Uh, yes. This is a fact.

And US inflation has been under what most other Western nations have experienced.
Use the Google Machine to ferret that one out if you need to. Your brain is rotted from rightwing "sources".
I'm not going through the rest of the world using a the united states dollar and we are the independent variable which makes them the dependent variable with you again. Of course their numbers are going to be in relation to ours, frankly, if we have the dollar foe the dollar we should always be leading countries dependent on the dollar.
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All of these are true. So sorry that reality doesn't match your MAGAt world.
Inflation is not way down. What are you talking about?

These same talking points got Hillary defeated and will likely get Joe Biden beaten if this is what he wants to hang his hat on. Joe Biden’s message needs to be that his administration helped weather the economic storm created by COVID but that he recognizes Americans are still hurting and that there is a lot more work to be done in his second term. Biden taking a victory lap over your talking points appeals to no one outside lib land.

In other words, Biden and libs like you and Joe’s Place continuing to tout the stock market and jobs is not going to move the needle for average voters nostalgic for the days of Trump’s first presidency. The fact is average people are working two jobs, see no benefit from the stock market, and can barely afford housing and groceries let alone car payments and insurance. Joe Biden’s message of “they have the money” isn’t going to sit well with anyone paying attention to what he is saying.

The truth is Biden is losing support among women and black voters. Right now, they see Democratic policies mostly concerned with culture wars, transgenderism, and their tax dollars getting sent overseas to fund foreign wars. They don’t like it one bit.

If Trump weren’t such a miserable piece of shit, he would have my vote in November.
Inflation is not way down. What are you talking about?

These same talking points got Hillary defeated and will likely get Joe Biden beaten if this is what he wants to hang his hat on. Joe Biden’s message needs to be that his administration helped weather the economic storm created by COVID but that he recognizes Americans are still hurting and that there is a lot more work to be done in his second term. Biden taking a victory lap over your talking points appeals to no one outside lib land.

In other words, Biden and libs like you and Joe’s Place continuing to tout the stock market and jobs is not going to move the needle for average voters nostalgic for the days of Trump’s first presidency. The fact is average people are working two jobs, see no benefit from the stock market, and can barely afford housing and groceries let alone car payments and insurance. Joe Biden’s message of “they have the money” isn’t going to sit well with anyone paying attention to what he is saying.

The truth is Biden is losing support among women and black voters. Right now, they see Democratic policies mostly concerned with culture wars, transgenderism, and their tax dollars getting sent overseas to fund foreign wars. They don’t like it one bit.

If Trump weren’t such a miserable piece of shit, he would have my vote in November.

Inflation is not way down. What are you talking about?

These same talking points got Hillary defeated and will likely get Joe Biden beaten if this is what he wants to hang his hat on. Joe Biden’s message needs to be that his administration helped weather the economic storm created by COVID but that he recognizes Americans are still hurting and that there is a lot more work to be done in his second term. Biden taking a victory lap over your talking points appeals to no one outside lib land.

In other words, Biden and libs like you and Joe’s Place continuing to tout the stock market and jobs is not going to move the needle for average voters nostalgic for the days of Trump’s first presidency. The fact is average people are working two jobs, see no benefit from the stock market, and can barely afford housing and groceries let alone car payments and insurance. Joe Biden’s message of “they have the money” isn’t going to sit well with anyone paying attention to what he is saying.

The truth is Biden is losing support among women and black voters. Right now, they see Democratic policies mostly concerned with culture wars, transgenderism, and their tax dollars getting sent overseas to fund foreign wars. They don’t like it one bit.

If Trump weren’t such a miserable piece of shit, he would have my vote in November.
Less than 5% of Americans will ever have to make a decision regarding abortion.

100% will buy milk.

They are going to go after Roe v Wade hard after teump and frankly I think they used all the gas.
Then don't.

If the USD is the cause of inflation, then our inflation #s should be worse than everyone else.
Worldwide inflation is much worse than US.
When you say dumb shit like this "then don't use the US dollar" it reminds me that not once have you ever been able to speak a single negative word about China and you are actually a Chinese shill.

Xi is a cum guzzler and Taiwan is about to hand China it's ass.
I'm confused about inflation was it at 9% when Biden took over or was it at 9% after a stimulus package in 2022?
Also citizens are just struggling. The everything is fine rhetoric is going to crush Biden.
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I'm confused about inflation was it at 9% when Biden took over or was it at 9% after a stimulus package in 2022?
Also citizens are just struggling. The everything is fine rhetoric is going to crush Biden.
"They have the money."

One thing is for sure, when I read post by guys like huey I think, that guy has money.
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It's not the reason for worldwide inflation, Cletus.
Not when US inflation is on the LOW end of the spectrum.
Go back and read you notes on the relationship of depending and independent variables and then remind yourself they use are dollar for all trades while you put together the pieces on how we might represent the baseline in those transactions.
Go back and read you notes on the relationship of depending and independent variables and then remind yourself they use are dollar for all trades

Why are their currencies still comparable to USD, then?

If USD "inflated" so much, everyone else's currency should be trading accordingly. But that hasn't happened.
Let's hear your explanation on that one.
What you wrote is FALSE.

26%+ of pregnancies end in miscarriage. One-fourth.
That has nothing to do with this:

Less than 5% of Americans will ever have to make a decision regarding abortion.

And Joe, respectfully, right now you are showing your ass that you've never had to try to have children. That 26 % isn't people who DIDNT want to keep the child.

Laymans: You don't get an abortion when your wife passes a 8 week old blood clot. Which is what the number you brought in is discussing.
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That has nothing to do with this:

Less than 5% of Americans will ever have to make a decision regarding abortion.

Again: FALSE

1/4 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, with many/most requiring intervention.
That's 25% of Americans who decide to start families directly impacted, not "5%".

And when you consider relatives/families/siblings, that number is even higher.
Again: FALSE

1/4 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, with many/most requiring intervention.
That's 25% of Americans who decide to start families directly impacted, not "5%".

And when you consider relatives/families/siblings, that number is even higher.
You are talking about 2 things you and trying to conflate them.

If your wife is 8 weeks pregnant and passes what looks like a giant clob of blood in the toilet, you go to the doctor, that isn't "making a decision regarding abortion".

Joe do you hav kids? Did you and youe wife have to tey to get pregnant?
Inflation is not way down. What are you talking about?

These same talking points got Hillary defeated and will likely get Joe Biden beaten if this is what he wants to hang his hat on. Joe Biden’s message needs to be that his administration helped weather the economic storm created by COVID but that he recognizes Americans are still hurting and that there is a lot more work to be done in his second term. Biden taking a victory lap over your talking points appeals to no one outside lib land.

In other words, Biden and libs like you and Joe’s Place continuing to tout the stock market and jobs is not going to move the needle for average voters nostalgic for the days of Trump’s first presidency. The fact is average people are working two jobs, see no benefit from the stock market, and can barely afford housing and groceries let alone car payments and insurance. Joe Biden’s message of “they have the money” isn’t going to sit well with anyone paying attention to what he is saying.

The truth is Biden is losing support among women and black voters. Right now, they see Democratic policies mostly concerned with culture wars, transgenderism, and their tax dollars getting sent overseas to fund foreign wars. They don’t like it one bit.

If Trump weren’t such a miserable piece of shit, he would have my vote in November.
Damn, you're an idiot. Can't handle the good economic news so pivot to trans bashing. Par for the course for people like you.
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Yes; it does.

Miscarriages generally require intervention. Drugs or surgical.
You are voting for people who want to ban those drugs and procedures, which WILL impact ALL of these people.
Aging, you don't have any leg to stand on regarding "abortions" so youbare trying to bring in "miscarriage" which has never and will never be voted on.

The fact you don't know the difference leads the to believe you don't have a ton of knowledge regarding pregnancy.
It’s policy-driven for me. Trump’s character is not defensible, yet many politicians (including Biden) have skeletons in their closets.
Ok let’s hear the great policy Trump had in place. Tax cuts don’t count cuz any R would have done so. Judges don’t really count either cuz Biden is in office churning out judges too… its part of the game.
Ok let’s hear the great policy Trump had in place. Tax cuts don’t count cuz any R would have done so. Judges don’t really count either cuz Biden is in office churning out judges too… its part of the game.
Tax cuts didn’t do much for economic growth. GDP post tax cuts was virtually the same pre tax cuts. No spike in growth . Big spike in deficits though.
Inflation is not way down. What are you talking about?

These same talking points got Hillary defeated and will likely get Joe Biden beaten if this is what he wants to hang his hat on. Joe Biden’s message needs to be that his administration helped weather the economic storm created by COVID but that he recognizes Americans are still hurting and that there is a lot more work to be done in his second term. Biden taking a victory lap over your talking points appeals to no one outside lib land.

In other words, Biden and libs like you and Joe’s Place continuing to tout the stock market and jobs is not going to move the needle for average voters nostalgic for the days of Trump’s first presidency. The fact is average people are working two jobs, see no benefit from the stock market, and can barely afford housing and groceries let alone car payments and insurance. Joe Biden’s message of “they have the money” isn’t going to sit well with anyone paying attention to what he is saying.

The truth is Biden is losing support among women and black voters. Right now, they see Democratic policies mostly concerned with culture wars, transgenderism, and their tax dollars getting sent overseas to fund foreign wars. They don’t like it one bit.

If Trump weren’t such a miserable piece of shit, he would have my vote in November.
Wait, you think Ds are the ones concerned with trans, gays, and any other boogeyman? That is purely Rs stoking those issues and Ds pushing back saying let these people live their lives. I totally agree that Biden Admin needs to use the look how far we have come through the mess of Covid and the damage the former admin got us into. We have righted the ship and things have improved but we have more work to do for Main Street Americans and that’s our focus in the second term. None of this matters until about August. By then they need to have their message locked in, and make that hard push and hope they can demonstrate economy/inflation are improving more.
Tax cuts didn’t do much for economic growth. GDP post tax cuts was virtually the same pre tax cuts. No spike in growth . Big spike in deficits though.
I agree but most Rs will toss out tax cuts as an achievement.