Joe Biden Makes 'Racist' Remark -


HR All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
Joe Biden made a huge mistake in his speech at the Congressional Black Caucus on Saturday, September 23.

While congratulating the winners of the Phoenix Award for their musical contributions at the annual awards dinner in Washington D.C. during the CBC’s 52nd Annual Legislative Conference, the president butchered LL Cool J’s name as well as called him a racially insensitive term.

© OK Magazine
“Two of the great artists of our time representing the groundbreaking legacy of hip hop in America, LL Jay Cool J, uhhh…” he said to the audience, who laughed at the slip up.

However, what the 80-year-old said next did not get a positive reaction.

“By the way that boy — that man’s got biceps bigger than my thighs,” Biden added.

After the blunder occurred, a clip of the 80-year-old referring to the black musician as “boy” circulated, and in turn the former senator faced tons of backlash.

“Can't hide @JoeBiden’s racism – ‘boy’ !!!” one user penned, while another said, “Thank you for this moment @JoeBiden it’s going to be a great song.”

“You ain’t black, BOY…” a third person pointed out in frustration, while a fourth added, “It’s the 101st time he’s referred to black people by racial slurs of the past.”

“Old habits die hard ‘Boy’ Not a joke,” another said, seemingly indicating that Biden was possibly using the term frequently in his past.

A sixth user penned, “Ohhh god make it stop PLLLEASE. He's making a total mockery of this country,” while a seventh questioned, “Racist says what?”

This was not the first time Biden used the term seen as a racial epithet when used to describe black men. This year, the father-of-four said the word when describing Maryland’s first black governor, Wes Moore.

Sen. Cory Booker then called out Biden for his use of the term, saying, “You don’t joke about calling black men ‘boys.’”

AsOK! previously reported, Biden has made a plethora of slip ups in his speeches as of late, so much so, that the public has grown worried for the 2024 presidential hopeful’s mental health.

Most recently, Biden has been caught in a series of lies in some of his remarks. On Friday, September 22, while addressing a crowd about the opening of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, he made a bizarre untrue claim.

“Created by executive order, I determined to send a clear message about how important this issue is to me and to the country. It matters, and here is why. After every mass shooting, we hear a simple message, the same message heard all over the country,” Biden continued, before making the odd statement that he’s “been to every mass shooting.”

My administration has been working relentlessly to do something,” he noted, without addressing his false claim.
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Anyone surprised? What's that 10 big ones? Or 4? Either way, they've all been career enders that have been ignored.
You mean Mr racial jungle is a racist? Who knew.. dems will excuse this too, of course. Because they're hypocrites like that.
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I don't think you can ascribe rascist intent to a person who is addled by dementia to the point he can't feed himself...or run a country. He probably doesn;t remember saying it or that he was even awake at that time.
And if he's not addled by such things?
If the Ds didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.

That’s some good ol deep down ol’ timey racism right there.
These are jokes, right? You two can’t possibly be serious. I mean, the article put “racist” in quotes in the title for a reason. Hey, look! He’s racist against…Joe Biden 😂 Fuggin’ halfwits and your “scandals”…

These are jokes, right? You two can’t possibly be serious. I mean, the article put “racist” in quotes in the title for a reason. Hey, look! He’s racist against…Joe Biden 😂 Fuggin’ halfwits and your “scandals”…

Trash always collects in these types of threads.
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These are jokes, right? You two can’t possibly be serious. I mean, the article put “racist” in quotes in the title for a reason. Hey, look! He’s racist against…Joe Biden 😂 Fuggin’ halfwits and your “scandals”…

Trash always collects in these types of threads.
Holy irrelevant posts batman! My goodness.
These are jokes, right? You two can’t possibly be serious. I mean, the article put “racist” in quotes in the title for a reason. Hey, look! He’s racist against…Joe Biden 😂 Fuggin’ halfwits and your “scandals”…

Trash always collects in these types of threads.
Holy shit. Seriously. Good lord. Double post for double unbelievable.
It’d be a shitstorm if a Republican said it….Joe will get a pass.
LOL. For something that you have to stretch to make offensive.

You're a Republican, your party gives it's members "a pass" for basically everything except defiance and opposition to the leader of your party.

And per that guy, the leader of your party spent the weekend rage posting calls to imprison and execute perceived political opponents.

But Biden said "boy", Fetterman wears hoodies on the Senate floor, OUTRAGE!!!$!!
Everyone knows that liberal posters on this board would be going absolutely bonkers if a Republican did this. It's not even debatable.
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These are jokes, right? You two can’t possibly be serious. I mean, the article put “racist” in quotes in the title for a reason. Hey, look! He’s racist against…Joe Biden 😂 Fuggin’ halfwits and your “scandals”…

An old white man called a black man "boy". Your entire posting history shows us you and Chis need ZERO context to before calling that man a racist or a poster a misogynist or an entire Catholic school anti-women racists because a kid stared straight without a sound. In fact, the entire left has suggested for a while now that all white people, deep down somewhere, are all racist. But for some reason, here, you have decided that it's absolutely ludicrous to even suggest racism, even with something as obvious as this...not to mention the fact he's done it a whole bunch of times before this...even when he wasn't in mental decline.
Here's some of your greatest hits calling stuff racist...except this of course.

Here me and NBC are racist for posting a news story about people doing bad stuff on Juneteenth. Notice I didn't call anyone "boy".

Here, a poster is a misogynistic racist for cheering against a WNBA player to miss foul shots.

10 Pages more of you calling everyone racist...except Biden...who you defend every time he says something racist.

Trash always collects in these types of threads.
Biden in KKK. KKK is Biden.
  • Haha
Reactions: Menace Sockeyes
An old white man called a black man "boy". Your entire posting history shows us you and Chis need ZERO context to before calling that man a racist or a poster a misogynist or an entire Catholic school anti-women racists because a kid stared straight without a sound. In fact, the entire left has suggested for a while now that all white people, deep down somewhere, are all racist. But for some reason, here, you have decided that it's absolutely ludicrous to even suggest racism, even with something as obvious as this...not to mention the fact he's done it a whole bunch of times before this...even when he wasn't in mental decline.
Here's some of your greatest hits calling stuff racist...except this of course.

Here me and NBC are racist for posting a news story about people doing bad stuff on Juneteenth. Notice I didn't call anyone "boy".

Here, a poster is a misogynistic racist for cheering against a WNBA player to miss foul shots.

10 Pages more of you calling everyone racist...except Biden...who you defend every time he says something racist.

Biden in KKK. KKK is Biden.
And faulty is off the rails again. Another perpetual victim.