Mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs

If the creator of the unaverse (who created time itself and exists outside of time) spoke said universe into existence, then ya, it's not hard to imagine the omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence of the Son of God. It's not hard at all, actually. The fine tuning of this planet alone is enough to point me towards intelligent design.
If you want to argue for the significance and importance of Jesus, I'm with you. But to argue he actually existed, with his list of super powers, is beyond reason.
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The bible condradicts itself in many place. There is no final say. Even the writers of the bible can't agree what is the final say.
The Bible doesn't contract itself. It was written by men who were inspired by God. Some of it is historical documentation, some of it parable, some of it first-hand accounts, and other parts written via interviews and oral tradition passed down through the various generations. The Bible was written as the Living Word of God and it can be read cover-to-cover, studied, broken down, picked apart, debated, etc., but without the Holy Spirit it will never truly be understood. It will just be texts to argue over or in the case of this thread and politics, weaponized as a means of control. God clearly says, "Seek Me and ye shall find Me." However, most would rather just write it off as fiction, spaghetti monsters in the sky and judge it through the lens of fallible men and terrible Religious procedure.
If you want to argue for the significance and importance of Jesus, I'm with you. But to argue he actually existed, with his list of super powers, is beyond reason.
Why do they have to be "super powers"? Are you not marveled by the stars, sun, moon, human body, the awe that is a single cell? The glory of life itself is all around you, Huey. It's not happenstance, it's not magic nor accident. It's amazing and awe-inspiring Intelligent Design.

Me thinks you may be watching too many Marvel and DC movies (and that's quite the pot call'n the kettle from me ;) ).
None that you (or any other agnostic or atheist) would accept. Biblical apologetics typically don't get validation outside religious circles. Most non-Christian scholars accept that Jesus existed, but not much past that.
Personally, I think the best "source" or "evidence" would be if all Christians actually practiced what they preached and followed Jesus's two commands, love God and love thy neighbor [paraphrased]. If Christians would just do that instead of focusing on behavior modification (of everyone around them), the world would be a much better place.
Heavy has confirmed that Aldrich is the grandson of outgoing Republican State Assemblymember Randy Voepel, the former mayor of Santee, California. Voepel represents the 71st district in the San Diego area. There were calls to expel Voepel from the state Assembly after he made comments comparing the January 6 attacks to the Revolutionary War. Aldrich’s mother, Laura Voepel, has written posts praising Randy Voepel on Facebook and confirming he is her father.
None that you (or any other agnostic or atheist) would accept. Biblical apologetics typically don't get validation outside religious circles. Most non-Christian scholars accept that Jesus existed, but not much past that.
Personally, I think the best "source" or "evidence" would be if all Christians actually practiced what they preached and followed Jesus's two commands, love God and love thy neighbor [paraphrased]. If Christians would just do that instead of focusing on behavior modification (of everyone around them), the world would be a much better place.
None that you (or any other agnostic or atheist) would accept. Biblical apologetics typically don't get validation outside religious circles. Most non-Christian scholars accept that Jesus existed, but not much past that.
Personally, I think the best "source" or "evidence" would be if all Christians actually practiced what they preached and followed Jesus's two commands, love God and love thy neighbor [paraphrased]. If Christians would just do that instead of focusing on behavior modification (of everyone around them), the world would be a much better place.
You make it sound as though Christians are the root of the world’s evils. Well, maybe you didn’t, but I just wanted to clarify.

There are a lot of people in this world that are just bad people, Christians and non Christians.

Better place? Sure. Much better? Not so sure.
You make it sound as though Christians are the root of the world’s evils. Well, maybe you didn’t, but I just wanted to clarify.

There are a lot of people in this world that are just bad people, Christians and non Christians.

Better place? Sure. Much better? Not so sure.
Only speaking within the context of Christians and how they are viewed (judged) by non-Christians. Yes, there are some EVIL people walking among us and most don't even realize it. They even communicate in a realm most don't even know exist.

My statement stands. And I would wager a lot of Christians voted for him. Biden said while campaigning that he believes a marriage is between a man and woman. But he also said he doesn’t believe he should legislate on that subject based on his beliefs. In other words, he would not force his beliefs on others.

Based on my interactions with Christians, most feel the same as Biden. Unfortunately, the ones that don’t are very vocal, which goes back to what another poster said. He wished true Christians would speak up more.
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The El Paso Sheriff was just on the evening news. He’s very much in awe of the two guys who charged the guy with an AR-15.

Some “fairies” at a drag show charged, subdued, and detained an active shooter with a semiautomatic rifle, saving almost a hundred people.
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The El Paso Sheriff was just on the evening news. He’s very much in awe of the two or three guys who charged the guy with an AR-15.

Some “fairies” at a drag show charged, subdued, and detained an active shooter with a semiautomatic rifle, saving almost a hundred people.

He called them "fairies"?
My grandfather is as devout as you could be. Huge democrat. Plenty of other examples across my small town as well.

For many many years I was bought into the idea that “real” Christians were Republicans.

I’ve spent the past two years researching and reevaluating my faith and political beliefs.

It’s pretty clear that’s the teachings of the Bible align more with Democratic policies.

I try and live my life to be a better human, and more like Jesus every day. I fail everyday as well…

Cool story bro.
I will close my involvement in this thread stating again that no true Christian would be involved with any political movement, the worlds social issues, disputes, or wars. Jesus told his followers to be no part of the world.
While not condoning conduct the Bible clearly says is wrong, they wouldn’t be judging others, letting God be the judge.
The Bible has proven to be reliable in all areas of life , is scientifically accurate, contains prophecy that came true hundred of years later, and one could argue that if everyone followed the Bible’s teaching on human behavior and conduct the world would be a far better place.
It is not up to imperfect humans to make their own standards of right and wrong no matter how bad they want to. And bending scripture and arguing about interpretations does not change black and white commands and principles that we should be living by. What’s really sad is the majority of the clergy have failed to care for the spiritual needs of their flocks, instead focusing on politics sermons , social issues or other man made philosophy.
They should be advocates of Gods Kingdom and teaching the truth about God and his requirements.
Certainly hope he didn't call them fairies. But it would be kinda cool if he did. I mean the Rock played a fairy after all.
Nah, I just live in a place where every third vehicle has a Punisher or Molon Labe sticker. We’ve also had our fair share of mass shootings.

The only people who have charged an active shooter? A chubby kid on the school robotics team and two gay guys at a drag show.
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None that you (or any other agnostic or atheist) would accept. Biblical apologetics typically don't get validation outside religious circles. Most non-Christian scholars accept that Jesus existed, but not much past that.
Personally, I think the best "source" or "evidence" would be if all Christians actually practiced what they preached and followed Jesus's two commands, love God and love thy neighbor [paraphrased]. If Christians would just do that instead of focusing on behavior modification (of everyone around them), the world would be a much better place.
I'm not sure where I fall on the religion scale. Maybe close to an agnostic. With countless religions around the world I don't know how any one person or religion can be certain they have all the answers. I try to live my life by the golden rule, "do to others what you would have them do to you."

True believers sharing their faith is not a problem, but when those beliefs are used to condemn others or create laws to restrict others from living their lives in a way that harms no one, I get angry.
Too lazy to track it down, but how did this tragic incident turn into Christian bashing? Was the shooter a Christian?
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Yet death is death by gun. One doesn’t get media attention because there is no political gain when it’s just black on black or white on white gang bangers.

Just seems odd.
Well it's motives. Acceptable deaths when it has a financial or desire. We've grown to accept them or at least not have them bother us.
Nice participation. Mature way to handle a disagreement.
And what exactly makes me a POS? Because my viewpoint differs from yours ? If u resort to immature name calling I’d say you have the problem not me.
That’s all that person offers to this board. Just ignore him.
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Depends on how important his grandfather is in his upbringing by his mother. The values she imparted.
True. I’m just pointing out that many here are absolutely convinced he was acting on brainwashing from intolerant Christian propaganda. Entirely possible. Not known at this time.
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