I will say that Trump is an absolute chicken shit fighter. He refused to testify himself so sent in Costello, who his defense didn't want, so that Costello could do the fighting. And Costello promptly got ripped to shreds. Imagine being such a wimp that you send in somebody else to do your fighting and that person doesn't even know how.
He's too brainwashed to know that data was added AFTER the repair shop got it, meaning that any information from it is compromised

FBI (IIRC) did not have the actual laptop, they had a mirror of the drive data and could not verify the authenticity of any files on it due to the convoluted chain of custody.
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Hans doesn’t know either. Doesn’t much care, I’m sure.
Well, inflation was lower during Trump’s first term so his administration should be able to figure it out again. 😉
What does he even need to campaign for? Just watch a video of the one last week. Same shit different day. I’d really love to hear what his plan to fight inflation is…🙄

What does he even need to campaign for? Just watch a video of the one last week. Same shit different day. I’d really love to hear what his plan to fight inflation is…🙄
Agreed, Trump probably doesn’t need to campaign much, particularly after watching some of Biden’s recent “campaign” speeches.😉 However, it would be nice to at least have the opportunity to campaign.
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I know I’ve said it before, but I don’t understand how or why people defend Trump and his sleazy and disgusting behavior/actions. The same people say he’s a great businessman but in reality he’s gone bankrupt many times and has been proven to be a fraud. He’s not an honest hard working man who built and empire… his daddy gave it to him. He’s not a religious person. He’s not a faithful husband. He’s constantly lying and being disrespectful towards others. I’m trying to find a single redeeming quality and I can’t and yet soooo many seem devoted to him without any true honest explanation.
It’s policy-driven for me. Trump’s character is not defensible, yet many politicians (including Biden) have skeletons in their closets.
Whatever. Trump did what we all know he did. Paid a porn star (or is it 2?) to keep quiet during an election and cooking the books to hide the money. This courtroom stuff is window dressing. Official verdict notwithstanding, he's guilty.
Yet the “average citizen” (if there is such a thing anymore) cares more about inflation, the border, crime etc than the outcome of this trial.
Because he appeals to the angry people. He appeals to the people who are socially constrained from being a racist or a misogynist. He appeals to the people who are aggrieved that they cannot throw words like fa**ot, or ni**er around anymore. He does that for them. He was born rounding 3rd base with his pockets stuffed full of his dad's money, but so many people who aren't doing well think he's out there fighting for them.
Plus, it's a cult.
Rrrriiigggghhhhttttt. 🤪
You want to change the US political system to that in Europe?

Anyway, this is what happens when I bring this up. People ignore it or change the subject. What is the attraction or redeeming quality Trump possesses or has you supporting him?
Stronger economy, border security, et al.
More soldiers died under Trumps watch. Border was no more secure… he just sent people back faster, but those people still cross again. His lack of initial response to Covid began the issues for supply issues and crap that caused prices to surge combined with his tax cuts got us to this point. He’s constantly disrespectful towards soldiers and refused to visit the US cemetery in France be side it was raining and didn’t understand why all those soldiers signed up to die.

But other countries did increase some NATO spending so yea! Let’s celebrate he was voted out so NATO still exists vs Trumps threat to pull out.
I quit reading when you said … Border was more secure. 😉
Yes, anyone that supports a piece of shit human, like Trump, is a piece of shit human also...I don't make the rule

Flaws?!? That's some funny shit right there
The rants of Dems get louder/more hysterical as they look at the current election polls. 😉

FBI (IIRC) did not have the actual laptop, they had a mirror of the drive data and could not verify the authenticity of any files on it due to the convoluted chain of custody.
So, the crazy pics of Hunter are fake…darn now I lost all respect for him!
Stronger economy, border security, et al.
Stronger economy? How so……could you define? Record low UNemployment numbers today….strong wage gains being recorded…employers are hiring all levels of labor….what do you mean “Stronger economy”? You want an economy that has never existed before…except in your mind. There are no guarantees in a capitalistic economy.
Stronger economy? How so……could you define? Record low UNemployment numbers today….strong wage gains being recorded…employers are hiring all levels of labor….what do you mean “Stronger economy”? You want an economy that has never existed before…except in your mind. There are no guarantees in a capitalistic economy.
Let's not forget that, much like in life, Trump inherited gold but claims he built everything from scratch.

Biden on the other hand, inherited an economy in shambles coming out of Covid. Idiots like Hans (and all of Ryan's other handles) ignore these facts.
All of these are true. So sorry that reality doesn't match your MAGAt world.
No huey, they are not, there is zero truth to "inflation way down", inflation is now rising on year over year over year numbers.

The US real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is the slowest pace since the second quarter of 2022. This is lower than the long-term average of 3.18%. In the fourth quarter of 2023, real GDP increased 3.4%.

Bureau of Economic Analysis

"Record stock market"

The market is in the shitter right now foe anyone who doesn't have NVDA. It certainly isn't a "record" unless you have one obscure stock.

Biden has been fact checked on "record jobs" everytime he has written it.

"Super low unemployment"

and by the way as you look at those numbers we have been flooded with millions of "asylum seekers" who are nor on the unemployment books but are using a shit ton of resources.

So again, I will ask, do you know how full of shit you are or do you just regurgitate?
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