Kamala is the key

Feb 9, 2013
Clearly Biden needs to step down. Harris is not a better option.

Harris needs to tell Joe, I am not the successor and am not the right person for the job. It’s ok if you want to step down and don’t stay out of any loyalty to me. Let’s both step down and be pleased with all we’ve accomplished. We’ll go out as a team.

If Harris believes she is the heir apparent and doesn’t go quietly, we are screwed.
I'm going to ask the asshole question here:

What part of what we have seen with any of these clear government DEI hires leads you to believe one would graciously step down and not feel entitled to the throne?
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I think Obama and Jill are the two people that need to talk to Joe.

It will take a line of people. Obama will do it. Bernie, donors and numerous other influential people will also do so. Jill clearly won’t and will probably have to be dragged out of the WH kicking and screaming
Not going to happen. These political leaders have huge egos and getting even the slightest chance to achieve a lifetime ambition is priority #1 over doing what is probably best. I see an open convention and a bloodbath with all the factions and a weak bench. This was all preventable if they would have had a legit primary process and debates six months ago … but that ship has sailed.
Not going to happen. These political leaders have huge egos and getting even the slightest chance to achieve a lifetime ambition is priority #1 over doing what is probably best. I see an open convention and a bloodbath with all the factions and a weak bench. This was all preventable if they would have had a legit primary process and debates six months ago … but that ship has sailed.

Agree with what you say but I still think they will nominate Biden.

There is some huge difficulties with switching horses now. As you say this would have all been preventable if Biden stepped aside and the primaries opened up 6 months ago. (No one of note was going to run against a sitting POTUS). But switching horses now isn't as easy as people seem to think.

First problem is that switching horses basically hands the R's a win because you are basically admitting to what they were saying. Then you have the issue of getting a new person who has no campaign staff or anything built up to start a campaign from scratch. Maybe all of Biden's campaign staff could move over to working for this new person but I doubt it. Then there is the issue of money. Biden has a pretty big war chest built up. Even if he was wiling to step aside which seems unlikely, I don't think he could simply just pass this money over to the new campaign.

Plus there is the other problem of finding a candidate to get the delegates behind.

I would love to just pull Biden out of the race and substitute in Whitmer or Beshear. Even at the price of handing the Reps. a win about Biden it might be better because all of the people who are looking at this race like 2 shitty choices might look at one of them and say hey there is a distinctively less shitty choice in the race now. But even if you could get the delegates behind one of them, you would now be asking them to create a presidential campaign out of scratch and then get their message out.

Beshear should have been the candidate this year. If not him Whitmer. I don't want Newsome. Lots of baggage and a Dem candidate able to win state wide races in California does not impress me at all. If Dems were smart they would go for people who win state wide races in red or purple states.
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Thought Mike Steele, yes, we know, the RINO, had some interesting points last night. Just settle down Ds and think about this a bit before trying to jump on the next train. All isn't lost, but don't want to panic.

IMO the Ds should have been planning for this contingency for years and this is a failure to plan.
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Clearly Biden needs to step down. Harris is not a better option.

Harris needs to tell Joe, I am not the successor and am not the right person for the job. It’s ok if you want to step down and don’t stay out of any loyalty to me. Let’s both step down and be pleased with all we’ve accomplished. We’ll go out as a team.

If Harris believes she is the heir apparent and doesn’t go quietly, we are screwed.
Passing a black woman for a white male or white Hitlerly is the most Democratic Party messaging since they last held Klan meeting. Use minority for benefit but when shyte gets real dump for whitey. Not woke man do better
Clearly Biden needs to step down. Harris is not a better option.

Harris needs to tell Joe, I am not the successor and am not the right person for the job. It’s ok if you want to step down and don’t stay out of any loyalty to me. Let’s both step down and be pleased with all we’ve accomplished. We’ll go out as a team.

If Harris believes she is the heir apparent and doesn’t go quietly, we are screwed.
Listening to her last night, I don’t see any way that this happens. I hope I’m wrong, but she was getting fiery with Anderson Cooper defending Joe.

She said it was a “bad start but a strong finish” 😐
The Dems are the crusty old manager that left the aging starter in past the 6th inning in a game that would have been won by going to the bullpen. Now it's the 8th inning and they're inexplicably down 3 runs.