*****Official Indiana at Iowa Game Thread*****

A lot of last minute movement towards hawks

I’d say Iowa by 15. This is the most uninteresting of an Indiana team as I have ever seen. Could be Archie’s last season. You guys will get a hell of a lot more resistance from us in Football next season.
Rutgers fans have to be even more pissed about not dancing last year.. they’re out looking in after tonight.
They will play hard on defense but they struggle to score, worse than 5 of my buddies on Karaoke night. They’re a more talented Todd Lickliter Iowa team.
Don’t even start.. there’s literally no such thing as a Lick comparison
Rutgers really playing poorly. The close game we had with them at the RAC would have looked like a cheap loss if Iowa hadn't won. NW also in a funk. Both Rutgers and NW lost their 3pt shooting mojo.