Accountability, not amnesty is what is needed. We had multiple people right here on HROT backing (some probably still do) this ridiculous bs. You know who you are and yes you should be ashamed of yourselves.
"The problem was not people's ignorance of the facts
, it was the organized antagonism and censorship against anyone presenting data that was contradictory to the mandate agenda. This is setting aside proclamations like those from the LA Times, which argued that mocking the deaths of "anti-vaxxers" might be
necessary and justified. After two years of this type of arrogant nonsense it's hard to imagine people will be willing to pretend as if all is well.
The active effort to shut down any opposing data is the root crime, though, and no, it can never be forgotten or forgiven."
"One cannot help but notice that the timing of the Atlantic's appeal for passive forgetfulness coincides with the swiftly approaching midterm elections, in which polls suggest a much greater chance of a conservative upset than Democrats previously expected. Though the Atlantic doesn't admit it, there is a growing political backlash to the last two years of meaningless lockdowns and mandates, and Democrats were instrumental in the implementation of both. A large swath of the population sees one party as the cause of much of their covid era strife.
Perhaps the mainstream media is suddenly realizing that they may have to face some payback for their covid zealotry? “
We didn't know! We were just following orders!” It all sounds rather familiar."
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero