*****Official Indiana at Iowa Game Thread*****

And to say I don’t is ridiculous, but I assure you, the outcome is much better when supporting team than turning your backs. You sure want to relish when times are g

no point in replying to such ignorance!!
You obviously don’t care about wins and losses. At all. Your posts here prove that. You claim to be some sort of superior “Superfan”, and yet those of us who actually CARE....the ones who offer both praise and criticism as warranted, are 100x the fan you claim to be.

Those of us that want/hope the Hawks to do well and succeed have a lot invested emotionally.

Criticism and being unhappy with a loss (particularly when the Hawks play badly), is not “turning our backs” on them. It means we care. You obviously do not.

Now......crawl back into your hole, so can re-emerge after the next loss to lecture us again.
Great thread! :)
