just watched 6 non college white women on CNN

There are a lot of young people on college campuses across America today who are poorly educated. Most of them would identify as liberal.

The fact is quite a few people in America are ignorant and not very well informed. And many wear their ignorance as a badge of honor. Liberal and conservative.

All of that said, I've noticed more and more "educated" and "informed" Trump supporters are finding greater difficulty in continuing to defend Trump. Besides, of course, OIT and iowaftblnbballfan, whose support of Trump continues to be as capricious as it is implacable.
There are a lot of young people on college campuses across America today who are poorly educated. Most of them would identify as liberal.

The fact is quite a few people in America are ignorant and not very well informed. And many wear their ignorance as a badge of honor. Liberal and conservative.

All of that said, I've noticed more and more "educated" and "informed" Trump supporters are finding greater difficulty in continuing to defend Trump. Besides, of course, OIT and iowaftblnbballfan, whose support of Trump continues to be as capricious as it is implacable.
They dont hold a candle to Ciggy!!
All of that said, I've noticed more and more "educated" and "informed" Trump supporters are finding greater difficulty in continuing to defend Trump. Besides, of course, OIT and iowaftblnbballfan, whose support of Trump continues to be as capricious as it is implacable.

For sure, because Trump and his actions are increasingly stranger and stranger given the circumstances. It really does seem like he would rather troll the left than actually do something positive or noteworthy.

But you'd have to admit (I would think) that the left is responding in kind, which is probably playing right into what Trump's trying to get them to do. It is silliness that the extremes love - like kids standing in a circle on the playground urging others to "fight, fight, fight"...

The other thing is even if many of us that are educated and informed don't find any reasons to defend Trump, it does not imply that we should abandon our political leanings and suddenly embrace all things from the left.
I would encourage you to start a movement to dispose of us. A final solution of sorts. We're so dumb we deserve this. It might be your only chance to save the good people in this world.
That "civil war" that cons want to start when Trump is defeated is already in motion.

Be careful what you wish for.
Goldmom, hawkbirch, and 3boysmom have all offered
intelligent and cogent insights on this forum. We have
an unusual amount of males who fail to contribute to
this HROT forum in a meaningful way.

who woke you up ?
I hate associating not graduating from college with stupid. My parents didn't graduate from college and they both know Trump's an idiot even though they have some conservative leanings.

That said Trump does have a special attraction to people who enjoy living in ignorance.

My parents, now long diseased, didn't attend high school let alone graduate, but I'm most confident that neither would have voted for Trump.
For sure, because Trump and his actions are increasingly stranger and stranger given the circumstances. It really does seem like he would rather troll the left than actually do something positive or noteworthy.

But you'd have to admit (I would think) that the left is responding in kind, which is probably playing right into what Trump's trying to get them to do. It is silliness that the extremes love - like kids standing in a circle on the playground urging others to "fight, fight, fight"...

The other thing is even if many of us that are educated and informed don't find any reasons to defend Trump, it does not imply that we should abandon our political leanings and suddenly embrace all things from the left.

We should all be Americans first and Democrats and Republicans second.

No one is asking conservatives to become liberals. What's at stake is the dignity and integrity of the presidency. Continued support of Donald J. Trump, regardless of political ideology, leanings, or affiliations, is inexcusable. And, in my view, a clear dereliction of duty to place the good of the country ahead of one's party.
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I would encourage you to start a movement to dispose of us. A final solution of sorts. We're so dumb we deserve this. It might be your only chance to save the good people in this world.
Nah. He said the people he's talking about are white.
That’s odd Rudolph. I don’t remember you ever posting a YouTube video of a liberal being interviewed on the streets and stumbling all over themselves. There are countless ones out there.

I wonder why that is...
I don't ever post videos, period. And I made it clear that I hate everything about it. After OP's OP I figured it was going to be much worse than it turned out to be, so I posted it. These are fairly run-of-the-mill people who are about as ill-informed as most people, lib or con. Americans are simply too busy with who knows what to make the effort to be better-informed. And, given the extent to which Americans seem intent on accepting whatever their preferred media personality tells them, this is what we get. I actually don't think these people, as a whole, terribly represent themselves. I think they are a mirror on the person interviewing them. My takeaway from that clip is that these people all represent a failing function of our democracy. Or democratic republic, or representative republic, or representative democracy—whatever the fück people like to call this experiment.

Man, you sure do misunderstand me. Yes, I'm a liberal. Link to any post of mine whose intent is entirely to make conservatives look bad. Link to one. You'll notice in this thread I do not utter one fücking word in negative judgment of these people, certainly nothing suggestive of tearing down one team over the other.

Pay attention.
But you'd have to admit (I would think) that the left is responding in kind, which is probably playing right into what Trump's trying to get them to do. It is silliness that the extremes love - like kids standing in a circle on the playground urging others to "fight, fight, fight"...

That’s one of those false equivalency posts that are so tiresome and lazy. Trump is behaving almost like a mad man, and the more outrageous his actions the more the GOP and his defenders sacrifice dignity and honesty to excuse him - many almost gleefully, as if destroying the country would be a small price to pay if it makes liberals angry.

So we constantly point out his lies and his awful behavior, and point out his actions that intentionally put the nation’s interests behind his own. This isn’t childish, it’s our civic duty.
Of the six gals on that panel... the only one remotely sensible was front row, on the left. Dumbest one was easily the top row, far right.