Juneteenth celebration shooting

You can always head back to war chant or whatever it's called... censorship is good, as long as it doesn't effect liberals. What was said that was racist anyway?
Yes, this place is just hilarious when the racist feel free to racist.
Feel free to victim as much as you like but the origin of "to call a spade a spade" has nothing to do with a deck of cards or the color of any of the suites. It originates from "to call a Hoe a hoe" in the 1500s as agriculture had really started to take off and several variations of the garden hoe had been created. They were all hoes, though they looked different, they served the same purpose, thus they were all called Hoes.

And now you know........
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You can always head back to war chant or whatever it's called... censorship is good, as long as it doesn't effect liberals. What was said that was racist anyway?
Racists get so angry when it's pointed out that they're racists. Why is that? You all seem so happy when other racists recognize you, but defensive when called out. Just own it. "I'm a giant racist piece of shit, and I don't care who knows it!"
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Racists get so angry when it's pointed out that they're racists. Why is that? You all seem so happy when other racists recognize you, but defensive when called out. Just own it. "I'm a giant racist piece of shit, and I don't care who knows it!"
Tell your therapist about it...
This IMO is the crux of the problem. We have no law and order anymore.

If liberals and people like the OP were actually serious about urban street violence, they would acknowledge that no real economic opportunity in these communities coupled with no law and order and a culture that glorifies violence and being a criminal are why this problem will never change.

This is what needs to happen if anyone is serious about change:

1. Stop wasting tax payer dollars in these communities with no accountability.

2. Stop putting people in prison for nonviolent drug offenses.

3. Execute violent criminals.

4. Provide serious financial incentives for companies to invest in these communities once law and order has been established and enough violent criminals have been executed.

5. Continue with zero tolerance.

None of that will happen but I'm not opposed to any of it.
Hey look, guy who is wrong about everything is wrong again. Everyone is surprised.
Gee, you really have a broken brain. When I see videos like what was posted, 99% of the time it isn't white committing the shootings... just an observation. People like you make me sick.

BelemNole: I don't own a firearm because I'm afraid I would use it in myself.

Go join your fairy friends at reddit if you don't like it here anymore. This place isn't a liberal jerk off dungeon anymore.
Gee, you really have a broken brain. When I see videos like what was posted, 99% of the time it isn't white committing the shootings... just an observation. People like you make me sick.

BelemNole: I don't own a firearm because I'm afraid I would use it in myself.

Go join your fairy friends at reddit if you don't like it here anymore. This place isn't a liberal jerk off dungeon anymore.
I have no doubt that the videos you watch are black people committing crimes. You and ihhawk probably jerk it to the same stuff.
While rubbing your gun.
Gun homicides are on the rise in the United States, with young Black and brown people experiencing the highest rates

Young Black Americans (ages 15 to 34) experience the highest rates of gun homicides across all demographics.2
Black Americans are 10 times more likely than white Americans to die by gun homicide.3
In 2020, 12,179 Black Americans were killed with guns, compared with 7,286 white Americans:4
While Black Americans made up 12.5 percent of the U.S. population that year, they were the victims in 61 percent of all gun homicides.5
It's interesting to me how so many white people in America see African-Americans and Immigrants as statistics. Yeah, there appears to be an issue in some communities with gun violence. But this doesn't define African-American culture.

None of my wife's relatives engage in any kind of crimes. We have a nurse, a real estate agent, a hair-dresser, and a pastor in the family. No gang bangers. My in-laws attend an all black church. Great people over there (and great food). Of all the black folks I know.....I can't think of any criminals or even gun owners.

I did date one black chick years ago that turned into a meth head in her later years.......but, heck, you can find scores of white people in rural Oklahoma that could put her meth addiction to shame. In fact, I would guess more white people suffer from meth addiction as opposed to other races but we would need you stats guys to confirm it. Who knows.
It's interesting to me how so many white people in America see African-Americans and Immigrants as statistics. Yeah, there appears to be an issue in some communities with gun violence. But this doesn't define African-American culture.

None of my wife's relatives engage in any kind of crimes. We have a nurse, a real estate agent, a hair-dresser, and a pastor in the family. No gang bangers. My in-laws attend an all black church. Great people over there (and great food). Of all the black folks I know.....I can't think of any criminals or even gun owners.

I did date one black chick years ago that turned into a meth head in her later years.......but, heck, you can find scores of white people in rural Oklahoma that could put her meth addiction to shame. In fact, I would guess more white people suffer from meth addiction as opposed to other races but we would need you stats guys to confirm it. Who knows.

I'm not aware of another demographic here that is so consistently told they have a problem with their community and a responsibility to police their own by people outside of the demographic. Which is wild.

As a whitey there is no way I'm taking responsibility for dope zombies in Ohio, meth cooks in the midwest, financial criminals that rob thousands of their retirement or Lauren Boebert's sex crimes. It makes zero sense.
I have no doubt that the videos you watch are black people committing crimes. You and ihhawk probably jerk it to the same stuff.
While rubbing your gun.
They are in ample supply and its better than jerking it to drag shows...

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