Kamala’s lead keeps dwindling. JFC this is pitiful.

This is the big problem with polls anymore,.. Serious people don't participate in polling.
I never participated in off topic until like a year or so ago and within one day I saw, read, and participated in more political discussions than I ever have.

Why is that? It's because this is an anonymous message board. People publicly don't participate at the same rate as this board shows mainly because they are scared publicly to get scolded, called an idiot, bigot, or something worse.

PSA for the libs here...... you make up 90% of this board therefore almost 100% of the time you are going to be told you are right and that you are an amazing human being. Once you venture outside of here don't be shocked if things politically or polling wise start moving more back to the middle. You're candidate has a great shot at winning so just relax. If she doesn't win then you have another shot in 2028. Drink a beer, smoke some weed, promote world peace.
The problem for Harris is she never explains her policy shifts. Avoids answering the tough questions and hasn't been able to dispel the doubt that's she's actually shifted to the "center" on policy.

That's it in a nutshell...
I think you are giving the voting public too much credit. When they get in the voting booth only two things matter - who they "like" more and who they think will deliver a better economy.

For reasons beyond my comprehension, a lot of people like Trump.
At this rate not only does he take GA, NC, AZ, and NV; he also takes PA, WI, and MI. We have become a fat, stupid, intellectually lazy people. The “Party of Stupid” I’d built for us.
All states that have absolutely been hammered by the scourge of ILLEGALS perpetrated upon them by jomala's open border policy and nightly flights importing trash like this into the country >

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The problem for Harris is she never explains her policy shifts. Avoids answering the tough questions and hasn't been able to dispel the doubt that's she's actually shifted to the "center" on policy.

That's it in a nutshell...

Are you serious? The next time Trump answers a tough policy question will be the first f*cking time.

“I’ll pay for childcare with tariffs.”

“I have concepts of a healthcare plan.”

Kamala cannot complete a sentence without a teleprompter...she's a puppet candidate and people are jumping off her cardboard box attempt at a rocket ship campaign every day.


Let's see what the paid shills onX are saying.....
They've run out of gimmes to "poll!" 🤣
Kamala cannot complete a sentence without a teleprompter...she's a puppet candidate and people are jumping off her cardboard box attempt at a rocket ship campaign every day.


Let's see what the paid shills onX are saying.....
Which is why they are trying their best to hide her ala JB. When they do put her out in front of the cameras, it is surrounded by Oprah softball questions. Nothing says connecting with the hurting middle class like trotting out one of the richest people in the world to chastise you.
Which is why they are trying their best to hide her ala JB. When they do put her out in front of the cameras, it is surrounded by Oprah softball questions. Nothing says connecting with the hurting middle class like trotting out one of the richest people in the world to chastise you.

...I'm from a middle class family........
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She needs to get her fuking ass on tv doing town halls. The statistics show that when people see and hear her, they like her and want to know more about her.

The thing with Oprah doesn’t count. She needs to be on CNN or one of the prime time networks. People will watch so idk why her campaign isn’t setting those up. Frustrating.

Having said all that, the pollercoaster goes up and down. Even though the margins are tightening, she’s knocking on the door of 50% in a lot of states and nationally. Trump outperformed polls in 2020 but still has a cap of around 48% and that’s where he’s polling. Many pollsters, including NYT, have said they’ve adjusted methodology to try to recapture some of the hidden Trump vote.
Anyone who thought this was going to be anything but a tossup was fooling themselves.

If Democrats actually thought Trump had to be beaten at all costs, they would have told Kamala to step aside and run someone with a universal appeal—like Josh Shapiro or the governor of Kentucky.

Instead, Democrats insist on checking all the minority boxes. Oh, and btw, Kamala is not that popular with black people. The ones I have talked to blame Biden and her for inflation and think she’s a phony.

This election is a tossup. Democrats should maybe look in the mirror for once to try to figure out why. Beating the “Trump is a bad person” drum while telling average people who can barely make ends meet that they should be grateful for Bidenomics is not a winning strategy.

Just saying…
She needs to get her fuking ass on tv doing town halls. The statistics show that when people see and hear her, they like her and want to know more about her.

The thing with Oprah doesn’t count. She needs to be on CNN or one of the prime time networks. People will watch so idk why her campaign isn’t setting those up. Frustrating.

Having said all that, the pollercoaster goes up and down. Even though the margins are tightening, she’s knocking on the door of 50% in a lot of states and nationally. Trump outperformed polls in 2020 but still has a cap of around 48% and that’s where he’s polling. Many pollsters, including NYT, have said they’ve adjusted methodology to try to recapture some of the hidden Trump vote.

She cannot speak without an emotional support partner.
Anyone who thought this was going to be anything but a tossup was fooling themselves.

If Democrats actually thought Trump had to be beaten at all costs, they would have told Kamala to step aside and run someone with a universal appeal—like Josh Shapiro or the governor of Kentucky.

Instead, Democrats insist on checking all the minority boxes. Oh, and btw, Kamala is not that popular with black people. The ones I have talked to blame Biden and her for inflation and think she’s a phony.

This election is a tossup. Democrats should maybe look in the mirror for once to try to figure out why. Beating the “Trump is a bad person” drum while telling average people who can barely make ends meet that they should be grateful for Bidenomics is not a winning strategy.

Just saying…
I agree with you. The issue is Shapiro (their best candidate) was too Jewish.
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Part of the problem here might be that Trump has made inroads amongst non white Christian working class sorts.

And you have to remember that this forum represents a group of people that pays way more attention to politics than your average American.

The hubbub about Haitians in Ohio and the presidential debate is merely a blip on the radar, if that, for the majority of Americans
This election is a tossup. Democrats should maybe look in the mirror for once to try to figure out why. Beating the “Trump is a bad person” drum while telling average people who can barely make ends meet that they should be grateful for Bidenomics is not a winning strategy.

Just saying…
"Mr. President what do you have to say to Americans who are hurting financially and are concerned about every day costs?"

"They have the money" - Joe Biden

"I don't understand how people can vote for Trump, I just don't get it." -Democrats

It's kind of fascinating in a way.
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Trump is campaigning in blue states. Inter al polling is showing states like Minnesota may be able to flip red. Kamala being unable to do a press conference or big interview without floundering prevents her from making any gains. She really is a terrible candidate.
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Which is f*cking mind blowing considering he is the absolute antithesis of “working class Christian.”
Maga is the party of the working class. The dems have become the party of mega corps and big money. That's why Kamala is massively outspending trump but still losing ground daily.
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And voters are getting sick of this bullshit too...brought to you by Mr. and Mrs. Tampon timm >

Which is f*cking mind blowing considering he is the absolute antithesis of “working class Christian.”
I think you honestly have a lot of people that have to grapple with this. Everyone knows about Trumps imperfections but you have to weigh the other option. He was not who I wanted to be nominated by the GOP but for me he at least puts a stop gap in the complete erosion of our county.
At this rate not only does he take GA, NC, AZ, and NV; he also takes PA, WI, and MI. We have become a fat, stupid, intellectually lazy people. The “Party of Stupid” I’d built for us.'s all about voter turnout.

Dems excel at it.
Anyone with a brain knows it’s the exact opposite but the uneducated are easily manipulated to vote against their own financial interests.
Are you calling the teamsters stupid? My household income is roughly 300k a year. Am I stupid? All of us agree that the economic policies of this administration have been a disaster. My grocery bills are nearly double. I pay thousands a year more for insurance and inflated taxes. I assure you, trump is better for my wallet and history proves this to be true.
Are you calling the teamsters stupid? My household income is roughly 300k a year. Am I stupid? All of us agree that the economic policies of this administration have been a disaster. My grocery bills are nearly double. I pay thousands a year more for insurance and inflated taxes. I assure you, trump is better for my wallet and history proves this to be true.

The USA has recovered from Covid inflation better than any country in the world. You’d be experiencing the same pain (likely worse) had Trump won a second term.