Name the worst owners in pro sports

The current owner of the Lightning, Jeff Vinik, is one of the best owners in all of pro sports - but their ownership in their first 10 years was arguably the biggest shitshow in sports history.
First five or so years they were owned by a Japanese group,the head of which nobody ever met until they were finalizing the deal to sell. They were massively in debt, to the point that the IRS had liens against the team for unpaid payroll taxes & the State of FL had liens against them for unpaid sales tax on the concession sales. There's always been suspicion that it was a money laundering front for some Japanese organized crime families.
One prospective buyer turned out to be a guy who was essentially trying to fund the purchase through a Ponzi scheme. The eventual next owner was insurance huckster Art Williams (the guy credited with coining the slogan "buy term & invest the rest." He was a hillbilly with no clue about hockey, lost his ass in a hurry & sold the team a year later, to the former owner of the Detroit Pistons. He was a bit better, but things spiraled downward again when he kicked the bucket.
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So many to choose from...

Jeanie Buss was handed a gold mine and seems somewhat clueless on how to build on to a gold standard organization.

Jerrah Jones is in the same ilk; the man refuses to acknowledge he doesn't know how to manage a roster or salary cap and hand the reigns to someone smarter than he. I love watching it.

The Angles owner is Arte Moreno; his inability to build around Trout and Ohatani, or trade them for a boat load of future talent, has been entertaining to watch. Not trading Ohatani at the deadline last year is one of the singular greatest fails I've ever seen in professional sports.