****Joe Biden Press Conference official Thread****

Hur was a partisan hack. Don’t compare that to Trump brandishing the Iran attack plan around to a roomful of women he wanted to impress.
LOL. You're right, Trump's actions are nothing like giving boxes of stolen documents to a biographer.
He’s on a conference call with the campaign. He will hit us with a blizzard of tweets and videos in a short while
I'd love to get on the list for Dem talking points. Damn they have some good spinners, and I'm not talking hanging on the ceiling fan.
A list of pre-approved people to call on, and no tough questions. That wasn't a big boy press conference. Once again he is coddled and protected.

Even though I essentially predicted this, I'm still disgusted.
They bent him over the rails with one question after another about his debate, his fitness for office, his age. It was a brutal round of questioning. You serious with this? What a stupid post.

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