Sorry for your loss Grip.Well said HawkGold.
My Dad is old and stooped over at the waist, has lost a lot of weight recently. Seemed like it happened over night. He has been snowbirding it for the last 16 years and went down to Alabama this year. They came back after a month because he wanted to be near me (I moved up to IC from Az) and he has been depressed about his health. I went over yesterday and hung out with him for the day. It makes the move up, the cold etc worth it so I can enjoy his final years with him. He and I had so many good times traveling on the cold, wintry Iowa country roads getting to tournaments. It seems fitting that it has come full circle.
Unfortunately, we live in a society that doesn't really value fatherhood and how having a loving and supporting Dad can positively affect a young person's life trajectory. I count my blessings for my Dad.
Although we went to plenty of "snowy" wrestling tournaments, when I think of snowy country roads I think of my Dad hurtling down those roads in a series of station wagons we had, all the while being able to spot the last 1/4 inch of a roosters tail hiding in a ditch or a grove. He was the best pheasant spotter to ever live.
Had some friends that my Dad helped teaching them to hunt, and in his honor they road hunted coming up from Des Moines, and brought a tail feather into the Funeral Home! Don't know if my Mom was all that thrilled, but pretty cool anyway!
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