Los Angeles On Fire

Every minute and dollar spent on DEI could have gone to training and preparing for when shit got real, no? The "results" on the ground right now speak for themselves.........
What evidence do you have that the firefighters -- who are 97% male and probably not limp wristed -- weren't doing their jobs well? That they were improperly trained?
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I think the point is, why would you cut something at all that clearly needs to be a high priority when you are increasing funding to other areas?
It's a bad look. As is the mayor being out of town. However, I doubt either item had much effect on the wait the event unfolded.

The biggest contributor that I can see right now is city infrastructure for water delivery. Not well setup to fight a fire in the city.
Good point. But so few on this site actually live in Cali, and there’s lots of criticism (some justified) and free advice.
It’s been generally agreed across the board by people on CNN and Fox that this fall hasn’t brought the usual onset of rainfall in Cali, and it’s also been pointed out (sadly) that fire hydrants ran dry in the Palisades by afternoon yesterday. Three mammoth tankers each loaded with a million gallons of water ran out and also depleted the supply overall. Do planners actually run extreme scenarios that incorporate such possibilities?

It’s also been pointed out by the WSJ that California hasn’t built any NEW reservoirs since 1979. The population there has significantly increased since then - yet a drive led by groups to preserve certain species of fish has taken precedence. Yes, reservoirs are full. A legitimate question is are there enough of them?
A sober and necessary look at the current state of emergency planning in California is overdue and in need of modifications.
Do planners plan? Yes

Does leadership follow up? No

How did Richmond's backup systems fail? What took so long to tell residents?

a perfectly fair debate to have. but sometimes, that's how sausage gets made in public budget processes.
True but this isn’t some debate like do we spend more money on parks or should we put it toward rehabbing these historic buildings. Fire protection is about as fundamental as it gets, especially in an area known to have a high vulnerability like LA county

True but this isn’t some debate like do we spend more money on parks or should we put it toward rehabbing these historic buildings. Fire protection is about as fundamental as it gets, especially in an area known to have a high vulnerability like LA county
meh. infrastructure, in time of peace, is B O R I N G. It constantly loses budget battles to sexier things, notwithstanding the degree of its importance.
Damning… LA Mayor should resign immediately. Gross negligence and ****ED UP PRIORITIES! (DEI)

She increased the city's police budget by 126 million. Is that a ****ed up priority? Wouldn't you have to take a look at her actual budget adjustments to get a clearer picture of what her priorities actually were?

She increased the city's police budget by 126 million. Is that a ****ed up priority? Wouldn't you have to take a look at her actual budget adjustments to get a clearer picture of what her priorities actually were?

Are you banging this brainless, idiot mayor or something? Probably less than "2 percent" of America is defending it! 🤡

True but this isn’t some debate like do we spend more money on parks or should we put it toward rehabbing these historic buildings. Fire protection is about as fundamental as it gets, especially in an area known to have a high vulnerability like LA county
It would seem the entire ****ing county is run by imbeciles....but we already knew that. Guess this moron has never heard of the 1st San Francisco earthquake and the end result. Fire bad...very bad...up hill and down!! >

Do planners plan? Yes

Does leadership follow up? No

How did Richmond's backup systems fail? What took so long to tell residents?

So, the treatment plant lost power for just a few hours, and they had generators and battery backup for SCADA? Wow!!
She increased the city's police budget by 126 million. Is that a ****ed up priority? Wouldn't you have to take a look at her actual budget adjustments to get a clearer picture of what her priorities actually were?

As much as I think people like this mayor have no business being in leadership roles, if you can't effectively fight fires with 870 million, I don't think a 17 mil cut is going to have much of an effect.
A lack of proper infrastructure, preparedness and reliable water supply planning are much bigger issues than a small budget reduction.
As much as I think people like this mayor have no business being in leadership roles, if you can't effectively fight fires with 870 million, I don't think a 17 mil cut is going to have much of an effect.
A lack of proper infrastructure, preparedness and reliable water supply planning are much bigger issues than a small budget reduction.
Training and equipping a Rapid Reaction Force to deploy immediately in an event like this would have been priceless compared to sitting around the firehouses babbling about white privilege. How far would $17 mil go in that regard? How about $17 mil + all the time and money spent on DEI "training?"
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By chance, do you have any writing credits on James Bond films?
I took a 101 level Film class 20 years ago so clearly.....

I do like the bond series though

Sean Conner> Roger Moore > Pierce Brosnan

Daniel Craig is low key kinda good but Bonds should have dark hair.

License to kill was a decent movie but Dalton was a bad Bond.

Best I got.
As much as I think people like this mayor have no business being in leadership roles, if you can't effectively fight fires with 870 million, I don't think a 17 mil cut is going to have much of an effect.
A lack of proper infrastructure, preparedness and reliable water supply planning are much bigger issues than a small budget reduction.
Everything I've read points to infrastructure being the biggest failing. They couldn't replenish the water supply quickly enough

Otherwise water was available (to replenish) and I haven't seen evidence of planning or readiness (besides infrastructure) being an issue.

Crucially, however, it's unclear how much better the outcome would've been had hydrants still been flowing in areas they ran dry given the veracity of the fire.
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As much as I think people like this mayor have no business being in leadership roles, if you can't effectively fight fires with 870 million, I don't think a 17 mil cut is going to have much of an effect.
A lack of proper infrastructure, preparedness and reliable water supply planning are much bigger issues than a small budget reduction.
Hey Vicky, you never answered my question about how you know what the board was like in 2008 but joined in 2022?
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I took a 101 level Film class 20 years ago so clearly.....

I do like the bond series though

Sean Conner> Roger Moore > Pierce Brosnan

Daniel Craig is low key kinda good but Bonds should have dark hair.

License to kill was a decent movie but Dalton was a bad Bond.

Best I got.
Now, of those various bonds, which one delivers the "prolapse in judgment" line the best? I'm thinking Connery.
Hey Vicky, you never answered my question about how you know what the board was like in 2008 but joined in 2022?
I stopped posting under my prior account during covid and took a break from this place, mainly bc a handful of crazies were stalking me on the sports boards and it was getting ridiculous. Decided to come back in 2022 and started over with a new user name.

Training and equipping a Rapid Reaction Force to deploy immediately in an event like this would have been priceless compared to sitting around the firehouses babbling about white privilege. How far would $17 mil go in that regard? How about $17 mil + all the time and money spent on DEI "training?"
Pic of fire personnel sitting around blabbing about white privilege?