I'm confused about inflation was it at 9% when Biden took over or was it at 9% after a stimulus package in 2022?
Also citizens are just struggling. The everything is fine rhetoric is going to crush Biden.

A lot of citizens are struggling paying $200 Dish/Direct bills and another $100 or more for cell phones. Otherwise, no.
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Wait, you think Ds are the ones concerned with trans, gays, and any other boogeyman? That is purely Rs stoking those issues and Ds pushing back saying let these people live their lives. I totally agree that Biden Admin needs to use the look how far we have come through the mess of Covid and the damage the former admin got us into. We have righted the ship and things have improved but we have more work to do for Main Street Americans and that’s our focus in the second term. None of this matters until about August. By then they need to have their message locked in, and make that hard push and hope they can demonstrate economy/inflation are improving more.
I’m simply explaining what perception among average people is. I am not endorsing or cosigning anything.

Huey and Joe’s Place don’t get it, and likely never will.
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Explain it to me like I'm 5... because where I'm sitting you are the one who isn't getting it
You truly think 51% or more of Americans are happy and satisfied with the price of filling up their vehicle, going to grocery store and the cost of keeping a roof over their head?
He fell asleep in the middle of it.

Stronger economy? How so……could you define? Record low UNemployment numbers today….strong wage gains being recorded…employers are hiring all levels of labor….what do you mean “Stronger economy”? You want an economy that has never existed before…except in your mind. There are no guarantees in a capitalistic economy.
Record low unemployment due, in part, to migrant labor, gig jobs, people going back to work after pandemic. Inflation still too high, good jobs still going overseas, and if Biden Administration (as is expected) allows the Trump tax cuts to expire, that will cause more pain for consumers.
Trump will get smoked... remember Hillary was supposed to win, remember red Tsunami, etc.

Roe v Wade is going to kill MAGA, that all the the GOP money is going to Trump's legal fees
You may be right, but as of this moment that’s not what the polls and general feeling is around the country. If Biden was so confident (as you are) I doubt he would have agreed to debate Trump.
Let's not forget that, much like in life, Trump inherited gold but claims he built everything from scratch.

Biden on the other hand, inherited an economy in shambles coming out of Covid. Idiots like Hans (and all of Ryan's other handles) ignore these facts.
Wow…an inflation rate of 1.9%, low gas prices, etc when Biden took over - the economy was really in “shambles”. 🤔
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No huey, they are not, there is zero truth to "inflation way down", inflation is now rising on year over year over year numbers.

The US real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is the slowest pace since the second quarter of 2022. This is lower than the long-term average of 3.18%. In the fourth quarter of 2023, real GDP increased 3.4%.

Bureau of Economic Analysis

"Record stock market"

The market is in the shitter right now foe anyone who doesn't have NVDA. It certainly isn't a "record" unless you have one obscure stock.

Biden has been fact checked on "record jobs" everytime he has written it.

"Super low unemployment"

and by the way as you look at those numbers we have been flooded with millions of "asylum seekers" who are nor on the unemployment books but are using a shit ton of resources.

So again, I will ask, do you know how full of shit you are or do you just regurgitate?
And the mike drops!
We have a bifurcated economy,.. If you own your home, have a good paying job, and are invested in the market things look pretty good,.. If you're renting, working for an hourly wage, and don't have anything to invest, you're hanging by a thread...
Wow…an inflation rate of 1.9%, low gas prices, etc when Biden took over - the economy was really in “shambles”. 🤔

Don't forget the vaccine,.. Biden came into office poised for the greatest come back this country has ever seen,.. The table was set.
Yes; it does.

Miscarriages generally require intervention. Drugs or surgical.
You are voting for people who want to ban those drugs and procedures, which WILL impact ALL of these people.
I’m not an expert on miscarriages, but the cases that I know of, no drugs or surgical procedures were required.
Inflation is not way down. What are you talking about?

These same talking points got Hillary defeated and will likely get Joe Biden beaten if this is what he wants to hang his hat on. Joe Biden’s message needs to be that his administration helped weather the economic storm created by COVID but that he recognizes Americans are still hurting and that there is a lot more work to be done in his second term. Biden taking a victory lap over your talking points appeals to no one outside lib land.

In other words, Biden and libs like you and Joe’s Place continuing to tout the stock market and jobs is not going to move the needle for average voters nostalgic for the days of Trump’s first presidency. The fact is average people are working two jobs, see no benefit from the stock market, and can barely afford housing and groceries let alone car payments and insurance. Joe Biden’s message of “they have the money” isn’t going to sit well with anyone paying attention to what he is saying.

The truth is Biden is losing support among women and black voters. Right now, they see Democratic policies mostly concerned with culture wars, transgenderism, and their tax dollars getting sent overseas to fund foreign wars. They don’t like it one bit.

If Trump weren’t such a miserable piece of shit, he would have my vote in November.
What is Trump's plan for inflation?
I’m not an expert on miscarriages, but the cases that I know of, no drugs or surgical procedures were required.

D&C is a fairly common post miscarriage surgical procedure, which some here like to inaccurately equate to being the same as an abortion,... Not the same, dead tissue vs living tissue.
We have a bifurcated economy,.. If you own your home, have a good paying job, and are invested in the market things look pretty good,.. If you're renting, working for an hourly wage, and don't have anything to invest, you're hanging by a thread...
And you think Donald Trump will help low wage earners?
No. I am talking about 26%+ of the pregnancies that can require medical (drug) or surgical intervention to prevent worse complications. That's well north of your "5%" claim.
You have just used your own words to conflate 2 things.


You "can" kiss my ass.

Joe, do you have kids? Have gone through what it actually takes to get pregnant when it isn't a "whoops"?

Miscarriages are fairly common, and are horrible for the females body/mind. They are VASTLY different than a abortion.
D&C is a fairly common post miscarriage surgical procedure, which some here like to inaccurately equate to being the same as an abortion,... Not the same, dead tissue vs living tissue.

The people you vote for ban both. Because the non-viable fetus can still have S-A node pulsing they refer to as a "heartbeat". This is precisely what happened to a woman in Ireland, who ended up going septic and dying because she could not get the D&C procedure, due to the "fetal heartbeat".

Ireland rose up from that disgusting incident, and overturned their "bans" on abortions.
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You have just used your own words to conflate 2 things.
They're the same thing, idiot.

The folks you vote for ban every one of those procedures AND the "abortion drugs" used to facilitate terminating a miscarriage.

Those same drugs are given for cancer screenings, and the bans you support will prevent their use for that as well.
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You want to vote for thr guy who had been there for 40 years because you think the guy that was handcuffed for 4 is the problem.....
Again, the Rs prove they want to keep up carrots for the rich and sticks for the poor. You guys have slashed unemployment help, killed unions, and reduced worker protections and blocked minimum wage increase. Meanwhile, you guys hand out massive tax cuts for the rich. Pretty clear Rs will only make this problem worse.
They're the same thing, idiot.

The folks you vote for ban every one of those procedures AND the "abortion drugs" used to facilitate terminating a miscarriage.

Those same drugs are given for cancer screenings, and the bans you support will prevent their use for that as well.
You think a miscarriage is the same as an abortion....

No fu.cking way.
They are terminated using the SAME procedures and drugs as abortions.

And your elected legislators ban ALL of them with vague laws.
Joe a miscarriage is a natural event. You are really showing your ass.

A medically indiced miscarriage is called an abortion. That's in no way a natural event.

This is a great opportunity for one of the dem females to tell Joe he is an idiot and grab some credibility.
You think a miscarriage is the same as an abortion....
The drugs and procedures are IDENTICAL.

And non-viable fetuses OFTEN still have S-A node activity - or what your uneducated legislators refer to as "a heartbeat". And that's the criteria they use to deny resolution of the miscarriage. Until a woman's health deteriorates to the point she needs emergency care.
The drugs and procedures are IDENTICAL.

And non-viable fetuses OFTEN still have S-A node activity - or what your uneducated legislators refer to as "a heartbeat". And that's the criteria they use to deny resolution of the miscarriage. Until a woman's health deteriorates to the point she needs emergency care.
Joe, the 26% figure that you gave is all miscarriages.

I'm going to ask you again, have you ever tried conceiving a child with your partner?

They miss alot more than they take after a certain age bud and every one of those blood clots is a miscarriage.