It’s a new era in Hawkeye Land!!! - FSU fan thread to discuss Hawkeye football

I popped two gummies midway through the third quarter. By the fourth I was able to see the humor in our complete offensive ineptitude.

(I was hoping to see a bright side to that debacle, but the only thing I can come up with is maybe a few more of these absolute beat downs will hasten the change that is inevitably coming).

Not even 1st downs. Plays with guys running into each other. 3 year linemen getting blown up play after play. Yep, it happened
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I'm ready for KF to hang it up after this season. 25 years in one place is a fricking ETERNITY now a days.

I will always appreciate the more good seasons than bad ones, and the clean way he ran the program during that 25 year span, but enough is enough.

The game - offensively, if nothing else - has passed him by. Like a LOT. Unless you have a roster full of NFL-type talent to do it with, you aren't winning against upper-level P5 teams playing an offensive style (& a really shitty OL) that was in the process of getting outmoded 40 to 50 years ago.

Time to roll the dice and see what else is out there, program leadership-wise.

Word. Until the offensive philosophy and playbook join the current century, nothing is going to change. Saban figured this out a decade ago. Anyone think KF will adapt?

Really it's sad. He has been a good coach.

His son should have stayed away and not come back until he had his own identity and resume built up. He is in over his head. It's clear to everyone. I know the scheme is old school, but the execution is the worst part. Can't block.
My criticism isn’t the scheme per se, it is that the scheme is used regardless of talent. The offensive scheme works great when everyone can execute. We apparently don’t have the talent to do that so we need do what we can do, which we aren’t doing. Not sure the lack of talent can be schemed around though.
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Better enjoy this season and the winning record while u can. Next year they'll be at least 3 to 6 conference games like this going forward.
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Kirk sounds like he’s digging in. Sorry about that. A stubborn old coach who’s defensive about criticism is tough to deal with.

Good luck.
Any time a question that is even slightly non-totally favorable of the offense comes up, KFs response is ...

If anyone wants to know how I felt watching the Hawks play Saturday night, this gif sums it up PERFECTLY.

My reaction in the column about not watching second half:

When it was blindingly obvious the Hawkeyes were going to be uncompetitive and the erstwhile Brian Ferentz was going to spend the ensuing week as the butt of every college football writers’ jokes and every angry fan’s verbal piñata, we pulled the plug and retreated to our lodgings to enjoy a stress-free nightcap.

This might make me a “bad” fan. I mean, the song says “until the final gun” after all. I’m not really into metaphorical self-inflicted gunshots, however.
Iowa 27 - MSU 10

Offensive explosion!!
27 points?! Jeezus. That's not just an explosion, that's 3/4 of a season's worth of total offense in one game - for Kirk & Brian.

And very sadly, all they need to eclipse the @PSU game's points scored total on Saturday night is an RBI single.
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27 points?! Jeezus. That's not just an explosion, that's 3/4 of a season's worth of total offense in one game - for Kirk & Brian.

And very sadly, all they need to eclipse the @PSU game's points scored total on Saturday night is an RBI single.
Here’s where I’m at. Do I expect us to have the success of Bama? F$ck no. But the defense has been really good to elite for years. The offense has sucked. It’s easy to get in a mindset of aw shucks, we can’t be flashy on offense in Iowa. Then i see what Kansas has done on offense. I look what Boise state did for years on offense. Scoring points shouldn’t be this hard. Playing elite defense is the hard part and we can do that. So we need fresh blood and a fresh scheme to produce. Take advantage of the entire field and scheme so our guy with the ball or the guy getting the ball isn’t close to defensive player so we can at least move the ball and get first downs.
Here’s where I’m at. Do I expect us to have the success of Bama? F$ck no. But the defense has been really good to elite for years. The offense has sucked. It’s easy to get in a mindset of aw shucks, we can’t be flashy on offense in Iowa. Then i see what Kansas has done on offense. I look what Boise state did for years offense. Scoring points shouldn’t be this hard. Playing elite defense is the hard part and we can do that. So we need fresh blood and a fresh scheme to produce. Take advantage of the entire field and scheme so our guy with the ball or the guy getting the ball isn’t close to defensive player so we can at least move the ball and get first downs.
Yep. Saban at ‘Bama has acknowledged that the defense is now at a disadvantage due to rule changes.
They decided to continue extreme defensive efforts, but also to go full tilt boogie on offense. You know how ‘Bama has done in recent seasons.
In his long interview with Scott Dochterman Brian said the felt he was part of the problem he’d resign.

If the offense does not improve dramatically over the remainder of the Big 10 season I sincerely hope he is a man of his word.

Hell, I’d even be for him self-demoting to O-line coach and letting Budamyr take a stab at designing the O and play calling. He literally could not be worse.
Yep. Saban at ‘Bama has acknowledged that the defense is now at a disadvantage due to rule changes.
They decided to continue extreme defensive efforts, but also to go full tilt boogie on offense. You know how ‘Bama has done in recent seasons.
I mean, I know we are not going to pick up the likes of kiffin or sark on a rebound for a year or two at a time like saban did, but to your point there are brilliant offensive minds up and down the college ranks. We just need to go all in on offense, as well as all in on defense. What we are doing is not complementary football, it is pathetic and unfair to the defense.
I mean, I know we are not going to pick up the likes of kiffin or sark on a rebound for a year or two at a time like saban did, but to your point there are brilliant offensive minds up and down the college ranks. We just need to go all in on offense, as well as all in on defense. What we are doing is not complementary football, it is pathetic and unfair to the defense.
My earlier post vanished. Here is another try.
I don’t think Hawkeyes realize how bad it got at FSU with nepotism. We were on a serious run when Bobby Bowden hired his son as OC with no experience at another school and no real experience as the big dog. We lost ground for years, while Bobby defended his son and eventually found other “issues” to blame.
It brought a dynasty to its end. We entered what is known as the lost decade.
Do better Iowa. Find a way to make changes before your foundation truly suffers.
"No Easy Answers"

Its to the point where I wish KF simply didnt speak. Saying stuff like that is insulting at this point frankly.

You kid has been there 7 years, has some 3 year OL starters, an experienced QB....yet has an offense that has players run into each other, miss blocks totally, and cant even get first downs.

There is a very easy answer actually Kirk...a very very easy one.

I defended KF for a while, but this is absurd. Its self parody. I expect the offense to do very little vs MSU or any team with a pulse on defense.
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FTR, that season it was GDGD. The next season, when he also had 26 touchdown passes, it was GDBF. All downhill from there.
Stanley’s three years as a starter all had Brian Ferentz as OC.

The 2017-2019 teams, in hindsight, look like the greatest show on turf compared to what we’ve seen the last three seasons.