My father past away this morning.

Well said HawkGold.

My Dad is old and stooped over at the waist, has lost a lot of weight recently. Seemed like it happened over night. He has been snowbirding it for the last 16 years and went down to Alabama this year. They came back after a month because he wanted to be near me (I moved up to IC from Az) and he has been depressed about his health. I went over yesterday and hung out with him for the day. It makes the move up, the cold etc worth it so I can enjoy his final years with him. He and I had so many good times traveling on the cold, wintry Iowa country roads getting to tournaments. It seems fitting that it has come full circle.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that doesn't really value fatherhood and how having a loving and supporting Dad can positively affect a young person's life trajectory. I count my blessings for my Dad.
Sorry for your loss Grip.

Although we went to plenty of "snowy" wrestling tournaments, when I think of snowy country roads I think of my Dad hurtling down those roads in a series of station wagons we had, all the while being able to spot the last 1/4 inch of a roosters tail hiding in a ditch or a grove. He was the best pheasant spotter to ever live.

Had some friends that my Dad helped teaching them to hunt, and in his honor they road hunted coming up from Des Moines, and brought a tail feather into the Funeral Home! Don't know if my Mom was all that thrilled, but pretty cool anyway! :D
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Now that the match is over again I really appreciate the thoughts and prayers they are really helping me get through the day with my chin up. We are sad of coarse but my brother and I watched the dual meet and looked at pictures of my Pop when he was in the army Fort Sill Oklahoma. I also appreciate you guys would understand this was just my way of honoring his memory I love the old timers and there stories he will be missed again thanks guys..
I learned this a long time ago............ Old people are cool. And they didn't start out old or cool. It's the journey that made them that way.
Now that the match is over again I really appreciate the thoughts and prayers they are really helping me get through the day with my chin up. We are sad of coarse but my brother and I watched the dual meet and looked at pictures of my Pop when he was in the army Fort Sill Oklahoma. I also appreciate you guys would understand this was just my way of honoring his memory I love the old timers and there stories he will be missed again thanks guys..
Sorry for your loss Grip. Sounds like a great man and father. Stay strong, our thoughts are with you.
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Sorry to hear this Grip prayers for all your family. He will RIP.
Know words cannot bring him back but your family has many wonderful
memories of him.
Myself lost my dad when I was only 12 years old and mother at 20 missed them so much but know will see them again some time...God be with all of your family...
And this thread, my friends, is another example of why Iowa wrestling fans are an extremely special bunch. Grip, I'm glad you and your bro were able to catch the meet together today and recall some special memories of your pop.
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Gripp-- I haven't lost a parent-- but I can imagine it's tough.

Since April..I have met friends from this cesspool that I will have for life... Pretty special place.

Sorry you are going through this.. believe it or not..this forum has connected people and that is bigger then Hawkeye Wrestling.

We are in this together.. friends, life and Hawkeyes.

Take care
My father passed away 12 years ago. It was a bitter pill then, despite not being a sudden or unexpected thing. The passing of time and the wonderful memories have gone a long way towards lessening the sting of it. Still there are those days, events, moments - ones my dad would have appreciated - where I still have the strongest desire to pick up the phone or just grab the truck and swing on by. He warned me for years that someday my old man wasn't going to be there, but there is no real way to prepare someone for the event. Just know that sooner or later, losing our fathers is an inevitable result of being our father's son (or daughter) that we all must someday experience. What sets my experience apart, and it sounds as if you may and I hope you do meet this criteria as well, is that I am one of those with the good fortune to have been blessed with a father who was and still is, to me, the greatest man I have ever known. My condolences.

It's getting awfully dusty in here, Hawkeye Gold.....thanks for sharing that.
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My friends,
We have something very strong in common and that is the passion for wrestling we can agree and disagree it does not really matter this is what makes us individuals. Whether or not you wrestled or are just a part of a wrestling family we all are strong independent people this is part of what wrestling teaches us.
When you bring people like us together it is an incredible bond that many may not understand.
My intention was not a cry out for sympathy by any means but was a dedication to my father and wrestling folks everywhere. It was to share the memories and honor him while knowing the extremely thoughtful comments I knew I would receive would help me through the day.
Once again my brothers and sisters I have read and appreciate every comment your thoughts and prayers will help me remember the great respect and love I hold for my father. It truely makes me sad to hear of others tragic losses. I hope that these forums bring some peace to there families. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and as always Fight For IOWA.
I normally would not bring a very recent personal family tragedy to light here without good reason.
My father loved wrestling he wrestled and won a long island championship back in the late 40’s , he also was run over a couple times by a mack truck called Jim Brown but thats a different story.
He was a Hawk fan we all were very big Gable fans growing up I think Dan and my father would’ve had some great conversations. He was a large part of forming a wrestling and weight training program in the town where we grew up. He talked of times that when he was training they used to go into the boiler room of the HS to cut weight, they used truck parts and cement blocks to train with for GRIP strength his hands were like stones.
I had told him the Hawks have some great young talent but I did not get the chance to let him know how they did this weekend he always like to hear how they were doing.
He did not have to get me into wrestling it was in our blood. He was great man and a Wrestler for life you did good Dad.
It sounds like you had a great role model. Cherish and hold onto the memories. I wish you and your family strength. My best to you, and thank you for sharing your story.
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Thoughts and prayers. As someone who has been so thoroughly influence by his father, I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. In fact, the only time I remember ever seeing my father cry was when he lost his father.

All I can say is at least he lived a full life. 85 years to leave his mark. Cherish the memories you have and continue being the example that he was to you!
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I normally would not bring a very recent personal family tragedy to light here without good reason.
My father loved wrestling he wrestled and won a long island championship back in the late 40’s , he also was run over a couple times by a mack truck called Jim Brown but thats a different story.
He was a Hawk fan we all were very big Gable fans growing up I think Dan and my father would’ve had some great conversations. He was a large part of forming a wrestling and weight training program in the town where we grew up. He talked of times that when he was training they used to go into the boiler room of the HS to cut weight, they used truck parts and cement blocks to train with for GRIP strength his hands were like stones.
I had told him the Hawks have some great young talent but I did not get the chance to let him know how they did this weekend he always like to hear how they were doing.
He did not have to get me into wrestling it was in our blood. He was great man and a Wrestler for life you did good Dad.

Heartfelt condolences to you and all who loved him.
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I normally would not bring a very recent personal family tragedy to light here without good reason.
My father loved wrestling he wrestled and won a long island championship back in the late 40’s , he also was run over a couple times by a mack truck called Jim Brown but thats a different story.
He was a Hawk fan we all were very big Gable fans growing up I think Dan and my father would’ve had some great conversations. He was a large part of forming a wrestling and weight training program in the town where we grew up. He talked of times that when he was training they used to go into the boiler room of the HS to cut weight, they used truck parts and cement blocks to train with for GRIP strength his hands were like stones.
I had told him the Hawks have some great young talent but I did not get the chance to let him know how they did this weekend he always like to hear how they were doing.
He did not have to get me into wrestling it was in our blood. He was great man and a Wrestler for life you did good Dad.

I'm sorry for your loss. This country seems to be lacking good dads lately, sounds like you had a great one.

He's looking down on you and someday you will meet again.
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