The very first quote that I quoted. Someone asked you about your continue drug use. Your response wasI didn't lie about anything. I use THC regularly but nowhere near as much as I used to. I always have and always will advocate for it's legalization. The THC addiction thread was a joke thread I created one night while very stoned. With that said, I have never had an addiction to it lol. I generally go in cycles. I'll take some edibles for a few months, quit for a month or two, rinse and repeat. That's not set in stone, but it's roughly how I've always gone about it.
This is why I joked about you bringing up my "addiction." You are the ONLY person on this board that took that thread seriously, and it's because you're just not very bright. You're a very simple person and that's okay because there's nothing wrong with that. But in this thread, you're continuing to make yourself look like a bigger and bigger idiot the more you try to dig in on this thing. I was gonna lay off you today since you took such a beating yesterday but you're making that difficult.
McLovin32 said:
Continued drug use? Are you talking about THC?
Are you trying to say that THC isn’t a drug? Or are you trying to say you don’t do drugs because THC isn’t a drug.
I think I proved my point that you do drugs. THC is a drug and not legal here in iowa. Yet other times you’ve said you take gummies and drinks with cbd that are legal here in Iowa and don’t do drugs in other posts.
Which is it. Hard keeping your lies straight?