want to create so............


Or we can chalk up yet another example where he can "sing it" he just can't "bring it".
By all means FG do tell us all about Hayden's "program". But do so with a link.

I can give you one that backs up my description of Hoiber's program.

Chop, chop
JayDub, it's been a while. Let's catch up.

Do you still live in NY? Do you still fly back to Iowa for football games on that secret plane that doesn't have to file a flight plan with the FAA? How are the kids? How old is little Hayden these days? I bet he really hates that you live in NY? Still have your lake home? Crunched any ISU financials lately to tell us the risk of the ISU stadium project? Want to proclaim to the other's that the Gov. of our fine state does not live in a mansion. Those were some good times.
Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
By all means FG do tell us all about Hayden's "program". But do so with a link.

I can give you one that backs up my description of Hoiber's program.

Chop, chop
Why are you asking another poster to do this?
Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:
JayDub, it's been a while. Let's catch up.

Do you still live in NY? Do you still fly back to Iowa for football games on that secret plane that doesn't have to file a flight plan with the FAA? How are the kids? How old is little Hayden these days? I bet he really hates that you live in NY? Still have your lake home? Crunched any ISU financials lately to tell us the risk of the ISU stadium project? Want to proclaim to the other's that the Gov. of our fine state does not live in a mansion. Those were some good times.
No link again? Can't be. FG loves to paint picutres but without a link it appears to just be random ramblings. Maybe clownfangonna cry can help you out with some meds.
Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:

Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
By all means FG do tell us all about Hayden's "program". But do so with a link.

I can give you one that backs up my description of Hoiber's program.

Chop, chop
Why are you asking another poster to do this?
Isn't FG just adorable?

Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:

Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
By all means FG do tell us all about Hayden's "program". But do so with a link.

I can give you one that backs up my description of Hoiber's program.

Chop, chop
Why are you asking another poster to do this?
I am just following your lead FG. Does that confuse you? Humchuck can help you out just ask him.
Originally posted by 100yearscounting:

Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:

Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
By all means FG do tell us all about Hayden's "program". But do so with a link.

I can give you one that backs up my description of Hoiber's program.

Chop, chop
Why are you asking another poster to do this?
Isn't FG just adorable?

I don't know. If you say so. Do you want a link to FG being adorable?
I am following your lead FG.

This usually ends with you arguing with yourself or ramblings that no one knows what it is you are talking about. Clownfangoona cry talks a lot about meds maybe he can help you out.
Who was that poster JayDub, that used to post GIFs of you in a basement madly archiving articles and posts? I see you have admitted to archiving posts. Who knew it was truly spot on?

I have to say those GIFs made me ROFLMAO. Oh those were some fun times, weren't they, JayDub?
Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:
Who was that poster JayDub, that used to post GIFs of you in a basement madly archiving articles and posts? I see you have admitted to archiving posts. Who knew it was truly spot on?

I have to say those GIFs made me ROFLMAO. Oh those were some fun times, weren't they, JayDub?
Called it again. It only took one post for FG to prove me right. More random rumblings that play out in his mind only.

More I say we want more. We want more. We want more.
Hey JayDub, remember when you were in the middle of the East Coast hurricane in the area evacuated but you stayed to hold down the fort and miraculously posted all day and night with no electricity? Such a heroic effort by you.

That was a pretty good gang back then. Whatever happened to your ol' lackey, TSA?
Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:
Hey JayDub, remember when you were in the middle of the East Coast hurricane in the area evacuated but you stayed to hold down the fort and miraculously posted all day and night with no electricity? Such a heroic effort by you.

That was a pretty good gang back then. Whatever happened to your ol' lackey, TSA?
Called it again.

Don't stop now FG. We want more. We want more. We want more.
Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:
Hey JayDub, remember when you were in the middle of the East Coast hurricane in the area evacuated but you stayed to hold down the fort and miraculously posted all day and night with no electricity? Such a heroic effort by you.

That was a pretty good gang back then. Whatever happened to your ol' lackey, TSA?
Someone anyone quick get out the clown signal. Clownfangoona cry needs to come to the rescue of FG before he completely loses it. The man needs meds and Clownfangoona cry is just the man to help him.

We all must pray that clownfangoona cry sees the clown signal in time.
I see nothing has changed with you except your name. You still don't answer questions. That is a stunner.

So you seen BigRed Express, Jackob, IBN, Dannyboy on these boards? Jackob was the one with all the great gifs IIRC. I bet you sure miss the good ol' days when you got owned every few minutes. Great memories.
Originally posted by 100yearscounting:

Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:
Hey JayDub, remember when you were in the middle of the East Coast hurricane in the area evacuated but you stayed to hold down the fort and miraculously posted all day and night with no electricity? Such a heroic effort by you.

That was a pretty good gang back then. Whatever happened to your ol' lackey, TSA?
Someone anyone quick get out the clown signal. Clownfangoona cry needs to come to the rescue of FG before he completely loses it. The man needs meds and Clownfangoona cry is just the man to help him.

We all must pray that clownfangoona cry sees the clown signal in time.
Why is FG losing it? Laughing so hard from the walk down memory lane?

Those memories of getting owned all day long causing you anxiety, 100 aka JustWRong? Didn't mean to drag up your past trauma? I forgot it probably wasn't funny for you.
Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:
I see nothing has changed with you except your name. You still don't answer questions. That is a stunner.

So you seen BigRed Express, Jackob, IBN, Dannyboy on these boards? Jackob was the one with all the great gifs IIRC. I bet you sure miss the good ol' days when you got owned every few minutes. Great memories.

This of course will result in additional ramblings from FG86 errr. 1986Hawkeyes.

Wait for it. Wait for it...........
Oh my. I guess the trip down memory lane stirred up a lot of trauma for you, 100/JustWRong. It was a laugh a minute for some of us, but of course I forget that constantly getting pwned would make you crazier.
Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:
Oh my. I guess the trip down memory lane stirred up a lot of trauma for you, 100/JustWRong. It was a laugh a minute for some of us, but of course I forget that constantly getting pwned would make you crazier.

Called it yet again. FG/1986Hawkeyes answers with more ramblings. More I say we want more. We want more. We want more.
wow! Just WOW! You guys have waaaaayyyyyyy too much time on your hands. Looking thru these ramblings Im pissed at myself for losing 2 minutes I can never recover. Thanks for the completely useless ramblings you both are spewing.
I am not yet to the level of the common clown fan but with each passing day there is new hope that if Clown fans keep posting I can get down there eventually. I will leave the racial slurs to the isu student section though.

You OK with that Cydkar?
This thread is great. We are up to 7 pages and yet we have a few stereotypes to validate for the isu fan base. I am sure that clown fans won't let me down and we can cross off what remains in another 7 pages or so.

I want to thank the following clown fans for proving that isu fans are keeping their "little brother syndrome" alive and well. We can always use more though so tell your fellow douches on the clown report or cry-clown fanatic.

Clownfangoona cry
is it

So much fun but there is room for more.
Originally posted by 100yearscounting:

Originally posted by 1986Hawkeyes:

Is Kelly Hindman an Iowa donor? I believe so. He made a death threat to Dakich. No biggie. Remember the Hawkeye fans who made death threats against Jim Bain? Were you one of them?

I did just mention the racist remarks you made to another poster on this very site. Remember that, JayDub? You also called out a Cyclone poster as a sexual pervert, claiming he picked up young girls. Ah the memories.

I hope that gives the other posters on here a clear picture of what kind of d-bag you really are.
FG has been known to "sing" a lot of things and then not be able to back it up or "bring it". A link to these so called racist posts would really help with the picture you so desperately want to create so............


Or we can chalk up yet another example where he can "sing it" he just can't "bring it".
Why are you dragging me into this?
Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
I am not yet to the level of the common clown fan but with each passing day there is new hope that if Clown fans keep posting I can get down there eventually. I will leave the racial slurs to the isu student section though.

You OK with that Cydkar?
Yes, we all hope you can get up to the level of Clone fans but highly doubtful.
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
I am not yet to the level of the common clown fan but with each passing day there is new hope that if Clown fans keep posting I can get down there eventually. I will leave the racial slurs to the isu student section though.

You OK with that Cydkar?
Yes, we all hope you can get up to the level of Clone fans but highly doubtful.
Only FG would think that hurling racial slurs is a level of class one should aspire to. Or must that be ignored for FG to feel good about his fellow clown fans?

Well he is off and running so I am guessing we will get a couple hundred more posts from him. Well at least until the clowns play then he will be absent for a while of course.
Originally posted by 100yearscounting:

Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
I am not yet to the level of the common clown fan but with each passing day there is new hope that if Clown fans keep posting I can get down there eventually. I will leave the racial slurs to the isu student section though.

You OK with that Cydkar?
Yes, we all hope you can get up to the level of Clone fans but highly doubtful.
Only FG would think that hurling racial slurs is a level of class one should aspire to. Or must that be ignored for FG to feel good about his fellow clown fans?

Well he is off and running so I am guessing we will get a couple hundred more posts from him. Well at least until the clowns play then he will be absent for a while of course.
I read that you already accomplished the hurling of racial slurs. Nice work, 100. Always a fine UI representative.

Nah, I got things to do today. Besides looks like you have already gone completely off your rocker.
Originally posted by FG86:

I read that you already accomplished the hurling of racial slurs. Nice work, 100. Always a fine UI representative.

Nah, I got things to do today. Besides looks like you have already gone completely off your rocker.
Don't "sing it" FG "bring it". Give us all a link that shows the so called racial slurrs I have been accused of hurling. But this time make sure they actually are what you say they are. Unlike the time you stated so confidently that Dallas Clarks' dad said KF had no hand in Dallas being on the team. You gave us a quote but no where did it say what you claimed.

So Link, or do we chalk up yet another lie? We will get our answer soon enough just wait for it. Wait for it.......
Originally posted by FG86:

I read that you already accomplished the hurling of racial slurs. Nice work, 100. Always a fine UI representative.

Nah, I got things to do today. Besides looks like you have already gone completely off your rocker.
Well it looks like FG's mommy is letting him out of the basement for the clowns' big game and so he has things to do to get ready.

Are you inviting 1986hawkeyes or will he/she already be there?

This post was edited on 3/19 9:14 AM by 100yearscounting
How is this thread still alive? Could it please be moved to either the Rivalry board or the IDGAF board? I know I don;t have to open it, but am frankly embarrassed to be part of the same fan base as some of the people in this thread.
This is the wake up call the clowns needed. Wasn't that he mantra the 12 year olds kept repeating.

Yep the refs move onto the round of 32 over the clowns.

I have a feeling the butthurt will be so intense that clown fans won't show their faces for sometime to come. It couldn't happen to a classier bunch of folks.

Hey Pollad are you SO PROUD, I am.

This post was edited on 3/19 2:03 PM by 100yearscounting
Originally posted by Isitfootballseason?:
You guys stick to the past....we'll own the present.


Originally posted by Makeweight35:

Originally posted by 100yearscounting:
Actually sod clown the national media has it right. Anytime there is a good team in Iowa they automatically assume it is The University of Iowa. History has taught them most of the time that is the case.

Son even when the clowns are good nobody really knows about it. Can you say "little brother"? Sure ya can.
Really, so how do you explain ISU being on ESPN all the time lately? Big 12 Champs, a 3 seed with some national media outlets picking ISU to the Final Four and even some in the National Title game. And then Iowa's been on the....? Local news lately? Iowa hasn't just taken a back seat to ISU, they're back behind UNI this year too. Ouch!
Yes, yes Makeweight tell us all about the great national and local pub the clowns have received since 2:00 yesterday. Don't worry though I am sure isu get some more "national" pub when CBS does one shinning moment. I will be happy to tape it for you, where should I send it?

This post was edited on 3/20 8:48 AM by 100yearscounting