I’m just waiting for the other team to pull a gun on Clark one of these games and for the refs to say, “incidental contact, play on.”
Sides’s comment about continuing to send video clips into the league office doesn’t go far enough. She needs to say, we’ve been sending videos into the league to try to get them to clean things up but if they don’t do that soon we’re going to take care of the matters ourselves.
If the WNBA wants to be legitimate, they will either put a stop to the BS with explicit instructions to the refs, owners, and coaches about what is and isn’t acceptable with fines and suspensions forthcoming for violations. Or we’ll end up with the 70s-90s NBA where players punch it out on the court.
For these women on $64k annual contracts like Carter, a $5k fine is going to be pretty noticeable to them considering it would be after taxes.