There is no genocide in Gaza

We've taken over countries for a lot less than what happened to Israel. I think they do care or everyone in gaza would be wiped out. It's funny that you give hamas and palestinians a pass but yet have so much hatred for Israel. My guess is you're "friends" with hamas and palestinians because its the saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". You enjoy your friendship with the terrorists, it's a good group for you to be part of.

When you have to resort to strawmen you know you have nothing to add. I guess you tried at least. You should probably stop swallowing the propaganda and educate yourself.
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When you have to resort to strawmen you know you have nothing to add. I guess you tried at least. You should probably stop swallowing the propaganda and educate yourself.

There are people protesting every war. You just keep up your love for terrorist and your hate for Israel. You're the one who keep posting all the negative stuff about Israel, no one is forcing you to do it. You obviously feel very strong about your dislike for a country defending itself from terrorists. Feel free to go to gaza and live among your friends.
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There are people protesting every war. You just keep up your love for terrorist and your hate for Israel. You're the one who keep posting all the negative stuff about Israel, no one is forcing you to do it. You obviously feel very strong about your dislike for a country defending itself from terrorists. Feel free to go to gaza and live among your friends.
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Oh look, GOHOX is back. The person who's admitted that he hates white people and would leave the country if there was a better country not run by white people.
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SB is what you call, a moron. Responding to him takes time, oxygen and both are wasted.
Yeah I stopped months ago in a separate thread, not sure why I even bother with people who refuse to take their head out of the sand. Guess I always cling to some hope that people are willing to listen and learn.
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Yeah I stopped months ago in a separate thread, not sure why I even bother with people who refuse to take their head out of the sand. Guess I always cling to some hope that people are willing to listen and learn.
And yet you keep posting all the BS about Israel. I guess you just can't help yourself.
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