Chew on all the stats not just cherry pick. The economic devastation from this panic and shutdown will cause will far exceed the loss of life.
The world population is 7.7 billion and the US population is 330 million with approximately 3 million deaths each year. The 400k (if true) which is a big number would rank it #3 on the CDC’s list for loss of life reasons. The global death rate for this is less than 10k which includes China and Italy.
You see there’s a panic in the grocery stores over TP, just wait until the economy collapses. Of course none of you will be posting then.
In the United States, the estimate is 236,000 deaths” in 2020, and the projected cost in lost financial output this year was estimated to be a staggering $1.7 trillion,” the authors explained, based on complex modeling. “With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Washington already advocating Americans consider such mitigating actions, “as school dismissals, event cancellations, [and] social distancing,” the impact on a whole host of industries in the United States could be severe. If coronavirus were the only crisis that the country was grappling with, then the situation would be alarming. Unfortunately, it is being compounded by several other major threats as well.
When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 30.6 percent. The national debt was over $1 trillion by the end of that year. The debt-to-GDP ratio and national debt rose slowly at first, hitting $5.8 trillion and a debt-to-GDP ratio of 55 percent when George W. Bush took office in 2001. Following 9/11 and with the onset of permanent wars, however, thenational debt skyrocketed to $10 trillion when Obama took over, $20 trillion when President Donald Trump was inaugurated, and it is now $23 trillion; debt-to-GDP is 107 percent.