Originally posted by PapaBearSLIM:
Originally posted by sloehawk:
Originally posted by PapaBearSLIM:
"JustWrestle133 posted on 4/14/2015:
A fully funded program only has 9.9 Scholarships to give out. So, while we don't know how much money recruits are getting exactly you can use some reasoning to figure out roughly where that money is going. Some kids qualify for academic money, some kids qualify for needs based aid, also a big difference for kids who qualify for in State tuition vs out of State, then you have kids who qualify for Pell Grants. This is all information which are bread crumbs to the larger picture.
All I said was Moody was not costing the program a lot of money of the 9.9 athletic Scholarships, which I maintain. I also maintain that Moody is a interesting recruit with a lot of upside."
Unless you know the particulars of each program as far as what money is assigned to what wrestlers and the whys behind how the coach is deciding to disperse money every year you shouldn't assume to know what a prospect is costing the program.
You just listed many of the reasons why you don't have any idea what scholly money is used on individual recruits and not the other way around. Best guy in the room may cost a full or no athletic scholly money and anything in between. Other guys could cost anywhere in there as well depending on what it took to get him on campus, how bad the coach wants him on campus and what money is available. To assume "x" amount is what any guy is getting based on where you slot him is silly.
Homework assignment for you:
Pull up Iowa's current roster and tell me how much of the 9.9 every guy is getting. If you are more than 50% accurate you either have privy to Iowas financials or you would have been better off using that bit of luck on a lottery ticket.
I think it's safe to say young Mr. Moody isn't breaking Iowa's scholarship bank, which is what justwrestle is portraying.
I know what he's saying. Although it was his post that prompted my response, my posts were not really for him personally or about Moody's situation specifically.
I've always thought the same thing whenever someone speculates about how much money kids are getting or "make sure we have money still available for x recruit" If we don't know how much money is available for incoming guys from year to year, what difference does it make? Discuss away on the recruits but since non of us are privy to what's going on with the money, why pretend we are. We don't know and it doesn't matter. So let the coaches worry about balancing the books and quit making statements, that are wrong more often than not, about scholly money.
Sorry for the mini rant on the subject guys, just a pet peeve of mine.