My gwad Kansas is awful!

Kansas has been bad for years, (except for one year when the heavy coach was there, later came to ISU), and they are not getting any better.
Kansas has been bad for years, (except for one year when the heavy coach was there, later came to ISU), and they are not getting any better.
Yeah I remember him. The Highway Heavy, Chuck Mangino. ;)
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Kansas just beat TCU... this is a matter of Iowa State just being that good.

TCU is 3-5 with starting qb out right now. Best big play wr/return man kicked off the team few weeks ago. They aren’t that great this year now either. Anyone with eyes can tell Kansas is horrible.
The sooner you guys realize that isu is far superior to us and the B1G is merely a pimple on the ass of the far superior big 12, the better. We don’t even compare to this monster conference. Heck, they are more comparable to the afc east then they are the B1G.
TV is drooling over Hakeem Butler being an NFL talent. Maybe, but Kansas is so bad it's hard to tell his skill level. just confirms what everyone already knows...B12 is bad.

The Big XII and B1G Ten are very similar this year. A lot of parity on top, no real dominant team, though, in either conference.

I do think there are more teams in the B1G Ten that are more competitive in comparison to the Big XII, but I also think there are more bad teams in the B1G Ten, which can easily be explained by the fact the B1G Ten has four more teams.

Overall, there isn't much difference.
The Big XII and B1G Ten are very similar this year. A lot of parity on top, no real dominant team, though, in either conference.

I do think there are more teams in the B1G Ten that are more competitive in comparison to the Big XII, but I also think there are more bad teams in the B1G Ten, which can easily be explained by the fact the B1G Ten has four more teams.

Overall, there isn't much difference.
Agreed...but I never said the B10 was good, either
TV is drooling over Hakeem Butler being an NFL talent. Maybe, but Kansas is so bad it's hard to tell his skill level.

Seems like I was hearing the same thing about an ISU receiver just last year. What's that guy doing now?
It seems hard for some to admit isu is a good team, which is hard to understand. Wouldn't you rather be known for beating a good isu team than a bad one?
I think ISU is good but is in a horrible conference. OKie is awesome offensively but hell they fired their D coordinator halfway through the year. Texas lost to Maryland for God's sake. I personally think ISU is the second best team in that pillow fight conference. Look, there is a reason the Big 12 has about the same number of kids drafted as the MAC. And that isn't new. 2 years ago I think when Iowa played and beat Michigan there were as many kids in that game drafted that year as the entire Big 12. And Iowa wasn't exactly a juggernaut that year.
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They are terrible! the "The Men Who Built America" pic. That was a great series on the History channel.They have had quite a few good series
Men who 'built' America? LMAO. What a garbage, propaganda piece. They didn't build shit. Underpaid white people, and the damn near slave labor of blacks and immigrants, 'built' this country. Should have been called, "the men who monopolized and Capitalized America and led the way to our absolutely corrupt central banking system {Federal Reserve]". People are just SO ignorant and brainwashed, it's amazing. And I am NOT a democrat, so don't start that crap, I am just an informed, and wide awake person. Thanks.
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Men who 'built' America? LMAO. What a garbage, propaganda piece. They didn't build shit. Underpaid white people, and the damn near slave labor of blacks and immigrants, 'built' this country. Should have been called, "the men who monopolized and Capitalized America and led the way to our absolutely corrupt central banking system {Federal Reserve]". People are just SO ignorant and brainwashed, it's amazing. And I am NOT a democrat, so don't start that crap, I am just an informed, and wide awake person. Thanks.
Didn't mean to get your panties in a wad. A lot of what you said is true. I just like those dramatization series because it gives a small taste what the culture/etc was like back then
Didn't mean to get your panties in a wad. A lot of what you said is true. I just like those dramatization series because it gives a small taste what the culture/etc was like back then
Oh, well then I apologize. I like period pieces for those reasons as well. I don't like glorifying those Corporatist Oligarchs, if you didn't notice. :)
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Wow. Just, wow. I don't think I've ever seen a play like that. QB shovels the ball to a receiver's back, it bounces off and is nearly intercepted.
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Men who 'built' America? LMAO. What a garbage, propaganda piece. They didn't build shit. Underpaid white people, and the damn near slave labor of blacks and immigrants, 'built' this country. Should have been called, "the men who monopolized and Capitalized America and led the way to our absolutely corrupt central banking system {Federal Reserve]". People are just SO ignorant and brainwashed, it's amazing. And I am NOT a democrat, so don't start that crap, I am just an informed, and wide awake person. Thanks.
