Looks like you anti 1st amendment folks can now hate on Alejandro Villanueva


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
When Pittsburgh Steelers tackle Alejandro Villanueva held his hand to his heart while the rest of his team sat out the national anthem on Sunday, he was hailed a “hero” by conservative media outlets and others who’d deemed the #TakeTheKnee protests sweeping the NFL as disrespectful to the flag and the military.

But Villanueva, who served three tours in Afghanistan as a U.S. Army Ranger, pushed back on this narrative on Monday, saying that he was “embarrassed” that he “unintentionally left his teammates behind.” He also defended the players who sat out the pregame ritual.

Head coach Mike Tomlin told CBS before the game that the team decided not to step onto the field until after the anthem so that players would not feel compelled to take sides. Villanueva said he had intended to stand slightly ahead of his teammates, at the end of the tunnel that leads from the locker room to the field, so that he could still see the flag without drawing attention to himself. Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger noted in an interview with that the team was just 20 feet behind Villanueva when the anthem started playing.

By the time Villanueva realized that he was visible from the outside, he said, it was too late to turn back.

“Do you walk out of the national anthem and join your teammates?” he said. “That would have looked extremely bad.”

He said that he fully takes the blame for his “mistake.”

“Unwilling I’ve made a mistake and I’ve talked to my teammates about the situation. Hopefully they understand it,” Villanueva said.

Villanueva then defended the players who opted not to stand during the anthem.

“What people don’t understand is ... we’re not talking about the same thing,” the 29-year-old athlete told reporters. “People who are taking the knee, they’re not saying anything negative about the military … [or] about the flag. They’re just trying to protest the fact that there are some injustices in America.”

Admitting that he was “one of the first ones who took offense” when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick began sitting out the anthem last year to call attention to racial injustice and police brutality, Villanueva said he now better understands the protest.

I hate to see what some fire department chief in Pennsylvania will put on Facebook about him. Villanueva, that's Mexican, right?
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we all make mistakes and i hopefully whathisname can learn from this and become a better american.
1st amendment does not apply here. it's an "employer-employee" issue not a government issue

This. I would not classify those who disagree with kneeling as anti-first amendment. I believe they simply would like to see the folks who are kneeling be fired, which the first amendment does not protect.
Then why is Trump sticking his big nose in this?
is he sending the feds after them? no. he's a private citizen with an elected title. he has an opinion. his opinion is this is hurting the nfl. I agree. he has an opinion the owners should fire the guys who are acting like idiots. { maybe he loves the demise of the nfl, who knows, he has a past issue or two with them}
plus I think trump trolled all you dems anyway and won , again! he got some panties in a bunch, this is what he does
A President should not use his platform to pressure private employers on who they should terminate or their policies.
there is no pressure there at all, they don't even listen to their own rulebook and their own policies, they certainly are not going to listen to a private citizen who tweets
that's how the founders set this thing up: a private citizen goes out there to DC and serves for a while and keeps his day job, farming, printer, businessman, whatever

That hasn't been the case for centuries. Again, stop lying.

Trump is not a private citizen.
there is no pressure there at all, they don't even listen to their own rulebook and their own policies, they certainly are not going to listen to a private citizen who tweets
You don't even understand the NFL rulebook.

Instead, pages 62 and 63 contain information about the enforcement of fouls.

In fact, the rulebook doesn’t mention the national anthem at all.

Linked here

Again, stop lying OiT.
You don't even understand the NFL rulebook.

Instead, pages 62 and 63 contain information about the enforcement of fouls.

In fact, the rulebook doesn’t mention the national anthem at all.

Linked here

Again, stop lying OiT.
I never said anything about the anthem, I said they don't follow it, the rulebook.
You don't think it's a 1st amendment issue now that the president is attempting to get a private employer to fire someone for expressing an opinion?
the president isn't doing that. he gave an opinion. is he meeting with them and pressuring them to fire? heck no! they won't meet with him.
the president isn't doing that. he gave an opinion. is he meeting with them and pressuring them to fire? heck no! they won't meet with him.

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners,” wondered the president, “when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’ ”

You really believe this is just giving an opinion? Don't be so dense, OiT. Trump isn't some guy sitting at the bar.
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“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners,” wondered the president, “when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’ ”

You really believe this is just giving an opinion? Don't be so dense, OiT. Trump isn't some guy sitting at the bar.
yes. and in a speech no less. in front of a crowd trying to get claps and cheering ,which he did get. it's no different than a comedian in front of a crowd giving his opnion. he trolls you guys over and over again , every single day. it's funny.
see, cub. he's got everyone looking at this rather than the health insurance debacle, the tax cuts, and north korea. oh, also iran shot off some cardboard fake bombs and bottle rockets
So why is the idiot president commenting on it? And why are the idiot trumpnazis so vehemently trying to tell us they have no right to protest?
I dunno what trump fans are doing, I don't have cable tv. all the news with my rabbit ears antennae does is talk about the protestors. trump trolled you guys. again.
are you trolled or triggered or otherwise buying into all this distraction?
Yes, Trump is trying to distract everyone. Thanks for admitting that.

Also, since you didn't answer my question about drugs, I assume you get the best that Austin has!
yes. and in a speech no less. in front of a crowd trying to get claps and cheering ,which he did get. it's no different than a comedian in front of a crowd giving his opnion. he trolls you guys over and over again , every single day. it's funny.

It is different. He's the goddam president. He's trying to divide the f*cking country.
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It is different. He's the goddam president. He's trying to divide the f*cking country.
what? after we had 8 years of Obama telling his minions to burn down the auto zone? trump wants people to unite around an anthem. or get off the field. or let them ruin the nfl and he can laugh. he isn't trying to divide the country. man, that is drama right there