Oh my. This is the president of the United States.

Freaking impressive if Joe can play actual “mind games” with Trump.
I’d pay to watch that…WAIT A MINUTE THERE’S A DEBATE! 😂

What accomplishments will trump be telling us about? He has so many. lol
Poor Donnie, famous for his name branding of political opponents (Crooked Joe, Traitor Liz, Birdbrain Nikki, Little Marco, etc) has now been saddled with his own unique name brand - Convicted Felon!
He’ll wear it as a badge of honor:) 😉
Looks like Ole Joe is playing mind games with Trump.

He used a troll face

white teeth troll GIF
Chis guy when he reads an anti-Biden post.
Google Pout GIF
Ha! I don't see Chis posts, but for the record my post wasn't anti-Biden, it's just what I think a likely scenario was (maybe not the part about the ice cream, but I guarantee there was someone there waving him over and motioning not to amswer).
I just can't see how they like him. Do they just ignore who he is and always have been?
Its not like. Its extreme fear of Marx which is just dumb.

There is an element of conservative Christians that believe to hold off Biden to hold off Satan and the 2nd coming or surviving it

Racism is entrenched in both parties but worse in the form of fear of loss of white America in some Repubs.

Some will vote for repubs no matter what. Some for Dems no matter what. The fight is on the fringe. The Maga fridge is pretty big.
Ha! I don't see Chis posts, but for the record my post wasn't anti-Biden, it's just what I think a likely scenario was (maybe not the part about the ice cream, but I guarantee there was someone there waving him over and motioning not to amswer).
You're missing 1/2 the board posts.
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Anyone who plays the “I’m not voting for either” card is clearly voting trump. Just too chicken shit to say it.
That's a pretty moronic post. I voted Johnson in 2016, skipped the Presidential vote in 2020 and will again in 2024. I will, however, vote for Colin Allred to oust Ted Cruz this November, though. Ted needs to go...maybe back to Mexico since he seems to like it down there (when it suits him).

I simply refuse to play in the game the GOP and Democrats have forced upon us.
That's a pretty moronic post. I voted Johnson in 2016, skipped the Presidential vote in 2020 and will again in 2024. I will, however, vote for Colin Allred to oust Ted Cruz this November, though. Ted needs to go...maybe back to Mexico since he seems to like it down there (when it suits him).

I simply refuse to play in the game the GOP and Democrats have forced upon us.
Good grief you voted for Johnson? That guy was a moron.
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Not as ignorant or dangerous as Trump. In hindsight, I'm still good with my vote.
There was another choice.

You certainly have the right to have no impact on the Presidential election. Just understand the moral high ground you're trying to claim by doing so doesn't mean shit.
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There was another choice.

You certainly have the right to have no impact on the Presidential election. Just understand the moral high ground you're trying to claim by doing so doesn't mean shit.
I'm okay with that. I looked at Johnson's platform and watched interviews. I liked his stance on a lot of things, like education costs, decriminalization of marijuana, civil liberties, smaller government, etc.

You don't have to like my choice. I don't like Hillary and couldn't stand Trump.
I'm okay with that. I looked at Johnson's platform and watched interviews. I liked his stance on a lot of things, like education costs, decriminalization of marijuana, civil liberties, smaller government, etc.

You don't have to like my choice. I don't like Hillary and couldn't stand Trump.
You chose someone who you knew had zero chance to win. That vote could have been used to try to defeat Trump.
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Really what happened was he wanted to make a quip but knows he is just as fall on his face as be funny so he turned and walked away.

Look at seconds 12 through 15. It's like watching s guy who is shitfaced try to respond but he knows the alcohol won't let him.put together a sentence so he just stays silent.
And most importantly, he resisted the opportunity say anything at all. As my mother taught me….if you have nothing good to say, it’s best to say nothing at all.
Trump’s mother never said that to Donald.
I'm okay with that. I looked at Johnson's platform and watched interviews. I liked his stance on a lot of things, like education costs, decriminalization of marijuana, civil liberties, smaller government, etc.

You don't have to like my choice. I don't like Hillary and couldn't stand Trump.
Good for you!

I didn't vote for President in 2016 because Hillary and Trump were trash candidates. I should have sat out 2020 too, instead of voting for Biden, who I thought would be better than he turned out to be. Lesson learned! I will not be voting for either Trump or Biden this year. I'll either vote 3rd party or nothing. I have voted 3rd party before.

Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you you are "throwing your vote away" if you don't vote D or R. Anyone who votes their conscience is NEVER throwing their vote away! In fact, the ones who are throwing their vote away are the ones who vote for a candidate they don't like, because he/she is "less worse" than the other.

My vote is precious to me, and I guess I value it more than most people do.