Just remember folks, its the democrats that think we need to keep everything locked down.

And had Trump and GOP not just acted like this was just going to go away by summer, we wouldn't be here either.

You do realize there's a universe out there where we could have/should have done mandatory masking/social distancing that likely would have rendered much of the SIP actions unnecessary, or at least limited the extent to which those actually would have been done, right.

You can argue Democratic policies took it too far, but far too many GOP leaders did far too little as well in my opinion.

Yes, two opposing entities seeking balance through greater polarization.

Bad storms in Iowa coinciding with the reality of no college football this fall. Depressing day.
OP is venting Americans gotta blame someone instead of looking in the mirror.
Stfu. You want to bring back the thread about the guy bitching about "trumps" America who exposed himself at a family get together? F U bud. Ive limited TF out of my social life.
The corona virus will only get worse and destroy more businesses and lives because the moron in the White House continues to ignore it.

OP has to realize that all these businesses would eventually be shutdown anyway when the virus has spread enough and killed or maimed enough of the population due to Trump apathy. Meanwhile most of Europe is halfway normal due to them taking the threat seriously.

Europe is a financial disaster that, it seems, they have no answers how to even begin repairing the results of their shut down. I wouldn't necessarily say that they have done a great job in handling the virus. Saved lives.....Probably. Destroyed the economy beyond repair....most likely. It's a pick your poison scenario.
Stfu. You want to bring back the thread about the guy bitching about "trumps" America who exposed himself at a family get together? F U bud. Ive limited TF out of my social life.

I said Americans not specifically you. You need to be angry at them not any particular party. It's called personal responsibility. Use to be a major pillar of Republicanism, At least it was when I was one.
First of all people over the age of 65 count too.

Secondly 1% is a pretty freaking high death rate compared to anything we have ever seen in our lifetimes. 1% sounds small but when you start looking at big numbers it's pretty darn huge. In a city of 100,000 people, 1,000 people die of it? In a school with 500 kids, 5 kids die of it.

Are you going to get on a plane that has a 1% chance of crashing? I wouldn't.

I can't think of anything that people voluntarily to do for that involves a 1% or worse chance of death.

There are plenty:

- Extreme mountain climbing (everest, etc)
- Drug trafficking
- Heroin
15 to 0.

Feb. 26:
“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” — Trump at a press conference.

Feb 24th
"That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."

Take a fvcking lap.
15 to 0.

Feb. 26:
“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” — Trump at a press conference.

Feb 24th
"That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."

Take a fvcking lap.

Do you seriously think the entire world is orchestrating all of this to oust Trump? Every single country on earth is facing the same problems that we are with Covid.
Yet he thinks he deserves much more “civil” discourse. Lol. It’s dudes like Pepp who bemoan the “PC culture” while also taking great offense to being called out—in non-PC language—on his abject ridiculousness. The irony is so thick.
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The majority of states, and perhaps all of them, have reopened more aggressively than they would have if they had followed the Trump admin’s guidelines.
I have this with Fauci saying they should be careful but should reopen. Can you show something where he says "not contained"

Are you too dense to understand that "not contained" means "not actively spreading"?

Fauci: Schools can reopen with safeguards, but those in virus hot spots shouldn't

  • "There may be some areas where the level of virus is so high that it would not be prudent to bring the children back to school," he said.
  • "So you can't make one statement about bringing children back to school in this country, it depends on where you are."
Are you too dense to understand that "not contained" means "not actively spreading"?

Fauci: Schools can reopen with safeguards, but those in virus hot spots shouldn't

  • "There may be some areas where the level of virus is so high that it would not be prudent to bring the children back to school," he said.
  • "So you can't make one statement about bringing children back to school in this country, it depends on where you are."

Where? Were are those? Where are these amazing Hotspot that still exist?
o yeah, and if you find yourself still holding onto the "two more weeks until it get really bad narrative" you are also a bvttfvck.
O lets talk some truth:

What side of the isle is delaying the opening of the country?
You’re a special kind of stupid. Take a look at every other country on earth. We are handling this the worst. Every civilized country had a much different viral trajectory than us. They planned and aren’t big babies when it came to masks. We had junior high kids making decisions and the rest of the Republican Party was a bunch of cowards when it came to disagreeing with Donald.
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