Of course, and I think those who attempt to be reasonable and basketball savvy would get that, but seriously who us trust to compare them. You’re certainly aware of the component out there desperate to replace CC with any player that comes along .
And yes, they are honestly wildly different players who both have a ton of respect for each other.
But they never should’ve been compared juju‘s a 62 combo forward and Kaitlyn is point guard. Hell she’s a damn visionary and since we are comparing….
Juju has more blocks, I’d hope Caitlyn did didn’t even start trying to play defense until she got to the WNBA and she 6-2 marginally more steals again because of where she plays…
After that, absolutely nothing she does is even in the same realm, including rebounding. I’m not gonna give her Kudos for less turnovers when she averages 3.5 assists per game to 3.0 TOs .
She takes way more shots inside the paint than Caitlin does and shoots a significantly less 2pt % & worse three point % & her EG% isn’t even close.
And if you head over to Twitter, you’ll be able to find all kinds of posts saying juju is better or Paige is better or Hannah hotdog will be better or this girl or that girl I mean there’s some obsessive levels of desperation out there for Kaitlyn Clark, not to be good it’s the most bizarre shit I’ve ever seen…
No wonder there are so many people running around saying shit about these other girls…
Now for what it’s worth CC doesn’t need defended, quite frankly it’s ridiculous to say “never ever” but it is gonna be quite a while before we see girls throwing 94 foot passes and shooting 32 foot bombs consistently. I’m not sure why they’re trying to compare anyone to her.