So, what's the solution for meaningful peace? You can call the Palestinaians red headed step children, but they are there. The are not all terrorists. As I have stated before, Israel occupied the Gaza Strip for many, many years. They pulled out, but left a feckless PA in charge, and have done everything they can to strangle the economy and make living conditions harsh in Gaza.
It is untenable. Nothing excuses what's going on now, especially the hostage taking, but Netanyahu has benefited from a continued low intensity conflict during his tenure. He did nothing to solve the issues, and in fact ushered in harsher policies when he resumed office, and brought in ultra hard right coalition members to keep himself afloat politically. If you read the writings of some of the people Netanyahu has put into his government you see the same strident tones as from the most radicalized Palestinians.
Tell me the end game in which the Palestinians are able to prosper and live peacefully with Israel?