****Joe Biden Press Conference official Thread****

Too many of you DNC types and operatives throw the term around when the end result is not what your bosses hope for. It’s become a small little circle jerk.
IMO, you have the smallest circle jerk there is!
I have a relative who lives in a nursing home. She doesn't sound like this. The other occupants don't either. You can lie to yourself but this is the truth.
Well you’re nursing home relative and “other occupants” aren’t the POTUS. 😉
He's absolutely not wandering. That answer was very well done. Trump could never have given a response like that.
This is the thing. Was Biden great tonight? No, he had several gaffes although he was much better than his debates. However, he also had several long drawn out answers that were fairly well thought out. Much more detailed than anything I have heard from Trump. Trump wanders just as much btw in many of his answers.
I'm voting for the flying spaghetti monster or boatymcboatface. This has to be the most absurd and unneeded crisis I've witnessed in my lifetime.
I like that Boaty dude myself.
I differ with your opinion in one respect- this crisis is needed. It’s a great wake up call for all of us, if we care about our country.
Wake up America! We have two old mummies who have no business being within 1,000 miles of the White House. They wouldn’t or couldn’t be there if we were holding up our end of the bargain by being aware and active in preserving our great country.
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Not going well.

So far he's doing very well.

You’re extremely ill informed. The Republican House recently blocked legislation crafted by conservative Senators that would have solved the problem. They blocked it at Trump’s request. To go around it, Biden used an executive order that’s been effective.

When you use the word traitorous connect it to Trump.
That’s such a fallacy. That bill was bad…it had high #’s to reach b4 closing the border, didn’t provide for a remain in Mexico policy, and hand-cuffed the next administration on what could be done on this matter. That bill essentially was just a way to fast track more illegals into this country rather than attempt to control the volume. It’s not what the American people want.
That’s such a fallacy. That bill was bad…it had high #’s to reach b4 closing the border, didn’t provide for a remain in Mexico policy, and hand-cuffed the next administration on what could be done on this matter. That bill essentially was just a way to fast track more illegals into this country rather than attempt to control the volume. It’s not what the American people want.
Shame on you…you are a danger to the left - finding out what’s actually in a bill!
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Fine, we can try judging it by the fundamentals. Biden is a normal 82 year old. Trump is a felon rapist who ended abortion. Personally I would be very nervous running a rapist felon who ended abortion. But that's just me.
Trump ended abortion? The Supreme Court put that decision back to the states for people to vote on it…where it belongs.
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You know ur lying…and we all know ur lying…
Chonk you sad little man. Trump fell asleep everyday in court. He's worthless before noon. Sorry to burst your bubble that he's not the jacked body builder people like you paint on your trucks.
I like that Boaty dude myself.
I differ with your opinion in one respect- this crisis is needed. It’s a great wake up call for all of us, if we care about our country.
Wake up America! We have two old mummies who have no business being within 1,000 miles of the White House. They wouldn’t or couldn’t be there if we were holding up our end of the bargain by being aware and active in preserving our great country.
Don't flirt with me. I just went down a deep dive of the Painted Porch.

I like that Boaty dude myself.
I differ with your opinion in one respect- this crisis is needed. It’s a great wake up call for all of us, if we care about our country.
Wake up America! We have two old mummies who have no business being within 1,000 miles of the White House. They wouldn’t or couldn’t be there if we were holding up our end of the bargain by being aware and active in preserving our great country.

I’m a registered Democrat.
The party decided to not allow other candidates on the ballot, and by Florida law that means no vote is held.
What should I have done?
That's kind of where I am at right now. I think he knows what he's doing, but he's lost his Fastball as most people in their 80's have.

My biggest concern is that people that voted for President Biden end up staying home if he's replaced because they equate it to their vote not mattering after voting for him in the Primary. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but don't feel like it's a good option based on those optics.
I don't think Biden has many stans like that apart from our bluest magaest Blue MAGA on the board. He got the nod in 2020 because of name recognition/COVID emergency. He didn't campaign like Obama and has been unpopular in terms of approval rating for one reason or another since Afghanistan withdrawal. Replacing him with Kamala and some other centrist Dem will probably help turnout if Kamala just talks abortion rights and Trump crimes and doesn't try to be likable in an extraordinarily cringe inducing way like she likes to do. People will be voting for Trump, against Trump, or not at all. Not like Dems are going to draft someone like Bernie who might scare off moderates, they already got through the part where people have the opportunity to vote for the nominee so they don't have to worry about running against the left
lol…when Trump is re-elected president, he’ll work longer daily hours than 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm of the current president.
Trump never did this when he was president. Dude famously did nothing before 11 and was out of the office no later than 3. And Friday thru Sunday he was golfing. Dude realistically only worked 10-15 hours a week.
He certainly seems unwilling, which I can understand to a degree. I just think the pressure from the public, media, and the true elites is only going to build. Withdraw soon, even claim a made up intervening medical event to save face if needed, or run the very serious and real risk of Trump as president in a second term.
What did Trump do in his first term that hurt you so bad?
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Zelensky is Putin?
Kamala is Trump?

He just misspoke those times, he was very impressive this evening when he was talking foreign policy. It was actually a tour de force. Bill Clinton and GHW Bush would be his only competitors in my lifetime as far as clearly understanding and explaining his foreign policy reasoning and initiatives.

And then you have Trump who doesn't know anything about anything.

It's really too bad, if Biden was 10 yrs younger he would have been fine in any debates and would have won this election in a walk.