Men's Freestyle Day Two Thread

Sorry if this has been asked already, but can someone briefly summarize how the team scoring works at Worlds?
Step out to go up 3 and Burroughs makes the finals. Gives up a late caution and 2. Wins 6-5
Green looks like he gave up a step out with 2 seconds left and should win 4-3. It is being challenged.
Score stands and green holds him off for 2 seconds. He wins 5-3 with the point for a challenge.
3 for 3! Snyder wins 9-2 into the finals to face Sadulaev!

Sadulaev wrestled a very boring match, neither guy did much. 2-0
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Still just 21 years old.
Kyle Snyder (wrestler)
Kyle Frederick Snyder (born November 20, 1995) is an American amateur wrestler. He is both the youngest Olympic gold medalist as well as the youngest World Champion in American wrestling history.[1] Snyder is also the youngest wrestler ever to win the World, NCAA, and Olympic championships in the same year — a sweep that hadn't been accomplished in a generation when he completed this triple crown of American wrestling at the 2016 Rio Olympics