Kamala’s lead keeps dwindling. JFC this is pitiful.

The claim has been that illegal immigrants are commiting the majority of crime. It illustrates this notion is another falsehood promoted by the right wing and gobbled up by ignorant rubes.
Well, yeah, it’s well established that MAGAs are dumbasses and can’t do basic math.

Nearly 1 out of 3 is still alarming to me regardless of the intellectual deficiencies of the cult of personality.

Nearly 1 out of 3. C’mon, man.
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To the extent people are fed up with Trump drama, yeah. But the flip side is there are also moderates who are more turned off by the influx of illegal immigration

Harris/Biden have nothing to do with "the influx of illegal immigration".
That's been ongoing for decades now.

Harris HAS worked on improving the economic health of the areas in Central America the migrants come from - and THAT is actually a solution targeting the root cause here.

In fact, Western countries need cheaper labor (which we get in China) but we don't want to support a political adversary. So, if we invest in cleaning up Central America, Haiti, Dominican Republic, etc, we can develop areas where we can get lower cost labor and shift our product sourcing from China to countries in the Western hemisphere, and with local opportunities FEWER people will need to migrate to the US illegally.

It's a "long game" position and solution, that's not nearly as "catchy" as "Build The Wall", but it will address several problems at once - the issue is that it's a many-year investment and solution that will not produce results overnight. It will be a decade-long (or more) effort.
Police officers are prohibited from asking about the immigration status of crime victims, witnesses, or suspects and therefore the NYPD doesn't track data pertaining to immigration statuses."

A Midtown officer added: "I would say about 75 percent of the arrests in Midtown Manhattan are migrants, mostly for robberies, assaults, domestic incidents and selling counterfeit items."

He estimated this figure because "you can't be 100 percent sure [they're migrants] unless you arrest them in a shelter or they're dumb enough to give you a shelter address."

Another officer from Manhattan observed that aside from petty larcenies at drug stores, "easily" 75 percent of local arrests involving migrants are for more serious offenses, with many targeting high-end stores.

"They can't be bothered with lower-end stores. They like Lululemon and Sunglass Hut," he noted, also mentioning that migrants are responsible for "most" of the pickpocketing and phone and chain snatches seen by the NYPD.

The issue is also prominent in Queens, where courts are feeling the impact. "There are days we have so many migrant cases we have to call in for extra Spanish interpreters," said an officer at Queens Criminal Court House.

A court officer added: "Come on Mondays; almost every case is a migrant."
Well, yeah, it’s well established that MAGAs are dumbasses and can’t do basic math.

Nearly 1 out of 3 is still alarming to me regardless of the intellectual deficiencies of the cult of personality.

Nearly 1 out of 3. C’mon, man.
Again, that's a different argument. I agree that illegal immigration is a big issue and needs to be resolved. I don't think spreading false information about the situation helps move in that direction.
Harris/Biden have nothing to do with "the influx of illegal immigration".
That's been ongoing for decades now.

Harris HAS worked on improving the economic health of the areas in Central America the migrants come from - and THAT is actually a solution targeting the root cause here.

In fact, Western countries need cheaper labor (which we get in China) but we don't want to support a political adversary. So, if we invest in cleaning up Central America, Haiti, Dominican Republic, etc, we can develop areas where we can get lower cost labor and shift our product sourcing from China to countries in the Western hemisphere, and with local opportunities FEWER people will need to migrate to the US illegally.

It's a "long game" position and solution, that's not nearly as "catchy" as "Build The Wall", but it will address several problems at once - the issue is that it's a many-year investment and solution that will not produce results overnight. It will be a decade-long (or more) effort.
I’m talking about perception, Joe.

And please post a credible link to the statistics that back up your tacit claim that a comparable amount of illegals entered the country during Trump’s presidency as they did Biden’s.

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I’m talking about perception, Joe.

And please post a credible link to the statistics that back up your tacit claim that a comparable amount of illegals entered the country during Trump’s presidency as they did Biden’s.

What does Trump's presidency have to do with my statement?

Illegal immigration has been a problem for DECADES. Not "just since Biden took office".
Google your own numbers up if you do not understand that.
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I’m talking about perception, Joe.

And please post a credible link to the statistics that back up your tacit claim that a comparable amount of illegals entered the country during Trump’s presidency as they did Biden’s.

I don't know that there are accurate numbers on how many have come in illegally. We do know that the Biden administration has apprehended far more at the border.
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You just answered your first sentence in your second sentence.
Not really. All that tells us is the Biden administration has caught far more. That could be for a variety of reasons. It does demonstrate that they are very active in stemming the tide.
Illegal immigration has been a problem for DECADES. Not "just since Biden took office".
Google your own numbers up if you do not understand that.
That was never my assertion.

Violent crime has also been a problem in America for decades. That doesn’t mean we can’t fact check Donald Trump’s bullshit that violent crime has skyrocketed since Biden became president.

This isn’t hard, Joe. If the numbers are on your side, then post them. Poop or get off the pot.
That was never my assertion.

Violent crime has also been a problem in America for decades. That doesn’t mean we can’t fact check Donald Trump’s bullshit that violent crime has skyrocketed since Biden became president.

This isn’t hard, Joe. If the numbers are on your side, then post them. Poop or get off the pot.
Where do you get your information on the number of illegal immigrants entering the country each year?
This isn’t hard, Joe. If the numbers are on your side, then post them.
I did not make any claim about "Trump vs Biden" admin illegal immigration.

We shut down immigration almost completely during a pandemic. That pandemic is now over.
Illegal immigration has been a problem for decades - that is what I'd posted. If you disagree, then post data showing it was NOT a problem for decades.
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Bins claimed Joe won’t post the numbers backing up Joe’s claim. To this point, bins has been correct.
He claimed it wasn't true. Where is his support of that?

Again, Joe went off what I said and I have explained my position. Let's see if bins will do the same.
Well, yeah, it’s well established that MAGAs are dumbasses and can’t do basic math.

Nearly 1 out of 3 is still alarming to me regardless of the intellectual deficiencies of the cult of personality.

Nearly 1 out of 3. C’mon, man.
1 imported rape of a child is one too many! Can't do much about the sick, leftist citizenry committing these atrocities because the democrats won't put them down. Why would they.........when they are bringing more in every day and night?
Thanks for admitting you were incorrect here.
I’m incorrect because I wrote “Donald Trump’s bullshit claims…” about violent crime skyrocketing under Biden and you agreed with me they are bullshit?

Joe, you’re off your rocker, dude. You like to argue so much I don’t think you understand what you are arguing about half the time.

Smh. 🤦‍♂️ ****ing libs.

Again, good day.
I’m talking about perception, Joe.

And please post a credible link to the statistics that back up your tacit claim that a comparable amount of illegals entered the country during Trump’s presidency as they did Biden’s.

900,000 border encounters in 2019 and no Republicans said one damn word about it on here. It's been linked multiple times.
The problem for Harris is she never explains her policy shifts. Avoids answering the tough questions and hasn't been able to dispel the doubt that's she's actually shifted to the "center" on policy.

That's it in a nutshell...
Dude give this shit a rest. Just say you love Trump. The idea that she somehow flip-flops more than Trump is disingenuous. It also makes you look like a fool.