I've mentioned this before, but Al Yellon over at BCB posts these little exercises regularly during the Winter. He takes a picture and challenges you to guess the date. Yellon can be a little acidic, but his Cubs knowledge is encyclopedic. I always make it a point to stop and say hi when I'm in the bleachers, or at a ST game.
Today's example is a simple picture, with very little to go on, but he whittles it down to a very, very good guess. It's amazing what he, and the other readers, can do with a picture that may only show a few details. But, again, he knows his stuff. In today's post there are mentions of what year the baskets on the OF walls were installed, and when were the equipment gates painted blue versus red. What patches were the players wearing, and were they wearing pants with a belt... Can you guess what year this Fergie Jenkins picture was taken?