**** Official Israel War thread****

To summarize, it was probably a combination of European and American involvement in the local affairs of the Middle Eastern nations after WWII which has brought us to this point.

If we could just reverse course and they could go back to their long history of peace in the region.

What I do not understand is you pointing out WW2 as some turning point of the west getting involved in the middle east.

It was after WW1 that the Allies defeated the Ottoman Empire...who was fighting with the Germany and Austria/Hungary as part of the central powers...that is when Europe started having a large influence.

In WW2 Palestine was sided with Germany.

In both cases...they lost...losing has repercussions.

No question there was an outsized amount of people from the west now in middle east.

Just like the others that lost...they did not get complete control for a good while.

Germany and Japan also went through the same occupation...and they made the decision, eventually, to become part of the world and get along. Not so much for large portions of the Middle East...they were more concerned with who was the right kind of Muslim or who was the correct Abrahamic religion...and had no problem killing each other over it. Basically only Saudi was like hey...we are going to be Muslim and maybe not be all that modern culturally...but going to stay stable enough to get rich off their oil.

Thinking the West caused the problems in the Middle East is ignoring that region was almost always in a state of War before the West existed.
AP story about people attempting to get to Israel to serve. Citizens being called up. Citizens volunteering. And, non Israeli Jews who feel compelled to assist in any way they can.
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Amswer me this, how is it the supposed "open air prison" that is Gaza, that can supposedly not be run as functioning state bc of Israel's tight controls over everything including importing and exporting of goods, is somehow able to import thousands of missles, firearms, rocket launchers, grenades, assault vehicles etc...? Maybe, just maybe, Gaza is a hell hole bc the people running it want it to be a hell hole and have no interest in improving conditions. The world needs to wake up and realize this isn't an Israeli "occupation" problem, it's a Hamas/Hezbolah/Iran problem. If Gaza wanted to become a thriving modern city, it easily could and Israel would welcome it completely. But until that happens, the terrorist networks need to be crushed until they're gone, no matter how long it takes.
I've been avoiding this thread, not because I'm not interested, but because unlike Ukraine/Russia (where it's easy to be on the correct side), it's really easy to say stupid things when it comes to Israel, Gaza, West Bank. And that goes for whichever side you support.

There are a LOT of really bad, simple non nuanced comments regarding the hostilities and proposed solutions, and very, very few good, astute observations.
IMO Hamas’s plan was to sacrifice thousands of Palestinian lives to paint Israel in as bad a light as possible to try and drum up Arab support.

They slaughtered civilian Jewish people knowing the only response had to be brutal military action.

This is the only thing that makes sense to me. Shows you how awful Hamas is.

I'm suspicious that this thing got out of control for Hamas,.. Decapitated babies and burnt corpses don't build support for your cause...
Southern US border... "I'm fleeing Hamas",... "Right this way sir, welcome to America"...

Pretty good boats those wily Palestinians have. Just a quick trip out the Mediterranean, across the Atlantic and through the Gulf of Mexico, right? 😂 😂 😂 😂

Pretty good boats those wily Palestinians have. Just a quick trip out the Mediterranean, across the Atlantic and through the Gulf of Mexico, right? 😂 😂 😂 😂

Pretty good boats those wily Palestinians have. Just a quick trip out the Mediterranean, across the Atlantic and through the Gulf of Mexico, right? 😂 😂 😂 😂

The US southern border is currently being crossed by individuals coming from all over the world, and Palestinians fleeing Hamas would actually have a valid amnesty claim,.. Their choice however. They can remain in Palestine and die a senseless death...
You really ought to take a history class or two.

Iran has been around for thousands of years more than we have.

In fact, it was the US which set the current Iran into existence by overthrowing the parliamentarian nation of Iran in a coup organized by our CIA in 1953, urged on by the British MI6, because Iran had decided to nationalize their British-owned oil industry. We established the rule of the Shah following the coup until the Iranian Revolution in 1979, which I assume is when you came into the picture.

IMO, the biggest current problem in the Middle East originates from Western European nations colonizing the ME following WWI, where England and France divided up the spoils of the former Ottoman Empire after the war, and the following Holocaust which Germany instituted in their retribution efforts against France and Great Britain from WWI. If one wants to dig deep enough, they would probably also find that Israel was born out of terrorism from the Jewish/Zionist nation founders (Irgun) as they attempted to drive Great Britain out of Palestine by blowing up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946. Of course, that wasn't the only terrorist act committed by the Irgun, but it was probably the biggest blow. The Irgun were very ruthless, kind of like other players in the region today.

To summarize, it was probably a combination of European and American involvement in the local affairs of the Middle Eastern nations after WWII which has brought us to this point.

And, here we are today, no closer to a peaceful settlement in this part of the world after over a century of political strife.

So, where do we go from here?
Great post.

I'm about halfway through this podcast series that a buddy shared with me and feel like it provides a lot of great detail into the history of both sides and their current conflicts. It's long but if you have some time, it's really interesting and provides some good perspective.

Here is Part one: