Mods mind explaining why homophobic slurs against posters is ok behavior on here?

Is queer derogatory? Its in the LGBQT+ thing?

If I called someone who is a Lesbian, a Lesbian, is it bad?
There in lies the problem. They want to be proud and own the word but then when it's used some get offended. Even worse the metric for determining if it's acceptable or not is based on the feelings of the alphabet member.
Scruddy and H4aD are both Ryan/NCH5
I promise, I am one of a kind 😃
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There in lies the problem. They want to be proud and own the word but then when it's used some get offended. Even worse the metric for determining if it's acceptable or not is based on the feelings of the alphabet member.

I promise, I am one of a kind 😃
Queer wasn’t used just to say that he is a queer person. It was used with other words to intentionally be derogatory.
I used to just ignore the message alert for some people who responded to me because I knew whatever they had to say was likely going to be stupid.

Now I actually put people on ignore. A lot less of a hassle to get through threads.

For example, I saw the guy you responded to was Whiskey but can’t see his message. If he is the one who called you a snowflake, that is absolutely laughable. He is such a coward and pussy—lies his ass off and can never own anything, even when proven wrong over and over again. He writes for everyone to see that black people are violent because they are black and the statistics back it up. When it’s explained to him other factors are involved and that correlation doesn’t mean causation, he doubles down on stupid and adds to his point people are also violent in Africa.

By definition, believing certain character traits and negative behaviors are tied to a specific race is in fact racist. When this is pointed out to him he either deflects or lies by claiming he never said anything like that.

The guy is too pussy to admit what he is. And then he has the audacity to call others snowflakes. Lol. He’s a joke.

Everyone on the board should just ignore him.

There in lies the problem. They want to be proud and own the word but then when it's used some get offended. Even worse the metric for determining if it's acceptable or not is based on the feelings of the alphabet member.

I promise, I am one of a kind 😃
Additional comment, I can understand a gay, queer, whatever (thought these meant the same thing for the longest time anyways) person being offended if someone called them a f*gg*t. Especially if they knew they were gay and were obviously insulting them. I also know gay people who literally laugh and call each other that word and think it's hilarious (I think it's a funny insult as well). Here is a funny example (in my opinion) of is being used:

I can’t keep up and wasn’t here for this Ryan.

Scruddy seems much different.
I don't know who Ryan is either but I was accused of being him about 50 posts in and it hasn't stopped lol for whatever it's worth I promise to the board that I don't now and never have been a multi-poster. Seems way too tiring and I waste enough of my time on this account lol
So many people are disgusting monsters at their core. I've never understood how being a decent human being and respecting others isn't the default, but its made more and more clear everyday that fear and insecurity are endemic to our society; these traits are just further emboldened by the rise of the internet, and the advent of the internet troll.

The fact that these people walk amongst us is very disconcerting. Then again, we've always known that the monsters are subversive, and what's more would care not for any discernable tenet of decency. Emboldened by an online voice, the only way is to ignore and block, unfortunate as it is.
Oriental ✅
Cracker ❌
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I don't know who Ryan is either but I was accused of being him about 50 posts in and it hasn't stopped lol for whatever it's worth I promise to the board that I don't now and never have been a multi-poster. Seems way too tiring and I waste enough of my time on this account lol
Hey, I’m in the same boat. I started this account last year and have had a few people also accuse me of being Ryan and other posters I have no clue about.

This is my one and only. Lol.
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I don't know who Ryan is either but I was accused of being him about 50 posts in and it hasn't stopped lol for whatever it's worth I promise to the board that I don't now and never have been a multi-poster. Seems way too tiring and I waste enough of my time on this account lol
Ryan, keep it real. Are you on your meds still?
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The Ryan's of this world suffer from a pain the average man does not perceive, or even should.

Their malaise is one of the most pathetic of origins, for they fail to even accept themselves. They choose instead to lash out at society via the internet, sad and pathetic, writhing for attention.

Is it not already a strong enough indictment of the soul that one would choose to spend all of their time as a failed internet troll? The sheer sadness of their chosen existence is enough in and of itself; the truth is we should do as our elders would when confronted with such a miscreant of society; caste them away (block and ignore).
LOL, I had a post removed. Openly racist, homophobic and misogynistic posts are fine on HORT, but don’t challenge the posting of some of it, or the acceptance of it by some people.
Lesson learned.
LOL, I had a post removed. Openly racist, homophobic and misogynistic posts are fine on HORT, but don’t challenge the posting of some of it, or the acceptance of it by some people.
Lesson learned.
Hard to believe the site owners are on board with this, but they must be.
The Ryan's of this world suffer from a pain the average man does not perceive, or even should.

Their malaise is one of the most pathetic of origins, for they fail to even accept themselves. They choose instead to lash out at society via the internet, sad and pathetic, writhing for attention.

Is it not already a strong enough indictment of the soul that one would choose to spend all of their time as a failed internet troll? The sheer sadness of their chosen existence is enough in and of itself; the truth is we should do as our elders would when confronted with such a miscreant of society; caste them away (block and ignore).
Lay off the weed, bruh. You're working yourself into a panic.
I got a warning for pointing out the mods inconsistencies.
How exactly did you point out the mods inconsistencies? What specific words and tone did you use? I get the feeling a number of people repeating this line did not make those comments with any semblance of respect. I know I've seen a lot of shit posts "pointing out" things to the mods while basically just cussing them out and calling them names (general leftist tantruming). Just wondering how many of you are misrepresenting your actual behavior.
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Guy just deleted his "whimps" comment, so for this I will say to you:

If and when the time comes to fight, I will be on the side of what's right. And as much as its worth, you will know my fury when you face a "whimp"
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