Kamala’s lead keeps dwindling. JFC this is pitiful.

Now try it the other way around.

“They’re eating the pets! I saw them say it in TV!”

Republicans: I like his policies, that’s why he’s winning.

Well she is extremely unlikeable so its not surprising its close. Both are awful and i won't be voting for either. Right now I have Moral as the leader in the clubhouse for my vote but may change it to McLovin because I think Moral might have caught the dead
Great so our options are a convict, the most unlikeable VP ever and McLovin who abuses the weed?????

Actually put me down for McLovin
But how does that help Trump with all of his baggage?
Not really the point. Trump has a plethora of well known baggage...that's a given.

The Harris camp is counting on that to be enough to get her the W. I think she actually has to make a better case to vote FOR her and not rely solely on the D base and "never Trump" vote.
What is so hard for you dumb ass Dems to wrap your mind around? A white woman, wife of beloved ex-president Clinton, New York Senator and Secretary of the State, huge fundraising advantage over Trump.... Couldn't beat Trump.

If Hillary Clinton couldn't beat Trump, why in the world do you think a black woman can?

Hard stop.
You keep trying to make this racist point.

Harris is currently VP, doesn't have a threat of an FBI investigation over her head, and is much more likable than Hillary. Those 3 reasons are why.
Not really the point. Trump has a plethora of well known baggage...that's a given.

The Harris camp is counting on that to be enough to get her the W. I think she actually has to make a better case to vote FOR her and not rely solely on the D base and "never Trump" vote.
I agree. Precisely because Trump defenders like you will completely ignore his record.
The problem for Harris is she never explains her policy shifts. Avoids answering the tough questions and hasn't been able to dispel the doubt that's she's actually shifted to the "center" on policy.

That's it in a nutshell...
She isn’t great but I find it odd that rational people go from her to him.

I think she wins, because a lot of people will stay home.
The problem for Harris is we still live in a country where half of the electorate still harbors sentiment against people of various minority status and looks for any reason whatsoever to vote for the man who represents everything we teach our kids not to do.

That's it in a nutshell...
Harris is currently VP, doesn't have a threat of an FBI investigation over her head, and is much more likable than Hillary. Those 3 reasons are why.

Not enough,.. and I'm not certain that number 3 is even true.
Not really the point. Trump has a plethora of well known baggage...that's a given.

The Harris camp is counting on that to be enough to get her the W. I think she actually has to make a better case to vote FOR her and not rely solely on the D base and "never Trump" vote.
"Baggage" that has been manufactured my the marxist left!
You keep trying to make this racist point.

Harris is currently VP, doesn't have a threat of an FBI investigation over her head, and is much more likable than Hillary. Those 3 reasons are why.
Yeah, but as you know coach, it's not always about the X's and O's. Sometimes it's about the Jackson's and Jones's.
You’re correct, but Trump does the exact same thing and gets a pass. When asked a tough question he rambles and lies. He tells different stories of his positions depending on the audience. His extremist past positions vanish if he is called out. Meanwhile Harris is criticized.
I guess it's perspective because it seems to me the majority of the media has given Harris a "free pass" for going on two months now.
Trump’s an idiot. Instead of saying “They’re eating the dogs” he should have said “They’re raping the kids.”

Poll taking is a science. They ask questions to get the demographics of who answered the survey, then adjust the results to eliminate bias. They also ask questions to determine the true likelihood of who is going to vote. To the extent polls are off, they consistently underestimate GOP support. But it’s not like they just blindly poll 1,000 people then report the raw results.

When liberals discount polls they are behaving the same as when conservatives discount global warming science.
Thank you.
Republicans care about 3 things once they’re in office:

1. Cutting taxes for the rich
2. Removing regulations
3. Cutting social services

They give ZERO f*cks about:

1. The middle class
2. Illegal immigration
3. Abortion
4. Guns
5. Religion

They manipulate their constituents with sexy issues and “owning the libs” because they would NEVER get elected running on what they actually care about.
Yep! I will also add keeping the military powerful in order to protect the wealthy from losing what they have. Do they care about veterans? Not in the least. Military members are useful tools to be tossed aside after their service is over. That's when the Democrats have to protect them. If it was up to me, members of the military would pay for very little once their careers are over. They should be protected as being the best of us.
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Trump’s an idiot. Instead of saying “They’re eating the dogs” he should have said “They’re raping the kids.”

But are they haitians? They are MAGA #1 bad guys right now.
I don’t understand how anyone in their right mind could vote for a POS like Harris that is devoted to ****ing up this country beyond all repair.

We have no border.

We identify criminals and individuals on terror watch lists on the border and our current policy is to let them into the country.

We then do not detain or incarcerate foreign nationals that have been arrested and accused of serious felonies, instead we release them back onto the streets to further victimize unsuspecting US citizens.

How could anyone vote for this?
What the hell are you thinking?

Your answer doesn't address her avoidance of answering any of her policy shifts directly. She avoids can call that observation stupid but it's what she does.
Policy speech on the economy today, according to a headline I just saw.

She's had (and won) a debate. She had an interview; then another one. She's been out on the stump. Now she's starting to tick the policy boxes.

Where will you place the goal posts next?
I don’t understand how anyone in their right mind could vote for a POS like Harris that is devoted to ****ing up this country beyond all repair.

We have no border.

We identify criminals and individuals on terror watch lists on the border and our current policy is to let them into the country.

We then do not detain or incarcerate foreign nationals that have been arrested and accused of serious felonies, instead we release them back onto the streets to further victimize unsuspecting US citizens.

How could anyone vote for this?
What the hell are you thinking?
There were no border problems under Trump?

You are losing your mind.
There were no border problems under Trump?

You are losing your mind.

Far, far, fewer and he was fought tooth and nail by psycho oppositional Democrats the whole time.

Sanctuary cities need to go. The individuals creating these laws and refusing to follow immigration law need to be removed from office and charged criminally in some cases.
What is so hard for you dumb ass Dems to wrap your mind around? A white woman, wife of beloved ex-president Clinton, New York Senator and Secretary of the State, huge fundraising advantage over Trump.... Couldn't beat Trump.

If Hillary Clinton couldn't beat Trump, why in the world do you think a black woman can?

Hard stop.

In 2016, Trump gave voters hope of something different.

In 2024, everyone with a brain knows exactly who Trump is. A criminal and a fraudster that doesn't actually give two shits about the working class.
In 2016, Trump gave voters hope of something different.

In 2024, everyone with a brain knows exactly who Trump is. A criminal and a fraudster that doesn't actually give two shits about the working class.
Ummm, pre-covid we had an economy that was the envy of the world. Inflation low, gas prices low, interest rates low, improvement on the border,