Meatchicken president and football this fall

i think we will see the luxury boxes used and very few stadium seats used. and masks might be required, depending on the state (in MN, for example).

Dumb, the virus is fading away to the degree that they're worried we won't have enough for vaccine trials in July/August but you're assuming we won't have much in the stands.
Oh yeah there is definitely the crazy governor aspect to it. But why is MSU silent. I think the president believes what he's saying being his background as an immunaoligist. That is good and bad. He is an expert in the immune system. But he views everything through that prism.
he sounds like a pretty well educated guy and is not thinking about the money football generates but in the safety of his students. what an a-hole!!! ;)
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Dumb, the virus is fading away to the degree that they're worried we won't have enough for vaccine trials in July/August but you're assuming we won't have much in the stands.
ummm, I am not assuming anything.

tOSU is planning on 20,000 (or fewer) in their 100,000 seat stadium
It’s a message board forum. Sorry for participating with my thoughts.

If you are only looking for news, I would suggest another social media platform.

My favorite topic, if you don't like my opinion maybe you shouldn't use social media. Well, once again you are proving my point about reading comprehension. I come here for Iowa football news, if you so feel to continue discussing your opinion, take it to the other board, that is what it is for.
Nice anecdotal evidence.

The seasonal flu has killed more under the age of 20.

Let's start evaluating the science and not the emotions.
You want to talk about science yet you are comparing covid to the flu?

I want football, basketball, and wrestling just as much as anyone else. But I also realize that what we know about covid seems to change daily. Now we are seeing very young children dying from it; no one saw that coming.
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My favorite topic, if you don't like my opinion maybe you shouldn't use social media. Well, once again you are proving my point about reading comprehension. I come here for Iowa football news, if you so feel to continue discussing your opinion, take it to the other board, that is what it is for.

Says the guy who used “reading comprehension” as his main rebuttal.

I really don’t see how my comments were at all off topic. Discussing the safety of playing football, the pros and cons of playing football, and the possibility of playing football is a reality and exactly what this thread is about.

I will sit back and wait for the college presidents to post in this thread since we need to find another board to do so.
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ummm, I am not assuming anything.

tOSU is planning on 20,000 (or fewer) in their 100,000 seat stadium

Get your facts straight. They ran a model that would have a minimum of 20,000 and up to 50,000.

They ran this based on current CDC guidelines under the pretext that they still exist by August-November.
Says the guy who used “reading comprehension” as his main rebuttal.

I really don’t see how my comments were at all off topic. Discussing the safety of playing football, the pros and cons of playing football, and the possibility of playing football is a reality and exactly what this thread is about.

I will sit back and wait for the college presidents to post in this thread since we need to find another board to do so.
Or you could simply wait for Fran to add another post, or use this incredible tool called google, no one gives a shit about your opinion.
You want to talk about science yet you are comparing covid to the flu?

I want football, basketball, and wrestling just as much as anyone else. But I also realize that what we know about covid seems to change daily. Now we are seeing very young children dying from it; no one saw that coming.

I'm comparing a specific age group in response to your anecdotal evidence.

You're right that it's not comparable. For under 20 years of age, it's less deadly.
Get your facts straight. They ran a model that would have a minimum of 20,000 and up to 50,000.

They ran this based on current CDC guidelines under the pretext that they still exist by August-November.
minimum of 20,000, huh?

have you heard about the models that say no fans in the stands? no fans in the stands would be less than the 20,000 I was talking about.
Actually, it appears reading comprehension is not your thing.

So I will say it again.

You compared covid to the flu.

Hopefully these short sentences helped.

I compared a specific age demographic impact of flu to covid. Context helps for those who seek truth rather than games of purposely vague semantics.
Fans on HR: "We want football!!!"

Will you be going to the games?

Fans on HR: "Hell no; it's not safe!!!"

Have you been outside in the past three months? I don't know how you could as many threads and posts you drop every day. I will describe it for you: people are back to doing their thing. The stores that are open are busier than I have ever seen them. People of all ages are shopping, walking, jogging, biking, and (gasp) WORKING! I have not missed a day this year. My employer was fortunate enough to be designated "essential". Three manufacturing facilities in two vastly different states and ZERO cases of COVID. The data supports the assertion COVID has minimal risk to healthy young people. Since you want to post anectdotal evidence of one 20-something dying, here is one back atcha. There are 1.3 million active-duty military in our country. 6000 of them have been diagnosed with COVID. TWO have died. One was forty-something; I don't know the age of the other. Let's say he was 20-something. That is 1/6000. 1/1300000 if you count total population. College athletes are at least as healthy as military personnel and have access to at least as good healthcare. Of course, they can eschew their scholarship and decide not to play. Just like I can decide I don't want to work.
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Or you could simply wait for Fran to add another post, or use this incredible tool called google, no one gives a shit about your opinion.

Colleges NEED football. That’s my opinion and I am sticking to it. Sorry that set you off so much. Lol.
Colleges NEED football. That’s my opinion and I am sticking to it. Sorry that set you off so much. Lol.
Well if you stated that they NEED football so that athletic departments can function without cutting scholarships, I would agree with you. See the difference, fact/opinion?
Colleges NEED football. That’s my opinion and I am sticking to it. Sorry that set you off so much. Lol.
Also, with what I stated below, the colleges do not NEED college football. First and foremost, they are there to educate.
Well if you stated that they NEED football so that athletic departments can function without cutting scholarships, I would agree with you. See the difference, fact/opinion?

I literally did that in my very first post in this thread stating programs like baseball and rowing won’t be around anymore at some schools. Not about scholarships but saving non-revenue sports altogether. Some have already been cut.
Not to be a dick.But if people are afraid of getting the coronavirus don't go to the Stadium plain and simple!!

Sorry if unclear but I was referring to all those the athletes will expose/infect in their everyday lives away from the team, practices and games.
Player safety? A college athlete has higher risk of mortality by driving to practice and competing than getting covid.

Right now someone under 25 has a 1 in 1.25 million chance of dying from covid 19. On the other hand the gov of Michigan is a fascist for sure. Would not be shocked if she continued to shit the state down.
Nor is there any reason besides money to have a season. I hope everyone can admit these players are treated as commodities and not student athletes
Same reasons as always - team loyalty, fun, etc. Money from football is also always a force, too.
Wish all these people worried about a declining Covid19 issue were AS concerned on opioids and the numbers it kills in the 18-23 year range. Until half the country wakes up on that take your covid and stick it.
But you imagine we care about yours.
Can't say I was asking for anyone to care about my opinion as I come here looking for a relief from the outside world, but thanks for keeping this thread rolling with your insightful additions.