It's happening again!!

Like what?

Be specific.
For one, I liked the The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), as did many people. Our business thrived under Trump.

Just a few more things of note during his time that can be pointed to.......prior to COVID Hitting
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
Mind you, he is still TOTALLY unfit for office and should never see the Presidency again. Now, how do you feel about some of the things I have pointed out about Biden? Are you going to actually answer this time?
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These are ALL lower NOW than they were under Trump, Cletus.
You are simply stuck listening to your Heros message and careful wording Dunce. Plus, you and you ilk like to ignore what obviously got the ball rolling on the Economic mess...that is before your hero took it all to a new level.

Fact check:
The longest stretch in which the unemployment rate was "under 4%" during Trump’s tenure was 13 months, from February 2019 to February 2020, right before the coronavirus pandemic arrived in the U.S. and sent unemployment skyrocketing.

Now, biden’s statement would’ve been wrong had he said unemployment has been "4% or below" for the longest stretch in 50 years. That distinction goes to Trump, who oversaw an unemployment rate of 4% or under for 24 months.

Now, are YOU FINALLY going to elaborate on your hero's complete evil ways in dealing with both the Afganistan families and those in Hawaii who lost everything AND loved ones in the worst fire in US history (among so many others)? Oh will ignore anything he does that is matter how bad, because you are a partisan hack. But, you do you.
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Wrong......Crushed is what Biden has done to the Amercian family in his first 3 years.


The PANDEMIC and a WAR IN EUROPE is what has impacted "American families"

Biden's IRA and CHIPs Act are bringing manufacturing and jobs back to America like nothing seen in 50+ years. That's going to provide benefit to Main St Americans far far longer than a massive tax writeoff for the wealthy AND a ballooned deficit spend that was completely unnecessary.

Trump ran America like he ran his businesses: Pump & Dump & Declare Bankruptcy.
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Not remotely what the rich and "developers" got. Trump created more tax loopholes/benefits for himself than he did for you. AND ballooned deficits beyond anything we've seen since the LAST economic mess (created by shitty GOP polices/lax regulation)
Just wrong on so many levels.....

The PANDEMIC and a WAR IN EUROPE is what has impacted "American families"

Biden's IRA and CHIPs Act are bringing manufacturing and jobs back to America like nothing seen in 50+ years. That's going to provide benefit to Main St Americans far far longer than a massive tax writeoff for the wealthy AND a ballooned deficit spend that was completely unnecessary.

Trump ran America like he ran his businesses: Pump & Dump & Declare Bankruptcy.
Wrong again.....Bidens Energy policies have done more damage then anything that idiot Trump ever did to hurt this country. He mishandled it all (including Ukraine and the border) and we are all paying for it now. Ask ANY middle class family if they are better now, then 3 years ago and you will hear the truth. You can spin it anyway you like, but facts are facts and even his own party's voters thinks less of him then any other president in the last 50 years...but ya, he is just super. 😂
I'm seeing 18 months of <4% unemployment under Biden.
Longest stretch under Trump was 13 months.

Seems like you're full of more bullshit here.
Good grief, Again...fact checking Biden's (and your) continuous lies "Biden’s statement would’ve been wrong had he said unemployment has been "4% or below" for the longest stretch in 50 years. That distinction goes to Trump, who oversaw an unemployment rate of 4% or under for 24 months.

You are swimming in your own bullshit grandpa.
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Unemployment rates under Biden:

Seems like you do not know what you're talking about, AGAIN
Just like your unemployment you want to dispute the government of the Job creation claims you have made?

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Biden's energy policies are creating LOTS of green-energy jobs in the US.
Despite your "beliefs" they are "doing damage".
I am a strong proponent of Green Energy. We have solar now and two new Hybred cars. I hope we get there as a country. But the way he is doing is devistating. If you think the only energy policy your hero has in place is simply creating Green Energy jobs...then you are ignoring where we are as a country with regard to the average American's energy bill.
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I am a strong proponent of Green Energy. We have solar now and two new Hybred cars. I hope we get there as a country. But the way he is doing is devistating.


Be specific in your explanations on this one, Cletus.

If you were a "strong proponent" of green energy, why are you supporting Trump policies so much? Which were NOT promoting "green energy" in the least.

Your position on this topic is utterly dyslexic.
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Good grief, Again...fact checking Biden's (and your) continuous lies

I posted "under 4%" numbers for you, and Biden's track record on that is BETTER here.

Plus, if you bothered to visit the BLS site, you'd see that Trump inherited a trend from Obama that was going downward, and Trump did NOTHING that altered that trend AT ALL.

Biden inherited 6% unemployment and ACCELERATED the downward trends.

You're just lapping up more nonsense here.

Be specific in your explanations on this one, Cletus.

If you were a "strong proponent" of green energy, why are you supporting Trump policies so much? Which were NOT promoting "green energy" in the least.

Your position on this topic is utterly dyslexic.
You HAVE to me mentally deficient in a major way to not even understand what has been in the news since your hero took office Chode. You can be PRO Green and understand that how you get there matters. A complete attempt at immediate destruction of the fossil fuel industry is not the way to get there. I have posted on this before. Phase it out responsibly over time, while using tax revenue from the fosssil industry to fund initiatives in Green Energy. You position is strictly partisan and nothing more chode.
I posted "under 4%" numbers for you, and Biden's track record on that is BETTER here.

Plus, if you bothered to visit the BLS site, you'd see that Trump inherited a trend from Obama that was going downward, and Trump did NOTHING that altered that trend AT ALL.

Biden inherited 6% unemployment and ACCELERATED the downward trends.

You're just lapping up more nonsense here.
No...Biden had NOTHING to do with the RECOVERED jobs you and he want to claim he created. My are steep up his ass on everything. He did NOTHING except watch jobs naturally come back after the pandemic wained. YOU could have been President and those Jobs would have naturally come back. This is disputed only by you and your Hero. Obama and Trump did more on jobs then Biden ever did. You are a moron.
You're asserting the BLS numbers are wrong here?

Man, you'll do ANYTHING to discredit Biden accomplishments, won't you?
What a joke, you have discounted everything I have posted (including the freaking Budget Office). Look, here is the difference between you and I. I ACTUALLY am an independent. You claim I will do ANYTHING to discount your hero's accomplishments. LOL!! In this freaking thread alone I have told you of the FEW things he has done that I DO like.....while YOU will NEVER admit to ANYTHING the man has done wrong. And when provided evidence of those conveniently ignore them. Again, you are a partisan hack

That's NOT what most economists are saying.
Doesn't appear that as an "independent" you get much of your news from actual "independent" sources. You parrot rightwing talking points as much as the MAGAs do.
There you go again....I ACUALLY posted a link from government data that back's up my statement earlier in this thread (which you never acknowledged). While you simply make a statement with no proof. Typical partisan extremism.