OK - I'm done here. Do you think for one second the school district wants this kind of publicity? They are without question being advised to do what they are doing as a school district is viewed as a "deep pocket" because of its revenue base. What you are comparing this to is just not the same thing. Let's say the school district expelled him and the case goes to criminal court and it is ruled the school district did not act correctly and the case gets thrown out. How do you think you would feel? Pissed at the school district for acting incorrectly? More than likely.
I didn't wrestle in college so I keep my opinions on certain things to myself. I don't call average D-1 wrestlers garbage like I often read on here. Why, because if I can't or didn't and I don't feel like I should comment. I'm simply a long time fan.
You say you're done then go on to ask more questions. You should have said I'm dumb here.