More of a loyalist by nature but admittedly, I am losing my patience.
I'm tired of it being “painful” to watch the Hawkeyes pushing and hand fighting with no offensive shots, especially for the entire 1st period. Tired of passive wrestling with hopes to score points off counters. I’m tired of watching Iowa not being able to finish shots or not having the heart & conditioning to wrestle through positions for an entire match. We were admittedly, spoiled by Gable but there is no “Iowa Style” anymore. Why have we become so conservative in our manner to win matches?
It’s as if we’re okay simply winning close matches, which is a recipe for disaster. I’m more likely to give a “standing O” for an aggressive effort that results in a loss, than a match where a Hawk settles for a regular decision against an inferior opponent or is clearly just holding on for a close win. Winning close matches, might get you on the podium but it won't win championships.
When the Cowboys were winning championships during the Zelesky era, they were aggressive and exciting to watch. The same could be said for J Robinson's championship teams at Minnesota. You can say the same about PSU now and could say the same about Tom's early championship teams.
It saddens me to see Hawkeye wrestlers fail to reach their goals. Iowa needs to see improvement in many areas, including the talent & athleticism being recruited, not to mention the strength/conditioning program.
If the new AD feels Tom is currently the best option as head coach and possibly he is, we must at least see changes to the assistants on staff. Just gotta happen…