More classified docs found from his time as VP


Sorry bruh!
We definitely have a serious and sloppy handling problem. I would also say, we may have a problem with way too many documents being super classified under the concept of being very conservative. So a handling problem + a bunch of super classified documents that don't seem super top secret stuff and may almost be all public information = a mess.
The executive branch seems to be the nexus of sloppy classified material handling…
You get classified documents!
And you get classified documents!
You ALL get classified documents!

Nobody really want to talk about it because it's too fun watching someone else's ox get gored, but far too many government documents are classified and of those the reasons behind their classification are often times very dubious.
I mean, do we really think the legislative branch is any better?
I do…from the interviews I’ve seen members of Congress on look at TS Material in a scif so they probably don’t have as much opportunity for “document spillage.

Anyway, past examples seem to come from the executive branch as well. Sandy Berger as national security advisor and Patreus as CIA director. Hillary Clinton Secretary of State…

I’m sure Congress has it’s issues but sure seems the executive branch is the source of the ones we hear about…