MAGAs on Here Seem to Have Their Panties in a Wad This Evening...

I think its great. The dem lies have finally fallen apart. They pushed DEI hard for the past 4 years and now their DEI hire in Kamala has caused major issues for the dems. Dems dont want to run her as candidate but there entire agenda has resolved around DEI so they cant pass on the black woman vp. The democrat ideology was so rediculous that it was only a matter of time before it fell apart.
Your post reeks of desperation.
You'd be laughing your asses off if Republicans tried and successfully rid of DT. This reeks of celebration.
I would be absolutely celebrating if Republicans ditched Trump. He’s enough of a threat to the country that literally another Republican would be better.
Correction, You’d be laughing your asses off if Republicans tried and successfully got rid of their candidate. This reeks of celebration.
The democrat party just made a historic admission that the candidate they have promoted the last four years has been an abject failure, so bad that the party went against his wishes and spent weeks strong arming him out. This is an epic embarrassment for the party. Simply enjoying the train wreck.
Bullcrap. You should admit your party wants to nominate a racist felon.
The democrat party just made a historic admission that the candidate they have promoted the last four years has been an abject failure, so bad that the party went against his wishes and spent weeks strong arming him out. This is an epic embarrassment for the party. Simply enjoying the train wreck.
Both parties have looked bad backing these two candidates for as long as they have. At least the dems ultimately did the right thing.
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